The message on the bunting had read “Wishing you a Mary Christmas & Happy New Years”.
This photo has gone viral and many are making fun of it, saying that Malaysian English is on life support etc etc.
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at least my name has been mentioned, thank you |
It's good to have a laugh occasionally as the common scene on the Net and other applications in Malaysia appears to be highly toxic, intolerant and acrimonious.
But I have a different take on the Christmas bunting at Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, poor spelling as it might have.
Kelantan is a state with Islamic dominance, and Malaysia as a federation is also struggling in a tussle between secularism and Islamic rule where at times we could see the gross and sometimes ridiculous religious intolerance.
Yet we see a Christian Christmas greeting in Kota Baru, albeit with errors in its spelling.
Leaving aside the funny spelling (I make such mistakes too, wakakaka and so did some high powered politicians in USA and Australia), surely it has been an amazing manifestation of religious tolerance, mutual respect for fellow Malaysians and goodwill (muhibbah) towards other religions.
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Sapno Tukijo |
I see the glass as half full rather than half empty. I see Sapno Tukijo rather than Zamihan Mat Zin.
Thank you MAHB for your magnificent efforts.
Mary Christmas and Happy New Years, my fliens.
How abt other airports, ada pasang juga ka?
ReplyDeleteKita mesti faham di Kota Bharu, Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa ketiga, selepas Bahasa Kelantan dan Bahasa Malaysia. Namun pun begitu erti sebutan sama. I agree with KT's take.
ReplyDeleteChristmas will continue to be celebrated openly in Malaysia for just a few more years...enjoy it while it lasts.
ReplyDeleteIn nearby Brunei as well as in Aceh "Serambi Mekah" it is illegal to show any public celebration of Christmas, subject to serious legal penalties.
I never expected such a version of Islamic attitudes to rear its ugly head in South East Asia, but here it is...
DeleteKenyataan Mufti Wilayah
Setelah kami amati dan tekuni isu ini dengan berhemah, di samping membincangkan dengan pakar serta kembali kepada rujukan yang muktabar sebagaimana yang telah dilampirkan kesemuanya di atas, maka kami berpendapat hukum mengucapkan Merry Christmas adalah HARUS dan perlu meraikan garis panduan yang telah kami nyatakan. Ini juga selari dengan keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-78 yang bersidang pada 12 Jun 2007, “Memberi ucapan tahniah dan selamat atau mengirimkan ucapan melalui kad atau alat-alat telekomunikasi seperti e-mel atau sistem pesanan ringkas (SMS) dan sebagainya kepada orang bukan Muslim sempena dengan perayaan agama mereka adalah harus, dengan syarat ucapan itu tidak mengiktiraf, memuji atau memuliakan agama bukan Muslim serta tidak menggunakan sebarang simbol atau lambang keagamaan mereka dalam kiriman ucapan tersebut.”
Merry Christmas Monsterball.. don't imagine too much. Malaysia is not Brunei or Aceh.
"Hak-hak golongan minoriti yang bukan Muslim juga perlu diraikan lebih-lebih lagi apabila mereka mengambil hak kewarganegaraan". ~ Syeikh Dr Yusuf al-Qaradhawi dalam bukunya Fi Fiqh al-Awlawiyyat
DeleteMUI Haramkan Seorang Muslim Mengucapkan Selamat Natal
Selasa, 20 Desember 2016 22:12
A matter of time in Malaysia since Indonesia "amat berpengaruh" in Malaysia.
Many Malays still identify with their Indonesian ancestry Bugis or Jawa.
Tuan Monsterball, the article said ritual cannot but ucapan dan menghadiri resepsi boleh. Ok lah tu. Why are you so kanchong one?
DeleteWhat Monsterball fear will come to pass. I am in total agreement. It's no joke because Malaysians are insane, keep voting in BN and keep dreaming they may change one day or keep thinking Harapan is the same as BN or could be even worse so what is the point of changing BN for Harapan.
DeleteMy friends, if you can change BN for Harapan now you will have no qualm to change Harapan for Next if it does not meet your requirement but if you agree that BN is rotten yet you refuse to change BN now because you think there is "no point"! It will become an "inertia", you will never change, it became a habit, exactly what KT and gangs want you to fall into their trap.
What if Harapan is worse than BN? All the more you would change Harapan for Next faster than you would change BN. So fear not if it become worse the Chinese say 先置于死地而後生 is exactly what it means, first let it dies and then it lives.
Remember, KT doesn't want change because it does not affect him. For better or for worse, he is enjoying his life sipping wine with his "72" virgins in the "land of Oz" Wakakaka .......
Peter read this
DeleteIn Christian majority Europe, there are millions of Muslims, who practice their religion freely.
ReplyDeleteIn the Deeply, Deeply, Hated Evil Monster Iblis Satan United States of America, there are more than 3 Million Muslims, who freely and openly practice their religion.
kelantan no hadi, that's y.
DeleteInsanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
ReplyDeleteKeep Voting for UMNO/ BN yet again in GE 14 and expect a better Malaysia is an Exercise in insanity.
If people are not convinced that PH can give a better Malaysia in GE14, then you have no choice but must upgrade your brain so that you do not become insane.