Non-Halal Section In Brand New Supermarket Boarded Up After Protest By Local Assemblyman
(The Rakyat Post) – Barely a day after opening the new Jaya Grocer outlet in Puncak Alam, the entrance to its non-halal section was boarded up following protests from a local assemblyman.
Selangor Assemblyman Mohd Shaid Rosli (PEJUANG-Jeram) shared on Facebook yesterday evening that a memorandum had been sent to the management of the Jaya Grocer outlet in Eco Grandeur, Puncak Alam to protest the sale of alcohol in the store.
Selangor Assemblyman Mohd Shaid Rosli (PEJUANG-Jeram) shared on Facebook yesterday evening that a memorandum had been sent to the management of the Jaya Grocer outlet in Eco Grandeur, Puncak Alam to protest the sale of alcohol in the store.
In the memorandum, the assemblyman stated that the protest against the non-halal section was based on several factors including “respecting the sensitivities of the 90% Muslim population in Puncak Alam” and complaints of “social crimes and fractured family relationships from drinking alcohol.”

He also shared pictures showing the entrance of the non-halal section boarded up, stating that the management had basically agreed to not sell the goods and hoped that they would stick with the decision.

Credit: @shaid.rosli/Facebook

Credit: @shaid.rosli/Facebook
In the post, he also wrote “This is Puncak Alam” and “This is Malay Territory.”
Shaid Rosli
21 hours agoSalam Semua. Saya Telahpun Menghantar Memorandum Kepada Pengurus Operasi Jaya grocer Cawangan ECOWORLD Bandar Puncak Alam.
Alhamdulillah...Mereka Telahpun Tutup Pintu Masuk Ke Bahagian Alkahol & Barangan Non Halal, Setelah Mereka Dapat Info Berkenaan Dengan Bantahan Dari Kita.
Secara Dasarnya Mereka Bersetuju Untuk Tidak Menjual Barang2 Tersebut. Harap Mereka Kekal Dengan Keputusan Itu.
...See MoreOnline backlash
While people commenting directly to the politician’s Facebook post were largely supportive, it also received backlash online.
Some of the criticisms included anger at Shaid Rosli for brewing up racial and religious division.

Screenshot from Facebook
Many also expressed disappointment at Jaya Grocer for caving in to the pressure.

Screenshot from Facebook
Jaya Grocer responds
In response to the growing backlash on its social media following the decision to board up the store’s non-halal section, Jaya Grocer acknowledged the concerns and assured it would keep their customers updated via social media.
Dear all, thank you for raising this issue. Rest assured that your concerns have been heard. Please stay tuned and we will keep you updated about any upcoming changes via social media.
Jaya Grocer via Facebook.
kt notes:
1st step - ban sales of alcohol in Chinese medicine shops, step taken by UMNO balls carrier to PAS and Bersatu;
2nd step in Islamic oppression - ban non-halal section in supermarket but taken by Atuk's man - must regain limelight lah, ta'bolih kalah
this msia religion sound more n more like communist, always want to exert control on people aspect of live, disgusting.
ReplyDelete犬养mfer, still going on with yr regurgitated pack of lies about communist!
Delete"always want to exert control on people aspect of live"
Ain't dickheads, like u, exerting yr verbal controls on every aspect of communist live?
WHO the f*cks r u?
Bleedinghearted katak of the demoNcratic world to tell people how to live yr f*cked ways of live!
both love to ban tis n tat, no?
DeleteCommunism and Religious Extremism are really Very very similar, especially if you are at the receiving end
DeleteAGAIN, who the f*cks r u?
DeleteThe brain dead dickheads that dictate meme-ed demoNcracy to others as in "always want to exert control on people aspect of live"!
i am a not communist chinese that uphold freedom against suppression and intimidation.
DeleteTaiwan's "democracy which supposedly is against suppression and intimidation" is a real joke !
DeleteMonsterball never fails to showoff his shallow knowledge. By trotting out " Communism and Religious Extremism are really Very very similar, especially if you are at the receiving end", this ignoramus bigot knows shit about "communism" and breathlessly surmised that communism and religious extremism are almost twin-like, hehehe. Trolling here endlessly when it comes to his pet hate.
DeleteAgain, u r Chinese?
DeleteHave u confused with that anagram plate hanging above yr grandfather's entrance door!
U uphold freedom against suppression and intimidation?
Then what the fart r u promoting that don't-spook-the-melayu-sensitivities?
Katak pragmatism or domesticated cur?
Very soon got non-Halal section in gomen-side of Parliament. Wee KHAT Siong will be non-Halal Leader and Saravanan Deputy Leader.
ReplyDeleteThe onslaught began a long time ago. It is just that now the muslim hypocrites are very brazen and are making it very clear to the non muslims.
ReplyDeleteAnd they say islam is a religion of peace and that the prophet was tolerant of n9n muslims during his day.
I say f**k it
KT is wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe 1st step was when the PN gomen ordered Carsberg and Heineken to shut down their breweries during MCO1 back in April.
Nobody in PN gomen protested. Not MIC, not MCA, not a single PN minister, deputy, MP or assemblymen.
All Boh Lam Phar.
In fact, one of the first new legislations of Wee KHAT Siong, the PAS boot-licker of the PN gomen, was increasing the penalties for drunk driving, despite the fact that alcohol related deaths on the road is very low.
So that is why now PAS, Pejuang etc are emboldened....
Putrajaya confirms terminated Heineken, Carlsberg’s factory permit during MCO
Monday, 06 Apr 2020
KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 — The federal government has cancelled the operating permit of Heineken Malaysia Berhad and Carlsberg Malaysia's factories during the ongoing movement control order (MCO) following public backlash.
Our drink-driving death rate among lowest, WHO data shows
Shahrim Tamrin
August 2, 2020
The government has recently tabled tougher penalties on drink driving.
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has one of the lowest rates of road deaths caused by alcohol consumption, according to the latest data from the World Health Organization.
A global road safety report from December 2018 shows that less than 1% of traffic related deaths in Malaysia are linked to alcohol, far below the rate among some regional neighbours.
In Malaysia, if one says they are carrying out an action in furtherance of the Master Race and Religion, they can get away with anything.
ReplyDeleteBoarding up the Non-Halal section was mild. If a mob hadbturned up to burn down then Non-Halal section , they could probably get away with it.
Rule of Law with Malaysian characteristics.
Rule of Law with Malaysian characteristics!
DeleteMfer, it's rule of law with ketuanan agenda that cur, like u, keeps supported in yr chant for don't-spook-the-melayu chorus