Friday, August 13, 2021

We see your true colours, Zahid tells Umno men who back Muhyiddin

We see your true colours, Zahid tells Umno men who back Muhyiddin

Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says the open support shown by some of the party’s MPs towards prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin enables the party to separate the loyalists from those who are disloyal. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Umno says it is “grateful” that several of its members had openly backed Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and his administration, as their stand has shown their true colours to the party.

This, party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said, would actually pave the way for a brighter future for Umno.

Zahid said the decision by several of its MPs to continue to support Muhyiddin’s “failed government”, helped the party separate the loyalists from those who were not.

“There is no need to hunt (disloyal members) as they have revealed themselves. So, we are all grateful that the truth has surfaced,” he said in a Facebook post, adding that he was aware that some in Umno were left disappointed with their colleagues’ actions.

He went on to caution party members against recent news reports about him that apparently cited sources within the party.

“We should be wary of information by anonymous individuals. What is the motive and agenda? Is it out to serve the interest of a few or meant to create confusion?”

Zahid’s latest post comes a day he called on Umno MPs who are still backing Muhyiddin to repent.

A week ago, he was reported to have called on Umno MPs to quit their ministerial posts to prove their loyalty to the party, which earlier this month retracted its support for the PN-led government.

Noraini Ahmad and Shamsul Anuar Nasarah have since stepped down as higher education minister, and energy and natural resources minister, respectively.

However, Maran MP and deputy housing and local government minister Ismail Abd Muttalib has broken ranks with the party leadership, saying that it was his responsibility and duty “to race, religion and the country” to continue backing Muhyiddin.

Other Umno MPs who remain in government include deputy prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, foreign minister Hishammuddin Hussein, and science, technology and innovation minister Khairy Jamaluddin.


  1. True colors, for sure, but nothing unusual.
    Merely a reflection of the nature of most of UMNO's leadership, regardless which camp they are in.

    Men of little or no morality or compunction, filled with unrelenting lust for money and power by any means, using Race and Religion to pursue their ambitions.

    1. Totally agree..we are talking about politicians without any sense of shame or integrity.

      Unfortunately the same character traits are embedded in MOST of Malaysian politicians.

      We are really hard pressed to find one truly honest and selfless politician.

    2. Wow!!

      "Men of little or no morality or compunction, filled with unrelenting lust for money and power by any means, using Race and Religion to pursue their ambitions"

      Is this coming from yr true understanding about selective human nature or just yr c&p fart to flower-dress yr spurious self righteousness?

  2. WA KAH KAH.....Like Ah Long And Sue Tan Govenor Arab Moo-layu Islma Bangsat trying to wash their hands of their support for the Pariah Katan State malu-MARUAH - Moo-Lai-SIAL have descended into EPIC FAIL Pariah UMNO PAS PEJUANG BERSATU PBB GPS PN BN State... TIME TO CLOSE BORDERS, 13 LET EACH NATION MANAGE THEIR OWN Health, Economic, Police, Army and Borders UNTIL HINGS IMPROVE.....BUT SCARED ALL WANT MERDEKA ON 31 August!!...IF Ah Long and Sue Tan CANNOT ACKNOWLEDGE NOW IN 2021 SINGAPOER METHOD IS SUPERIOR TO RACIST SUPREMACIST Moo-LAI-SIAL SYSTEMIC GENOCIDE 3 RRR Methodology AFTER 63 YEARS......THEN ALL IS LOST FOR MALU-SIAL...UNLEASHING HUBRID COVID 2021 DELTA GAMMA LAMDA DENGUE against Systemic genocide Race religion Moo layu Continues & IS RAHMAT AL-DOPE TO DOPEY MEGA RICH DISCONNECT Moo-layu from Reality....Lagi Mahu NEP, Maruah, PM<IGP, Govenor Chancellor Moo Layu.. Ketuanan, Jangan Soal status Hak Istimewah Orang Asli yang dicuri Moo Layu?? PAdan Muka Pergi Mampus, Mati Katak...Pi Jumpa Setan Racist supremacist Moo layu tunggu awak kat Neraka!!
