We need to be aware that Sebastian is pro BN just as my matey Susan Loone (who now no longer chats with me - why Sui Yin?) and Mandy Ping are pro Pakatan.
Nothing wrong in taking sides in politics which is why we have general and state elections to determine who is the majority, ...
Like most Chinese, I grew up extremely resentful at the race-based policies that gave Malays a leg up, but not the Chinese. We couldn’t understand why skin colour should matter. Weren’t we all Malaysians, born and bred?
These days, most Chinese people I meet tell me they have no issue voting for Pakatan with Mahathir and Pribumi at its head. This strikes me as considerable madness. How isn’t Pakatan Harapan a cheap copy of the BN model that has always enraged us? You have Pribumi as the replacement Umno. You have DAP as the replacement MCA. Why are we content with returning to square one lah?
In other words, Sebastion asked how can Pakatan deal with über Mahathir when they could not even deal with lowly PAS.
... that is, unless you read the Pakatan dominated net where anyone who supports BN will be labelled as dedak-makan-er or if female like Michelle Yeoh, a slut, or even if neutrals like Maryam Lee, a covert BN operative and a shameless hussy.
The porno-graphics on Maryam Lee while bespeaking the low class talent of the Pakatan artists also tell us of their barbarous loathsome bestiality against anyone with opinions and allegiance opposite to theirs.
Wait, I have more, even if a DAP (Pakatan?) member like Sangeet Singh (daughter of our late beloved Karpal Singh) reminded the DAP that while in politics there are no permanent friends or enemies, but in dealing with a man like Mahathir, there should be permanent principles, she was still abused by Pakatan supporters no differently to pro BN Michelle Yeoh and #UndiRosak's Maryam Lee.
That's the toxicity in Malaysian politics, especially (though not exclusively) on the Pakatan side - there exists no room for reasonableness, civility, balance, compromise or such a silly alien concept like 'bipartisanship'.
It's only a la George Bush Junior all the way, to wit, "you're either with us, or against us", and f**k the neutrality of Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Finland.
DAP supporter as I've been, I confess that such an unreasonable feral attitude disgusts me, yes indeed, to an extent that I am now falling in love with Maryam Lee ...'s #UndiRosak.
At this point we return to Sebastian Loh. He has just written a new article for MM Online titled Why the Chinese hate MCA and BN in which he started by saying (the Chinese hatred is so strong) that even if Liew Tiong Lai were to now discover a cure for cancer he and the MCA would still be wiped out by angry Chinese voters in GE14.
He traced the cause to (in his own words):
Our resentment festered over time, commonly manifesting itself as racist epithets against Malays, spoken behind doors at family and social gatherings. Many of us became the very extremists, the very monsters we sought to oppose.
As our Chinese representatives in BN, MCA and Gerakan were easy targets. We accused them of being too compliant to Umno. When have they ever stood up for our interests? They were Umno’s running dogs, the infamous chow kows who might as well be Nazi collaborators.
As our Chinese representatives in BN, MCA and Gerakan were easy targets. We accused them of being too compliant to Umno. When have they ever stood up for our interests? They were Umno’s running dogs, the infamous chow kows who might as well be Nazi collaborators.
We despised the race-based BN model where the Malay nationalist party called all the shots, and the Chinese parties had to play along. We wanted to be treated as equals, and we weren’t going to take it any longer.
Sebastion has not been wrong in pinpointing the cause of the Chinese hatred for MCA and Gerakan being perception of those two political parties behaving as chow-kow (running dogs - Chinese should understand this term) to UMNO.
My personal opinion on the two elections that wiped out MCA and Gerakan in Penang in 1969 and 2008 respectively is that:
(a) MCA was wiped out in 1969 mainly (but not exclusively) because of perceived corruption and
(b) Gerakan in 2008 mainly (but not exclusively) because of the party's perceived 'running dog' subservience to UMNO.
But Sebastian now ponders on whether the Pakatan devotees today are aware of a new chow-kow in town, namely the DAP to UMNO Mark III otherwise known as Pribumi.
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not this one, wakakaka |
Of course, we remind ourselves that Sebastian Loh is liable to say that because he is a pro BN bloke but let's at least hear what he has to say:
How often has DAP spoken up against Pribumi’s race-based membership, race-based rhetoric, and race-based outlook? How often has DAP taken Mahathir to task for his past wrongdoings and failures?
DAP leaders may argue that their support for Mahathir and his party is a political necessity, but that was probably MCA’s excuse in the 1980s and 1990s too. Look at who are the running dogs now. If MCA must be held responsible for enabling Mahathir’s racial agenda for 22 years, then DAP is now guilty of the same.
Of course, Pakatan leaders claim they can keep Mahathir in check and prevent him from ruling like the dictator he was in the old days. But this is absolute baloney. We’re talking about a guy who ruthlessly outmanoeuvred and destroyed all his rivals and critics within BN and the government, from his own deputies to independent judges.
Pakatan’s best and brightest, on the other hand, couldn’t even get PAS to play ball with them. After convincing their voters to trust PAS, they then whine about how they were betrayed by that very same party. How lah?
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why get involved in what was an internal PKR party issue and behaved like Chicken Little? |
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PAS won in the end in choice of MB Selangor after Khalid Ibrahim |
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several thousands of babies were born in Selangor before he dared make any decision on PAS |
In other words, Sebastion asked how can Pakatan deal with über Mahathir when they could not even deal with lowly PAS.
I leave you to ponder on his statements, that is, if you are capable of clearing your minds of George Bush Junior, wakakaka.
But you know, the best line that Sebastion has written is:
I have no love for MCA — even though people often assume so because I lean politically to BN (hope you’re not intimidated by differences in opinion).
How sweet and succinct - hope you’re not intimidated by differences in opinion. It certainly resonates beautifully with my political philosophy.
Yes, I too hope you’re not intimidated by differences in my opinion to yours.
Kaytee,first of all typo.It should read "disgusts" and not "disguises" me.
ReplyDeleteAnyway,all anti Mahathir critics have to be aware.If BN wins the GE14,Najib will be the PM for till the cows decide to come home.But if Pakatan wins GE14,how long will a 92 years old Mahathir hold the reins as the PM?So for all who wants change of the federal government,need not be a genius or rocket scientist to know who to vote for.
But,I repeat again "BUT",if one is not a risk taker,and wants political "STABILITY",Umno/BN is the party to vote for.Politics is always a double edged sword.
thanks matey, corrected
DeleteNah...the new Quisling is Ktemoc and his ilk... They have even taken to demonizing Lim Kit Siang in their promotion of their Dear Leader.
ReplyDeletebut until today i yet to hear bersatu label the chinese tis or tat, unlike umno, this sebastion is just another dedak eater, or stupid.
ReplyDelete"not intimidated by differences in my opinion to yours."
If one expresses 'hostile' opinion different to yrs is considered intimidation, then what's yr miao2ly stated opinion?
This is a real world out there & u expect everyone to behave as u wish! How wishful r u?
Sebastian, like u, belongs to those bleeding hearts who REALLY don't know where r the trees, where r the forest!
U all r gaming for a better M'sia & yet u ALL have a zilch sense of going about it.
BN will NEVER change. Everything will be the same old same old if they recapture PutraJaya.
U ALL claim that PH will be the clone of BN. Yes, it might be.
But there is a difference that ALL of u refuse to see/admit.
If PH wins ge14, it means the beginning of an end to that hegamnoic umno.
Mamak's governance blunders was the syndrome. So r the current pinklips malfeasances.
Umno has been the ultimate source of all the ills that bolihland r facing now.
W/o the continue existence of umno, a new sopo game will emerge. Only then there will be CHANGES in bolihland's sopo-economic scene.
Knock that into yr brain, think seriously about it. Only then u play yr spurious wanting-a-change hollow intention for bolihland lah!
isn't voting for Mamak an actual perpetuation of UMNO or the UMNO streak?
DeleteU just DONT know how to read!
DeleteThere is a possibility of voting for Mamak an actual perpetuation of UMNO or the UMNO streak.
But, then u r basing yr argument on the fact that ALL other components members of PH r deadwoods!
Moreover, understand the beginning of an end to umno!
Mamak, if he could, will NEVER be able to revive/imitate the essences of the umno existence. Time/aim was different when umno first setup. Participants were different then too.
Losing the ge14, will be the beginning of an end to umno - in the steps of kmt of Taiwan!
Only then, u see real changes happening in M'sia.
It does not matter whether it is Najib/Muhyiddin/Anwar/Azmin/Azizah/Mukhriz/Mahathir/Hadi who will be the PM; before and for many many years to come, "Racially charged rhetoric has characterised politics in this multi-ethnic and multi-religious country ever since its independence from Britain more than 50 years ago and this election looks like it will follow the pattern – both the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (National Front) and opposition leader Mahathir Mohamad have already been accused of trying to exploit latent racial tensions to garner support."
ReplyDeleteThus, I agree with Bruno that for stability, BN would still be the best choice. Yes, UMNO will take care of the Malays, MCA will look into the affairs of the Chinese, MIC will look into the needs of the Indians, etc etc.. The Agung, the Sultans, the PMs, and the MBs, etc etc.. shall always be a Malay. A Malay can never turn his back on his own race: Try it.
To be continued...
Yes, I reiterate, Bruno is absolutely correct - for political stability it is still BN.
ReplyDelete"Independent political analyst Khoo Kay Peng said the upcoming election would focus on the twin silos of race and religion, further widening the divide between ethnic groups.
“Political parties from both sides of the divide are centred around the Malay agenda, winning votes in Malay majority constituencies. Meanwhile, government efforts like 1Malaysia and its subsequent rebranding has neither substance nor strategy,” he said.
The difference is between an actual proven current Collaborationist racket vs. a mere accusation based on a predicted theoretical future without foundation.
ReplyDeleteaccusation based on a predicted future with 22 years of draconian track record
DeleteAisehman, KT you were not born yesterday right? You know very well track record meant for nothing in politics. Didn't the bail jumper supported AI for more than 10 years and dedicated a blog to try to save him and even went to jail for him too but now dedicated BN supporter? In the bail jumper's label the prostitute of Jelapang was a DAP member and became a turn-coat. In your own accusation LKS was a pricipled righteous man now turn around and became un-pricipled. So why are you so certain that Tun cannot turn the other way round? Guess you have never learn the Chinese saying "when one is nearing the end, his words (deeds) will also be kind"? 人之将死其言也善! wakakaka.........
DeleteThis is what I termed tempurung mentality.
ReplyDeleteEverything okidoki, status quo lah! If the formula works(??) WHY change!
Is everything okidoki? Is the status quo works?
If they r, we would not be in this sh*t state now.
Racial relationship deteriorated. Zombie-ism raising it's ugly head everywhere. Rampage corruptions r the norm of the day. The engine of growth has derailed, while all the neighbours r catching up.
Denial & not willing to take the new challenge to re-course r the twin brothers of destruction.
If this mentality will to continue, doomed state here we r!!
From the point of view of a Chinese 1-percenter, what is there not to like about BN/MCA/UMNO?
ReplyDeleteContracts, Contacts, Approvals. From Million-Dollar homes to sleek Mercedes limos to Corporate Boardrooms, life is GOOD in Malaysia under BN.
Even those who have no direct dealings with the Government find it profitable to support BN.
Malaysia, on the books, has a very heavily regulated economy, though those regulations are usually laxly enforced or ignored. Many Chinese businessmen cut corners as a matter of routine. Get on the wrong side of the Federal authorities,and they could end up in deep shit.
So it pays to support BN.
There are another 5-percent or so who benefit from crumbs falling off the BN table from Ali Babas, from Dedak ...they spend a lot of energy either Whitewashing the Najib Administration or attacking the Opposition.
Guess who runs this Blog?
Pro-BN supporter Sebastian Loh said.."How often has DAP spoken up against Pribumi’s race-based membership, race-based rhetoric, and race-based outlook? How often has DAP taken Mahathir to task for his past wrongdoings and failures?"
ReplyDeleteIs Sebastian Loh stupid or what ? One analogy...haven't we've all seen those oldie movies in which this gritty determined group at their wits' end to bring down a Resident Evil and has finally resorted to bring in a real mean old Badass who can bring a shiver of fear down their tormentor's spine ?
So what sort of strategy would that be to castigate and rail against your new "recruit" even before the battle could get started ? " How often has DAP taken Mahathir to task for his past wrongdoings and failures?" Really, Sebastian Loh ? Shooting at your own foot ? Pandai la tu !
And he further asks.."How often has DAP spoken up against Pribumi’s race-based membership, race-based rhetoric, and race-based outlook?" Stupid is as stupid does this Loh fella....would he rather that PH get another "multiracial" party rather than Bersatu to join forces, a party that have at least 30% Chinese representation so as to give more "juice" to paid-bloggers like raja putar kelentong and his ilk to shout themselves hoarse again that DAP is the puppet master, that the Chinese will rule the country and all the Malays will be pushed into the sea ? Previous to Bersatu coming into the picture, the conversation is that of DAP being the hidden hands behind pulling the string. Now, after Mahathir was brought in to fight fire with fire, and was the designated-PM, it is "oh...watch out, the old man will betray, the old man will not get down from the throne, the old man will relegate DAP to lapdog status which is MCA now..."
See, Sebastian Loh...this strategy do work...the Dumbno and its paid-bloggers have tone down considerably the Chinese-will-take-over-country and now they are on full relentless attack on Mahathir...in this site alone, Ktemoc is going hammer and tong and displaying over and over again almost daily ad nauseam huge visuals of the bad wolf Mahathir either sneering or looking menacingly and at every possible opportunity to display LKS in the worst-possible picture, hehehe. Not working la...there is such a thing called set in-fatigue...too much is as bad as too little and in this case..sudah overkill la.
We all know what it means if BN were to win big in this watershed GE14....sampai tua la this Klepto Plunderer will continue to rule, until our coffers run completely dry to satisfy his and his cronies and families' insatiable HUGE HUGE greed...imagine this scenario...when a big section of the masses go jobless and hungry, then only the few lucky ones among the punching-bag Chinese would be those who had the means to escape in the nick of time. What happened in Jakarta when the horrific rampaging riots that befell the Chinese there several years back will look like a picnic compared to what's to come should we let our country to be brought to total ruin. The first finger of blame will naturally be pointed at the Chinese first to direct the anger of the masses towards them and they, the real master hidden hand behind all these planned chaos and plunder, will sit back to continue counting their ever mounting loot. And bastards like paid bloggers are safely enjoying life in foreign climes and place your bet where this Sebastian Loh will be then ?