Friday, August 13, 2021

Najib rues 3 months of failure, unheeded advice, over MCO3.0

Najib rues 3 months of failure, unheeded advice, over MCO3.0

Najib Razak says he explained in detail from the very beginning why the latest iteration of the MCO would definitely fail. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Najib Razak tonight said he had been proven right when he predicted that the movement control order (MCO3.0) imposed exactly three months ago would fail.

In a Facebook post, just hours after the country marked a record high in Covid-19 cases reported daily, the former prime minister reminded Malaysians of the significance of the date.

He said he had cautioned the government and explained in detail from the very beginning why the latest iteration of the MCO would definitely fail.

“I also offered suggestions on how to improve it. But did they want to listen even when it was crystal clear that their measures would fail?

“Now, three months into MCO3.0, it is proven who is right,” he said, adding that the record high cases and thousands of deaths could have been avoided if not for the stubbornness of those in power.

He went on to ask who would be accountable for the lives lost to the pandemic and the misery inflicted by the movement restrictions which have proven to be futile.

“Who can the people turn to for compensation?”

In a Facebook post on May 11, Najib had taken Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to task for announcing a third nationwide movement control order that was to start the following day, noting that MCO2.0 in January and February this year had failed to break the chain of infections.

He noted then, that 60% of the clusters were from factories and construction sites, sectors which were allowed to remain open during MCO2.0 as well as MCO3.0.

This evening, the health ministry reported a record 21,668 Covid-19 cases and 318 deaths, as well as 45 new clusters, including 30 involving workplaces.


  1. What is three months? Jibby did not listen for more than THREE YEARS. When Sarawak Report first started exposing the 1MDB scandal in 2015, Jibby's gomen BLOCKED the website, until 2018....THREE YEARS.

  2. The biggest factor is the Delta variant, which apparently generates 1,000 x the viral load compared to the original Covid-19 , and starts being infective within 2-3 days of the person being infected.

  3. So how will Jibby vote in Parlimen?

    NO SAPOT for Mahaddin but SAPOT for who? Ha ha ha...
