GEORGE TOWN, Jan 1 — Pokok Sena MP Datuk Mahfuz Omar’s exit from PAS showed that the Islamist party has deviated from its original political course, DAP’s Lim Guan Eng claimed today.
The DAP secretary-general further claimed that Mahfuz left PAS as the latter wanted to oppose Barisan Nasional (BN) whereas the Islamist party “secretly worked with Umno.”
“He left PAS to be in the Opposition, so it is clear that Mahfuz wants to ensure that there is a strong Opposition front against BN,” he said.
The DAP secretary-general further claimed that Mahfuz left PAS as the latter wanted to oppose Barisan Nasional (BN) whereas the Islamist party “secretly worked with Umno.”
“He left PAS to be in the Opposition, so it is clear that Mahfuz wants to ensure that there is a strong Opposition front against BN,” he said.
The Penang chief minister added that PAS was no longer a serious Opposition party as even rival Umno praised it as an example of a “good Opposition” party.
In Malaysian politics the secret is there is NO secret (ie. every 'secret' is known), wakakaka.
We know the secret that PAS has allied itself with UMNO for whatever reasons it might have.
Some say PAS has a long-term plan, meaning a really very 'strategic' plan, to come to full power in Putrajaya one day, and that its first step is to cooperate with UMNO, consolidate whilst waiting patiently, before it politically and finally kills UMNO, its traditional and indeed its real enemy.
Some say PAS or rather Hadi Awang dislikes working with non-Muslims, considering them as 'unclean' so it prefers to work with an UMNO which is better at ketuanan Melayu or Muslim than any other Malay party.
Some say that PAS now without Chinese support (previously secured via DAP) cannot hope to win power by itself to enter Putrajaya. So it waits and waits and is prepared to keep on waiting until it can once again (in a future) manipulate Chinese support for its party.
But the open secret is that PAS is now in 'secret alliance' with UMNO, wakakaka.
On the other side, just as for PAS, with Pribumi (Mahathir's racist party) in alliance with Pakatan or if we want to be more specific, the DAP, there is also an open secret that Mahathir wants to oust Najib solely for his son Mukhriz's future.
There is also another open secret, wakakaka, whether Mahathir will make Mukhriz re-join UMNO after the Najib obstacle has been removed remains to be seen.
It's also an open secret, wakakaka again, that Pakatan especially DAP welcomes Mahathir with open arms as Lim Kit Siang sees Mahathir as the vital force in making an important Pakatan beachhead into the Heartland, whose votes are necessary for a strong passage into Putrajaya.
It's also another open secret that of late, Mahathir the 'battle-tank', to make the required beachhead into the Heartland, might have become the 'battered crank' with his increasing faux pas (wrong steps).
I'll just mention 3 of his recent (and repetitive) political errors or errors unfavourable to Pakatan's political advantage:
(a) he offended the Malay rulers (Johor and Selangor) which in Malaysian politics is a No-No. He has just repeated those offensive errors by (i) viciously execrating the future residents of Forest City in JB as, he hopes, monkeys and baboons, and
(ii) making a sarcastic remark about 'Bugis' in his recent closing address of the Pribumi Party assembly.
(ii) making a sarcastic remark about 'Bugis' in his recent closing address of the Pribumi Party assembly.
(b) tok-kok a la volte-face on issues that he previously as PM was responsible for, eg. (i) promising to restore press freedom when he shut down 3 newspapers in 1987 and jailed most of his political enemies, (ii) promising to restore judiciary independence when he hammered the judges in 1988 when a few including the Lord President Tun Abas were sacked, (iii) embracing BR1M when he had earlier condemned it as wasteful, etc etc etc.
(c) he showed his gross INsincerity when he finally made a general apology but within a few hours asserted that apology of his did NOT mean he was wrong, wakakaka. Apart from his short-lived apology which was insincere in the first place, he continued to blame everyone under the sun for his numerous costly blunders.
Lim Kit Siang has had his medical operations to thank for his embarrassing silence on Mahathir's recent numerous faux pas.
Of course I wish Uncle Lim the best in his health and a speedy recovery, but I reckon he has made a real boo-boo in allying the DAP with such a man, which may possibly turn GE14 into another 1999 for DAP or in particular Lim Kit Siang himself.
Looking broadly across the field, which coalition (secret or otherwise, wakakaka) do you think has obtained the best political bargain:
... an UMNO 'secretly' (wakakaka) allied with a racist PAS (Hadi Awang) who couldn't help but reveal his true self in considering non-Muslims as 'unclean' and unfit to be in the Malaysian cabinet and who earlier while in Pakatan threatened the Penang State government of a possible 'May 13' if 3rd-tier local elections were held, probably for fear his PAS people won't be elected as town councillors if local elections exists,
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DAP Youth had earlier said it'd not work together with any political party that practices racist policies, such as the newly-formed Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia What now DAPSY? |
... a Pakatan allied to another racist party Pribumi whose leader Mahathir recently gathered unto himself all the political blunders, woes and contradictions but failing to divest himself of his known notoriety as a former reprehensible intolerant dictator who had the 'Minus Touch', where his big wasteful projects, Forex, Maminco, Makuwasa, Perwaja, Proton, MAS, etc turned to dust at taxpayers' expense (note: NOT 'Midas Touch', wakakaka?).
ReplyDeleteA frank write-up on Forest City , impossible to be said inside Malaysia.
Even Malaysiakini skirts the subject in the tamest possible tone.
Only Mahathir dares To speak up on Forest City, almost taunting authorities to arrest him, if they dare.
Two thirds of the Forest City project is owned by the richest Chinese woman in China and one third of it by Tuanku Sultan Johor. Moreover, it is developing the swamp, not selling any Johor land. The Johor Straits is polluted and dirty, so it is good to develop it. If the Forest City is going to be occupied up by rich monkeys and smart baboons from China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, and others, so be it. It will be good for Johor economy, and if it can beat Penang, better still.
DeleteQuote from Unknown on the subject of proposed reclaimed island project in Penang. I have changed ONE WORD to make it relevant to Forest City.
DeleteIn the Forest City project damage has already been done in reality.
There is a strong element of profit motive and corporate greed at the expense of social and environmental protection. Ultimately the reclaimed land will be used for property development which are not affordable to the coastal frontier community.
It is easy enough to imagine the bigger and perhaps the deadlier effects on the biodiversity and the fishes which will be harmed and displaced. In addition, the livelihood of the entire community would be compromised. They live their entire lives on the coast, so they deserve recognition.
To be blunt, from the political angle the reclamation project will NOT serve the best interest but indeed detrimental to 'orang kita' who live along the coast. The Sultan should consider intensive city renewal project rather than land reclamation? It would be cheaper and faster.
I believe 'Unknown' has written the following in another post which may answer your remarks above, wakakaka:
DeleteMoreover, it is developing the swamp, not selling any Johor land. The Johor Straits is polluted and dirty, so it is good to develop it. If the Forest City is going to be occupied up by rich monkeys and smart baboons from China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, and others, so be it. It will be good for Johor economy, and if it can beat Penang, better still
Why is Unknown attacking the far smaller land reclamation project in Penang, but stoutly defending the project in Johore ?
DeletePure partisan rubbish !
Upon completion, the proposed and on-going reclamation projects in Penang will be 32.3 km2 i.e 10% of the size of Penang. It is massive. Sustainable eh? Ecosystem? Go ahead lah.. until you join Pulau Jerejak to Penang island and Pulau Jerejak to the mainland. Level all the hills in Penang and use it as back-fill.
DeleteBTW who generates greenhouse gas emissions? What absorbs carbon, storing it and produce oxygen, regulating temperatures and weather patterns? Currently, many residential projects have reserved hectares of private forest to blend with the living environment.