Sunday, May 03, 2020

Maybe Shakespeare was right in the 'The Merchant of Venice'


Arab states condemn Israeli plan to annex parts of West Bank

General view of the West Bank Jewish settlement of Maale Michmash

AP pic

CAIRO: Arab countries condemned Israel’s plan to de facto annex parts of the occupied West Bank as a “new war crime” against Palestinians, the Arab League said in a statement after a video conference of Arab foreign ministers on Thursday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in announcing a deal to form a unity government, has said cabinet discussions will start on July 1 on extending Israeli sovereignty to Jewish settlements in the West Bank and annexing the area’s Jordan Valley outright.

Palestinians have expressed outrage at Israel’s plans to cement its hold further on land it seized in the 1967 Middle East war, territory they are seeking for a state.

Implementing such plans “represents a new war crime added to the Israeli record full of brutal crimes against the Palestinian people”, the Arab foreign ministers said in a statement after their emergency meeting, which was held online because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Israel & Saudi Arabia

Accomplices in Treachery against Palestinians

Arab League secretary-general Ahmed Aboul Gheit accused Israel of “taking advantage of the global preoccupation with confronting the coronavirus epidemic to impose a new reality on the ground”.

“This step, if taken, would eliminate the possibility of embodying an independent, sovereign, geographically connected and viable Palestinian state. This step, if completed, would end the two-state solution,” Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said during the meeting.

Netanyahu said on April 26 that the United States would give Israel the nod within two months to move ahead with de facto annexation of parts of the occupied lands.

The Arab countries urged Washington to abide by UN resolutions and “withhold support for plans and maps of the Israeli occupation government woven under the cover of the so-called American-Israeli deal of the century,” the statement said.

Palestinians have flatly rejected the US peace proposal announced by President Donald Trump in January, partly because it awards Israel most of what it has sought during decades of conflict, including nearly all the occupied land on which it has built settlements.


  1. Send them back to their original place.

  2. can we use song history to judge?

  3. Arab states condemn Israel for occupying Palestinian land, but they never explain why Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq still occupy the homeland of the Kurds, the homeland promised to them after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire a hundred years ago.

    1. The Treaty of Sèvres (signed only by Britain, France, Germany, Italy BUT not by Russia, Turkey, Greece, USA) which hinted at (hinted only but was vague about) a very much truncated (very chopped up) homeland for the Kurds thus failed.

      Thus the treaty and whatever promises it contained were nullified three years later, when the Treaty of Lausanne then set the boundaries of modern Turkey and made no provision a la the Treaty of Sèvres for the Kurds - blame that on the Europeans.

    2. Similarly blame the Europeans and the United Nations for the creation of Israel in 1949.

      Today none of the Arab countries will give an inch of their land to their fellow brother Moslem Kurds but condemn Israel for doing the same to the Palestinians.

      Turks, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians etc repress and persecute the Kurds; meanwhile Big Brother Arab nations Saudi Arabia and Egypt (and other OIC countries) stand by, keep quiet, do nothing.

      Even Malaysia is silent over the plight of the Kurds; is it because we only protest when the "oppressor" are not Moslems, for example:

      Christian Serbs (in the case of the Bosnians),
      Jewish Israel (in the case of Palestinians)
      Atheist China (in the case of Uighurs)
      Buddhist Myanmar (in the case of Rohingyas)?

      But when the oppressor are Moslems we keep quiet.

  4. Never never underestimate the meddling hand of the Brits in all the chaos that plagued the world from then up til even today

    The British Empire is gone but there's still many an apologist who liked nothing better than to stir shit behind-the-scene which is quite the special skill of the Bits. A very recent proof of the Brits behind the anti-China lies peddled to Trump is furnished here in the video :

    " Professor Niall Ferguson, apologist for the British Empire, wrote a false story in London's Sunday Times on April 5 about alleged flights from Wuhan to European and U.S. cities, after flights to and from Wuhan to cities in China were stopped on January 23. Ferguson's false report has been widely circulated, including to President Trump. Though it has been exposed as untrue, even now grudgingly acknowledged by Ferguson—i.e., FAKE NEWS—there has been no attempt to correct this potentially dangerous error."

    This video here is proof of the shenanigan which of course Trump will lap up if it fits his current agenda to deflect blame from his abysmal disastrous handling of the Covid19 pandemic :

    The mass media simply just refused to correct this error...disgusting ! Transparency konon nya, hehehe

    1. If one ever comes across Niall Ferguson's past articles, the WASP tendency is staring glaringly in one's face.

      It's getting worst when he shifts his base from pommieland to uncle Sam's backyard!

      He is one hell of a western demoNcratic apologist. DemoNcratic propagandist par excellent!

      Using his grips on history - especially the play of western historical events, he twists & blankets the evil & nefarious intentions that underscored those events.

      Now he has a new pet hate of the rise of modern China to play around the sad decline of his beloved western superiority!

    2. CK, I couldn't have put it any better're absolutely spot on about that shameless creep Fergurson.

  5. if the arab hv brain, this is the best time to develop n improve their socio economy when the idiot ccp is trying to match n fight the bully. 911 create the best opportunity of more than 15 years for china to progress smoothly to become a pretty affluence society, at least base on asian std. however now the fengshui change, the big head xi n his ccp lover not only want conquer twn by force, to demolish a free hk n bully sea in south sea, the best is he wanna go head to head with west alliance to realise his china dream. this create the best time, space n room fo muslim if they really hv that insight, though i doubt it very much.

    1. Bloody lousy reading of China!

      The revival of the China dream ISN'T what yr cocooned small mind can fathom!

      A Pavlovian conditioned dog can ONLY respond to stimulus that it has so trained to trigger a cocooned response - China bashing!

      China ISN'T expansionist! The resolution to uplift the status of the economic runs throughout ALL levels of the society. By her own efforts too if necessary!

      For a mfer, ASIAN standard is the best he could think of to achieve! Forever genuflecting to the WASP nations, just like that 白眼狼 Formosa.

      中国梦 Encompasses the RIGHT to reunite HK & Taiwan back to the motherland while not losing any territory, 南沙群岛, included! What's belonging to China will thus forever remains within China proper.

      911 DIDN'T create any opportunities for China to advance in any sopo fields. Joining the WTO DID.

      911 gave yr uncle Sam an outlet to divert her citizen's herd mentality from the self generated banes of the nation to a convenient external enemy. That was how an useless bush junior managed to upstage his presidential popularity in a mismanaged & malcontented USofA.

      Present day Muslim nations will not regain the glory of the past. Neither will many of them bootstrapping themselves to even challenge Israel!

      The creeping zombieicism has completely destroyed its forward looking attributes accumulated by those early Muslim! Reminiscent about the PAST & infightings r their calls of the day. Besides, there r always those WASP nations making sure that the ummat r been kept as pampered pet using their oil manna.

    2. german wake up the monster in ww1 by sinking the american liner, the japs wake up the monster again a second time by attack pearl harbor. wish u n xi all the best, containment would become a reality, china only friends left is their negro bro like tedros which is the disiple of najib cash is king, n russian that always look forward foc lands, plus of course some delusional ccp lover.

    3. Wakakakakaka…… Yr understanding of WWII history!

      Mfer, Germany didn't wake up US in WWII. The Louisiana was deliberately sunked by the other of pommie Churchill! He was at his last draw to entice US to take part after multiple US refusals.

      The Japanese made a failed military move to attack Pearl harbour bcoz he was too confident about the ability of Hitler to crush the Russian.

      Attacking Pearl harbour was a right move if Japanese wanted to dominate the Pacific region.

      If the Russian was defeated by the Germany, the Japanese 大东亚共荣圈(Greater East Asia Coprosperity Sphere) would be complete!

      Ooop… yr beloved Formosa would be forever a colony of the land of rising sun! No chance of ANY independent & most likely u would learn Japanese than Mandarin!

      Let see how the world at large would side with which party.

      Too early to tell while almost every other countries in the world has been deeply wounded by SARS-CoV-2, economically & socially, to willingly matching to the calls of war.

      Hopefully, it would be just a tussle between US & China w/o guns & fire. Along the way Taiwan WOULD be absorbed totally back to motherland China - as a token of peace by uncle Sam.

    4. dun dream la, just ask xi take the shit n back off, tell us which nation stand up for ccp since the breakout of wuhan virus?

      read recent article from the ccp hawk, most turn to mouse already, left only the wumao, little pinky n overseas ccp lovers still having viagra for lunch.

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      Documents actually know what the farts u r ranting NOW?

      "just ask xi take the shit n back off, tell us which nation stand up for ccp since the breakout of wuhan virus?"

      Did any other countries back up yr uncle Sam except that front door barking dog know as Oz?

      So predictable! Back to 扣帽子 as yr last call.

      I can spare some Viagra for u. But what can u use it for when u have no teloq?

      Gift to yr dangdut pals!

  6. Tedros is not a negro but an Ethiopian

    1. Bat-lover got his 'truth' from pristine information source all correctly written in Chinese, hehehe...that's the reason why he's profoundly batty in whatever he's spewing, hehe.

    Tedros himself said he is "proud to be Negro".

    “I can tell you personal attacks that have been going on for more than two, three months. Abuses, or racist comments, giving me names, black or Negro. I’m proud of being black, proud of being Negro,” he told reporters on a conference call from the organization’s Geneva headquarters on Wednesday. “I don’t care, to be honest ... even death threats. I don’t give a damn.”

    1. I read that as well - it was just Tedros venting off at the insults he received. No matter what, an Ethiopian (or Egyptian) is not a Negro

    2. u shd dispute with him, not us.
