Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why "confusion" over an academic issue like Israel-Palestine Conflict?


Confusion in Dewan over 2-state solution in Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Maszlee Malik (left) wonders if Hadi Awang supports the government’s stand on a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine 

KUALA LUMPUR: There was confusion in the Dewan Rakyat today over the question of whether PAS accepts the government’s stand on a two-state solution in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Maszlee Malik (Ind-Singgam Renggam) said Special Envoy to the Middle East Abdul Hadi Awang, who is also the PAS president, had rejected the two-state solution.

“But the foreign affairs ministry agrees to the two-state solution with Baitulmaqdis as the capital.


“Is the special envoy following the stand of the government or is he (sticking) with his previous stand to reject the two-state solution, which is also the stand of PAS,” Mazslee asked during the debate on the royal address today.

Special functions minister Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof replied that any decision on the two-state solution by the government will be discussed with Hadi, who is also the Marang MP.

“For now, our stand is still consistent, that is to reject the two-state solution. That is not a decision but we are discussing (the issue) and may bring it up to Parliament for debate,” he said.

Hearing this, Maszlee said he was confused over the differing statements by Redzuan and the foreign affairs ministry, but Redzuan said they were in the midst of “making a decision”.

Six-Day War - HISTORY

Deputy speaker Rashid Hanson then asked Foreign Affairs Minister Hishammuddin Hussein if he had any additional statement to make over the issue.

Hishammuddin clarified that the ministry’s stand was clear. He said it supported the two-state solution, which was also the stand taken by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

The BN Sembrong MP clarified that PAS’ stand on the matter was taken before Hadi was appointed special envoy to the Middle East.

“I have also discussed with Hadi … the matter was (first) raised when PAS was still not in the government. It will be discussed at the PAS party level,” he said.

However, Maszlee maintained that the ministers’ statements were confusing because Hishammuddin had said he had discussed the issue with PAS and it had changed its stand before joining the government, whereas Redzuan had said it was still under discussion with the Ismalist party.


kaytee notes:

All above are merely syiok-sendiri academic discussions as the Israelis don't give an eff as to what Malaysians think, nor do they care what the mighty Yanks think as well - they do just what they want, and even the Yanks have to suck it up.

Isis: Israel is the only country terrorist group fears, says first ...


  1. Menteri Khas Hadi must solve the Kurds problem first. Should be easy since Kurds are Muslims and the countries involved are all Muslim....Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria. What is Malaysia's position on this?

    If cannot solve the Kurds problem amongst kaki-lang then no hope of solving the Palestinian problem.

    And while he is at it how about the Saudi-Yemen war....? Also kaki-lang?

    1. What the Kurds want is the same as Palestinians - a homeland. In the case of the Kurds the solution should be very simple since all the land they want are now occupied by their fellow Muslims. Not by Jewish Israelis. So if Muslims cannot give up some of their occupied land to fellow Muslims how to expect evil Israelis to do that....?

    2. Kurds are not Arabs but are closer to Iranians ( Caucasians), whereas Jews are closer to Arnbs

    3. Yes KT, thanks for confirming you agree that it's not about LAND, it's all about RACE and RELIGION.

  2. Israelis actually know about Malaysia, in a negative way.
    There are Malaysian visitors who enter the West Bank and Jerusalem requiring special Malaysian Government approvals for religious purposes.
    Israelis actually don't impose any restrictions on legitimate visitors, but those who enter without the Malaysian Government approvals, Israeli border officers know not to stamp the Malaysian passports, because they are aware Malaysia considers them an enemy, for some weird reason.

    And also the incidents of banning Israeli sports competitors from International events that Malaysia had already signed up to the Terms and Conditions, that among other things, the host commits to allow entry of all qualified competitors.

    Malaysia will now be unlikely to succeed in future bids for international events where Israeli competitors participate, certainly where the Americans are influential in decisions awarding the host country.....

    It may not be relevant now with Covid-19, but someday life will go back to normal, and Malaysia will lose out on important economic opportunities.

  3. Malaysia itself is largely irrelevant in the issue, and even in the OIC, Malaysia's status is heavily tarnished.

    However, internationally, the 1-State or 2-State question is critical.
    A 2-State solution accepts Israel's right to exist within internationally recognised borders, along with creating a separate Palestinian state.

    The Islamists who insist on a 1-State question refuse to recognise Israel's right to even exist, and the entire land is to be Palestinian State. To them , the whole situation must rewind to 1946.

    I suppose the 8.3 Million Israeli Jews will face a Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

  4. follow history cannot meh? or they worry ccp might have draw a 19 dash line that could claim jerusalem was once under cheng ho?

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      In yr wettest wet dream, not only Cheng he sailed reach Jerusalem, he also appointed yr great great great grandfather as the sole keeper of that piece of land, by order of the Ming emperor.

      Due to yr ancestors' administration incompetency & kowtowing to the pommie, Jerusalem became what it's today!

      That history to u. Yours his-story

    2. thats exactly my sentiments whenever i read ccp lover tok china history, especially relate to hk twn tibet xinjiang n nanhai.

    3. U read Chinese with yr hp6 comprehension ability & the liking of wet dream?

      Yr sentiment?

      Sentiment for not been a Chinese? Sentiment for not been appreciated by yr dangdut pals? Yr 蔡妹妹?

      China history?

      More likely yr wettest wet dream!

    4. I'm sure if they could find traces of Chinese junk in the Mediterranean, CCP would claim the Mediterranean as well.

    5. Shipwreck isn't concrete evidence as sailors/traders moved around every corners of the maritime routes on earth.

      Marker stone IS more convenient for been the evidence of arrival. But the Chinese r been too proud (foreign devils have nothing better to teach) & too homesick to want to claim ANY foreign land entitlements when they were the ONLY maritime superpower. Unlike those Western powers bend on colonialism to expand their ill-gotten wealth!

      Perhaps, that's HOW u earn yr capitalistic keep & want to propagate that doctrine - 'my old man farted here first, so I keep all where the fart reached'

      R u been meme-ed by yr anglophilic upbringing?

  5. Muslims already own millions of sq miles of land, from Morocco all the way across Northern Africa, Middle East, Central, South and South East Asia.

    Why can’t they show the Compassionate Islam that they proclaim to practice and let their fellow brother Jews who have the same ancestor Ibrahim have a measly 9,000 square miles of desert rocks and stones to call their home?

    There are 2,000,000,000 Muslims in the world (Pew Research) and fewer than 10 million Jews. Outnumbered 200:1. What are Muslims afraid of?

    1. U want answer?

      Dig deeper into the blood feud between Sunni & Shī'ah!
