Apatah lagi, Azmin tetap santai muncul di mana-mana seperti biasa seolah-olah tiada rasa malu dalam dirinya, meskipun analisa CyberSecurity yang didedahkan oleh Ketua Polis Negara, Abdul Hamid Bador mendapati video itu adalah tulen.
Bagaimanapun, di sebalik ketulenan video tersebut, CyberSecurity tidak dapat mengenalpasti sama ada salah seorang pelakunya adalah Azmin atau tidak.
Sebelum itu, Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz mengaku beliau adalah lelaki dalam video itu dan mendakwa Timbalan Presiden PKR itu adalah pasangannya.
Analisa CyberSecurity yang didedahkan kepada umum oleh Hamid itu segera menimbulkan kecaman ramai kerana ia dilihat percubaan pihak berkuasa untuk melindungi Azmin, tambahan lagi beliau tidak dapat menyebut berapa peratus analisa Cyber Security mendapati wajah pelaku dalam video itu mirip Azmin.
Adakah 40 peratus, 50 peratus atau 70 peratus?
Atau adakah kemiripan pelaku dalam video itu dengan wajah Azmin hanya 10 peratus dan kurang daripada itu?
Ada juga yang mempersoalkan jika wajah pelaku dalam video itu tidak dapat dikenalpasti, bagaimanakah pihak polis selama ini berjaya menangkap ramai penjenayah yang hanya dikesan melalui rakaman CCTV yang jauh lebih kabur gambarnya?
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Johor launderette - men caught killing pregnant cat in dryer |
Dalam waktu yang sama, sejak itu juga wujud pihak lain iaitu Lokman Adam daripada UMNO yang cuba “menyenangkan” kerja pihak polis dengan menghantar rakaman video yang didakwa melibatkan Azmin itu ke Indonesia dan London untuk dianalisa.
Dalam kedua-dua analisa di luar negara itu, bukan saja videonya disahkan tulen, bahkan pelakunya didapati sangat mirip dengan Azmin berdasarkan beberapa persamaan yang nyata.
Bagaimanapun, sejak kali terakhir muncul mendedahkan analisa CyberSecurity yang kemudiannya menimbulkan kecaman ramai, seterusnya disusuli dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh Lokman, Abdul Hamid seolah-olah terus menghilangkan diri.
Apa khabar beliau sekarang ini agaknya?
Kenapa sudah begitu lama beliau menghilangkan, malah dalam beberapa kes yang berlaku dalam negara seperti kematian remaja istimewa Ireland/Perancis, Nora Anne misalnya, hanya timbalannya saja yang muncul?
Bilakah kes video yang didakwa melibatkan Azmin ini hendak diselesaikan siasatan dan kertas pendakwaan mahu dihantar di Pejabat Peguam Negara?
Apakah tempoh dua bulan masih belum mencukupi untuk menyiasat kes yang dianggap begitu mudah itu di mana sekurang-kurangnya sudah ada rakaman video, ada pengakuan Haziq dan ada juga rakaman CCTV yang boleh dijadikan asas siasatan serta pendakwaan?
Atau pihak polis memerlukan lebih banyak masa lagi?
Tapi, apa pun alasanya, pihak polis tidak boleh berlengah terlalu lama menyimpan kes video ini dalam fail siasatan tanpa sebarang penyelesaian.
Tambahan lagi, Abdul Hamid dilihat seorang yang berintergriti tinggi sebelum ini kerana sanggup melawan dan meletakkan jawatan semata-mata tidak mahu bersekongkol dengan skandal 1MDB ketika era Najib Razak.
Bagaimana dengan sekarang? Masihkah Abdul Hamd berpegang kepada prinsip dan intergriti dalam dirinya?
Kalau dalam kes 1MDB yang jauh lebih besar, beliau berani bersuara dan melawan, dalam kes video semburit yang lebih kecil dan mudah ini, jika didapati ada unsur mahu menutup atau melindungi seseorang, Abdul Hamidi seharusnya konsisten dengan prinsip lamanya.
Membiarkan dirinya tunduk kepada penguasa yang cuba menutup kebenaran hanya akan membuatkan imej, prinsip dan intergriti dirinya tercalar di sepanjang kehidupan.
Itukah yang Abdul Hamid mahu dalam hidupnya?
Azmin has threatened to sue for libel....whatever that means; libel for correctly exposing him as a gay man or libel for incorrectly exposing him as a gay man.
ReplyDeleteWhichever the case there is potential for a lawsuit. The other sex partner in the video has already dared Azmin to sue.
So what can the IGP say or do?
If the IGP declares...."the experts all confirm that the man in the video is NOT Azmin"
then wouldn't that make the IGP the same as Toonsie who declared Azmin as an "innocent victim of dirty politics", when the case first blew up?
Everyone (including KT ha ha ha) will scream COVER-UP....Bador is Toonsie's puppet.
But if the IGP declares...."yes all the experts confirm the man in the video IS INDEED Azmin"
then Azmin will take the IGP to court. Bador does not want that, he has better things to do with his time.
So it is a waiting game now. Azmin is waiting (& hoping) Bador will declare him innocent. Bador is waiting for Azmin to sue the other fella and then all Bador has to do is send the IO to court and present the polis investigation findings, and let the court decide on innocence or guilt.
That is why the polis chooses to remain neutral for now. Bador does not want the polis to get dragged into a political duel. The polis only do the investigation and submit the findings to the AGC, they are not the judge or jury.
IGP Bador is doing absolutely the right thing by staying neutral in public on this issue.
ReplyDeleteTry as hard as he can but even Lok-The-Man-Up also can’t prove 100% that the man in the sex video is Azmin. So it would be foolish for IGP Bador to say so. He will get sued by Azmin, like AG Tommy Thomas is getting sued, for apparently declaring that fireman Adib’s death was not due to being beaten up when the inquiry into his death was still in process.
So it is best for IGP to publicly remain neutral on the Azmin case. It’s all politics. Just conduct the investigation and pass the report to AGC.
Bador has much more important things to do like clean up the polis force that he inherited from the BN government. It is in a terrible state. So many of them under the control of gangsters. Hundreds involved in drugs. Bador needs all the time to find that magical wand or that “undo” button to turn the polis force around overnight, which everyone expects from the New Malaysia. Not take sides in a political sex video.
Lokman: UK firm can't confirm 'actor' is Azmin but resembles him, so he must quit
Wednesday, 21 Aug 2019
SEPANG: Umno supreme council member Datuk Lokman Noor Adam says he will press the Prime Minister to fire or ask Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali to step down over the sex video scandal.
“We will do so every Saturday, starting next week, if Tun still does not fire him or ask him to resign, ” he said when met at KLIA on Wednesday afternoon (Aug 21).
Lokman had flown to the United Kingdom to try and verify the authenticity of the now-viral sex video.
According to him, the report he commissioned an England-based company to conduct showed that the two “actors” in the video resembled the photos of Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz and Azmin.
“They stated that for Azmin’s photo, there was nothing that did not match the videos. They can’t say that it is, in fact, Azmin; only that the photos match.
“So now we want to ask the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) whether he did not provide any photos to CyberSecurity or if they cannot identify Azmin 100%, ” he said.
From a law-enforcement point of view, there is not much you can force the IGP to do if he choses to duck the issue.
ReplyDeleteIf Haziq's case goes to trial, the defence may compel the police to answer what they know about the "other person". But if the police are not particularly interested to find "him", its not clear what are the legal grounds to force them to do so.
The "other" person on the video is neither a dangerous criminal nor a missing person who need to be found.
In the launderette case, the persons clearly committed an obviously repulsive act.
Of course, you could call the Gay romp repulsive, but I don't think we want to go down that path again.
Haziq's self-confession of an act which is still illegal on the law statutes is a different matter.