Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Question on Hong Kong?

Hong Kong!

Red capital: how Chinese companies wield political influence in ...

US 51st State? or still a British colony?

BBC - Travel - The icy side to Hong Kong history



    Bully is behaving like Toonsie 2.0, who said Harapan didn’t think they could win GE14 so they promised the impossible in their Manifesto, but after unexpectedly winning GE14, their Manifesto suddenly became “Only a Guide, not a Bible”, can throw into the tong sampah. Toonsie TIPU then RAMPAS power after GE14.

    Likewise Bully TIPU.....made all kinds of sweet promises in the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration Treaty; promise Heaven On Earth to Honkies: autonomy, preserve same freedom and rights as before etc etc so that the Honkies will stay behind, and Britain would handover Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy, but after 1997 Bully change their story, tampal new security law, if it was so important why didn't Bully introduce it straight away in 1997.......today want to tambah sini tambah sana, throw tantrum like the Bully President of 500-year old civilization, don’t want to wait 50 years before making any changes as promised, instead Bully want to RAMPAS Hongkong now....

    Between 1984-1997, Honkies were fooled and tricked by Bully into staying behind, not emigrating en masse.....and the Brits were also fooled, tricked by Bully to handover peacefully with no fuss, they even built Chep Lap Kok airport for Bully FOC, left behind a corruption free police force, anti-corruption agency, top notch education system, legal system, a world class port (busiest container port in the world), financial centre, stock market etc etc, that is why Chris Patten is so angry now that he is made to look like a fool after he trusted Bully in 1997.

    In 1997 Bully needed to convince (or rather “fool, TIPU” and he succeeded) 6-7 million Honkies that they need NOT run away to Mother Britain even though they were Pommie citizens because they could have an independent HK for 50 years - of course how many Honkies wanted to run away to Britain to start all over again? So they bought Bully’s bull(y)shit hook, line and sinker.

    5,000 year old "supposedly cultured" civilization shows no gratitude to Honkies. In 1997 Bully was only a small boy schoolyard bully. Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen were still backwaters, but Hongkong under Rule Brittania (ha ha ha) since 1840s had built a global financial center, the main entry point to Bullyland. In 1997 Hongkong contributed 27% of Bullyland's GDP. Just imagine....6.5 million Honkies, less than 0.5% of Bullyland, contributed 27% of their economic output.

    Prior and post 1997 Hongkong helped Bullyland's kampung economy grow rapidly. Honkies with their entrepreneur and financial skills helped Bully learn the capitalist way. Bully in turn needed Hongkong in 1997, so fooled Honkies....sweet-talk, say “please stay, no need to run away, teach Bully capitalist system, in return Bully will take care of you”, but in 2020 Bully reveals that he was a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing all along. TIPU, Bull(y)shit.

    Bully never say "Thank You" to Honkies for their hard work, or Brittania for teaching them so well.

    Today Bully don’t need HK anymore, Hongkong GDP now only 3% of Bullyland, can talk big.....no gratitude whatsoever to the Honkies who contributed so much to Bullyland's success, Honkies built the Economic Foundation for Bullyland, like the Chinese and Indians immigrants contributed to build Malaya's fledgling economy pre and post 1957. Malaya was number one producer of rubber and tin in the world, impossible to achieve if not for the British bringing in workers from India and China, and through these labourer's back-breaking hard work Malaya became rich. Now after Malaysia is richer and stronger the Malays call them pendatangs, make them second class citizens, want to kick them out, balik tongsan.........they have to emigrate overseas to look for jobs, to UK and Oz like KT, how do they feel....cheated right.......?
    Same lah for Honkies.

    1. Walau-eh!

      U rewrite yr own wet dream his-story for HK!

      Bravo! Now show some more teloq & tell that bitch pelosi about "a beautiful sight to behold " happening now across USofA.


      Or still counting the only one teloq u r bornt with.

  2. Why foreigners like Ah Mok so Kepoh to object to Hong Kong resident's right to political expression ?

  3. its hkers hk, american n british stand along with hker for sake of peoples right, for the first time i believe the west do thing right.

    ccp lover can only tokkok, even support ccp to invade our territory, r u msian or mainlander?

  4. R u still dreaming post 1997?

    That wet dream MUST be very entrusting to those demoNcratic ego such that many, especially those HK 废青,r still reminiscent about!

    Ooop… never miss those WASP inspired Anglophiles here too!

  5. Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai has been arrested.
    Did he kill anyone ? No
    Did he advocate Hong Kong independence ? No
    Did he advocate violence or killing in Hong Kong ? No

    The only thing he is guity of is to be heavily critical of the CCP and supporting democracy in Hong Kong.

    CCP doesn't pretend to respect 1 country-2 systems any more. Its going 1 country- 1 system.
    So the Yanks are right in treating Hong Kong as now under 1-country-1 system.
    So the special privileges Hong Kong continued to receive after 1997 as an "Open Economy" are being withdrawn. Rightly so.

    Restrictions on technology hardware and software exports to Hong Kong.
    Everyone knew much of the technology ended up in China, but the Yanks respected the letter of the agreement for 22 years. No more.

    Restrictions and regulations on Financial transaction between Hong Kong and USA.

    Its not Hong Kong being 51st State of the USA, but recognition that Hong Kong is now 100% part of 1-China.

    Terms and Conditions apply, as they say.

    1. Jimmy Lai IS a turncoat for the teochew rang who built his fortunate working for NED!

      He is guity of financing demoNcracy riotings in Hong Kong & misguiding blurred HK 废青 to openly burnt & killed in HK!

      The withdrawal of special privileges of Hong Kong, which ONLY benefits US companies using HK as a base to upstage trading profits, is an act of Senjata Makan Tuan! (Wakakakaka… old moneyed mfer, goes & get a melayu to tell u what it meant).

      The U.S. goods trade surplus with Hong Kong was $31.0 billion in 2018.

      Trade in services with Hong Kong (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $23.3 billion in 2018. Services exports were $12.8 billion; services imports were $10.5 billion. The U.S. services trade surplus with Hong Kong was $2.3 billion in 2018.

      With the lost of that US flavoured trade status, old moneyed mfer, can u estimate how much yr uncle Sam is missing in profit contribution using yr old moneyed capitalistic calculation?

      "Yanks respected the letter of the agreement"

      What a laugh for yr ignorance! Maybe double standard.

      The Yankee read that piece of shit like he read the ONE China Policy he signed. Thus, the official visit of a low tier health secretary to Taiwan for fake covid-19 statistics reporting.

      Old moneyed mfer, yr teowchu rang wouldn't take kindly to yr fart if they have found out!

      Just like their old saying - 偷食无七嘴! Get yr children to tell u if u r still buat tak tau & they still speak rudimentary teowchu!

  6. Bully arrest Jimmy Lai, handcuff, parade and humiliated him through his Apple Daily office amongst his staff and with full press presence.

    5,000 yo civilization so cruel, no civility, almost like a lynching in the town square......without the rope but with handcuff and cameras.


    But Honkies give support, Apple shares shot up 750% since his arrest.

    Even our cruel MACC didn’t gari and parade Guanee through Komtar offices to humiliate him but better not give MACC that idea ha ha ha......

    1. yeah lo, everytime bully1 slap bully2 face, all bully2 can do is to whack hker, n threatened unifying twn by force, a truly coward that hv no ball to confront bully1, only dare to bully the weak. whats english word for a no ball bully?

    2. U guys know bullying?

      Or u guys r selling the buying act of yr uncle Sam!

      "Bully arrest Jimmy Lai, handcuff, parade and humiliated him through his Apple Daily office amongst his staff and with full press presence."


      U forget how Saddam Hussein, the fifth President of Iraq, was treated by the Yankee?

      "Apple shares shot up 750% since his arrest."

      How about dead cat bounce?

      Just wait lah. Oooop… sorry why don't u just join the share buying frenzy?

      This 犬养 mfer, can read 孙子兵法 ke? Read no classic Chinese?

      Treating scum like jimmy lai DOESN'T need the involvement of the central govt! A toughened HKSAR should do the job, even with that 无间道 chief executive still pretending to run headlessly.

      A sa sa suai matter mah!

      Just convinced yr uncle Sam to manufacture an subtended accident in SouthSea lah. Who got ball can then be verified!

      No need genuflecting clown like u to promote yr uncle Sam's ball.


      Oooop… bully is already two teloq less. That's why all bullies needs crowd to show their superficial strength. Usually they r been cheered on by mfers, like u, to be the front liner cannon fodders.

    3. cannot compare, saddam hussain is a bully with ball, he n many muslim dare fight american, unlike no ball bully ccp, only dare show his tiny kok amongst hkwr twnese tibetan xinjiager n seasian. when facing american, all ccp do is hide, cover face show base n moan fuk me fuk me fuk me, i love it.

    4. Wakakakaka…

      What comparison u want?

      How about 抗美援朝 with 小米加步枪!The Chinese had fought the Yankee & the UN combined forces of 15 countries including the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Canada etc with secondary weapons & firepower!

      That's the china's depth courage & sheer determination that a 犬养 mfer CANNOT understand!

      The his-story u have learnt & have been indoctrinated WOULDN'T tell u that. Just liken to those blurred Taiwanese & anglophile HKies getting conned kaux2 about their current political messes!

      All u know about ball & bulling r from yr wettest dream, formed under that fart filled well.

      Oooop… did those 台毒 morons teach u how to moan I'm yr wet dream?

    5. mao kena conned into korean war, n in turn he lied saying american wanna invading china. go read russian archives. how many volunteer died u know kah? at least 10x of american. ccp ball shrank since then, now their weapon to whack usa is bully hker twnese tibetan xinjiangwr n seasian, again whats the english word for a cowardise no ball bully?

    6. 犬养 mfer, lies AGAIN!

      It was no secret that the Hawks, within Truman's administration, were contemplating to use the Korean civil war as a platform to retake/invade China & restored chiangks as the puppet govt of China.

      So much so that, MacArthur was proposing to use atomic bombs on selected targets within China, to help advance hid master plan!

      Truman wasn't keen & still weary of the cold war front with Soviet Union at the European front. After the severe DEFEATS under the hands of the PLA, Truman decided to change course by replacing MacArthur & sourced for a face-saving solution!

      Russian archives?

      U, or ur 台毒水炮 read russko? Or u guys r just fitnah & lied, just like China voluntary gifted Russia millions of acreages of land!

      Many PLA died during the Korean war, mfer, bcoz they were fighting with 小米加步枪. The Yankee were fighting with excessive air power coverage & modern weaponry!

      But the PLA were determined & courageously fight & win battles after battles on all fronts until they reached Seoul!

      If that no ball, then what r genuflecting mfer like u r?

      Bully with no balls? That word is yellowed katak under a fart filled well.

  7. Hong Kong is Not Democratic, therefore cannot be 51st state or Brittania Colony.

    If really want to have elections Bully can do virtual, using WeChat for monitoring and censorship, TikTok video for campaigning and Huawei smartphones to track who vote for who; no iPhone allowed, in case got secret microchip, bot, spying or hack...ha ha ha...

    Hong Kong legislative elections postponed, democrats cry foul
    Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced the postponement
    Britt Clennett andKarson Yiu
    2 August 2020

    In a politically turbulent Hong Kong, the decision to postpone legislative elections for the first time since the city’s return to China is likely to fan flames even further.

    Citing a recent surge in coronavirus cases, Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced on Friday evening that elections for seats in the city’s legislature will not go ahead on the scheduled date of Sept. 6.

    Such is the sensitivity of the issue, though, that Lam spoke for 30 minutes before revealing that the hotly contested elections would instead be held a whole year later, on Sept. 5, 2021.

    Lam said she is invoking emergency powers to push back the date and that the delay is "supported" by Beijing.

    Lam described it as "the hardest decision I have made in the past seven months”, adding that it was "necessary" to "protect public health, people's lives and guarantee fairness of the election.”

    Hong Kong is currently in its third and most widespread wave of infections with more than 1,800 cases over the last three weeks.

    Lam noted that the pandemic has forced other places to delay elections, including the United Kingdom and the Australian state of New South Wales. However, elections in Singapore and South Korea have gone ahead.

    Former legislator Emily Lau told ABC News that the government is using the coronavirus outbreak as an “excuse” to delay an election that would have dealt pro-Beijing heavyweights a crushing defeat.

    "Who is Carrie Lam trying to fool?" said Lau, who served as a lawmaker for 25 years after becoming the first woman to be elected in 1991.

    "Pro-Beijing political parties and candidates are worried they will lose the election very badly, like they lost in the district council election last year," said Lau.

    The move comes on the heels of a controversial decision to bar 12 pro-democratic candidates from taking part in the election.

    Among the disqualified candidates are prominent activist Joshua Wong and Civic Party leader Alvin Yeung.

    Before the disqualifications, the pan-democratic camp was expected to gain a historic majority in the legislature from the momentum of the protests last year, as well as the unpopularity of the National Security Law.

    On Wednesday night, police arrested four people aged 16-21 on suspicion of being involved in an online group that pledged to fight for Hong Kong independence, something that is illegal under the new law.

    For Emily Lau, these recent developments are a clear sign that China is breaking promises made in the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration.

    "This policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which Hong Kong should enjoy a high degree of autonomy, human rights, the rule of law and personal safety. I think that’s all gone out of the window. It is a very, very sad day for Hong Kong.”

    1. There were 3 motives as to why the United States wanted to annex Hawaii:
      The United States wanted Hawaii to acquire its islands and because it was a port way to China, East India and Asia. Not only did they want the islands, but they wanted their naval base. They wanted their naval base for war so they would have another advantage to help defeat the other country.
      The United States knew that Hawaii had lots of tropical fruits (pineapple) and sugar, which were the resources that they wanted. They knew that if they annexed Hawaii, they would be able to take some of their popular resources. This was then the result to the Sugar Trade.
      The US knew that Hawaii had more advantages than other places and they wanted them to afford for carrying on and trading with the Far East. The US wanted to have democracy in many places and they needed Hawaii to be one of their territories.
      The take over of the United States annexing Hawaii
      The United States did use some force, but it was a bloodless revolution. On January 5th, 1895 an armed revolt was in attempt to stop the annexation of Hawaii. 21,269 or 39,000 Hawaiians opposed the annexation. The government met up with Liliuokalani (the queen) who was already in the United States also fighting the annexation because she was removed from the throne and she blamed the annexation and the United States. In the US, they created a petition to the senate, they met in Washington on February 27th, 1898 where 46 of them were with the annexation. Finally, in 1898, Hawaii was annexed and in 1959 became part of the United States. "When the Hawaiian islands were formally annexed by the United States in 1898, the event marked end of a lengthy internal struggle between native Hawaiians and white American businessmen for control of the Hawaiian government" (Nation Archives).

    2. KT forgot one crucial point: prior to admission as the 50th state in 1959 there was a referendum vote.
      The people of Hawaii overwhelmingly wanted to be the 50th state. No force.


      Out of a total population of 600,000 in the islands and 155,000 registered voters, 140,000 votes were cast, the highest turnout ever in Hawaii. The vote showed approval rates of at least 93% by voters on all major islands. Of the approximately 140,000 votes cast, fewer than 8,000 rejected the Admission Act of 1959.

      Bully should have referendum in HK whether locals want to retain autonomy status till 2047, as per agreement with Britannia.

    3. Kerbaus - In his message to the Congress on December 18, 1893, President Grover Cleveland acknowledged that the Hawaiian Kingdom was unlawfully invaded by United States marines on January 16, 1893, which led to an illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian government the following day

      After seizing Hawaii illegally the referendum was actually opposed by Hawaiian natives but alas, overwhelmed by non-natives

      secondly, HK belongs to China, full stop.

    4. 1959 comes after 1893. And 2047 is after 2020.

    5. ccp pls conduct a referendum for 1.4b wrt hk, got ball or no?

    6. to show legitimacy, or u prefer heaven mandate?

    7. 犬养 mfer, u do know fart about referendum!


      "ccp pls conduct a referendum for 1.4b wrt hk"

      With the current Chinese sentiment (ooop… u know its meaning?), how the 1.4B vote r a forgone conclusion.

      Knowing confused dickhead like u, u wouldn't subscribed to this referendum legitimacy (oooop… u know its meaning?)

      BTW, heaven mandates that HK is part of China when u r still a chromosome strain inside yr old man's ball beg!

      But CCP China been Chinese, wouldn't interfere with a HK referendum. That's bcoz of the strict adherent to the promise of 1C2S!

      AGAIN, what do a high on fart katak know what it is cloaking about. It can't even count it's own ball!

      Mmmm… mistake! Katak has no ball in the first place.

    8. Blurred mfer, u want to know how Hawaii became the 50th state of Yankeeland?

      Go read the truth memoir of the last queen of Hawaii.

      Liliʻuokalani was the only queen regnant and the last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom, ruling from January 29, 1891, until the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom on January 17, 1893.

      The Yankee were more ruthless in grabbing Hawaii as a colony than the pommie did with India.

    9. Legislative vote is due in HK in 2020, as part of agreement with Britannia, signed in 1984, but now in 2020 Bully postpone, and ban opposition from standing as future candidates.

      Bully is becoming like Belarus....where opposition have to run away to Lithuania for safety and fellow Bully Presidents congratulate the “winner” for the SIXTH term.

      Putin and Xi congratulate Lukashenko on his re-election as president of Belarus
      by Elleanor Aguilar 2 days ago

      The presidents of Russia and China, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, respectively, on Monday congratulated their Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, for having won a sixth term in the elections held on Sunday.

    10. Its OK, CCP is the 21st century equivalent to Heaven.

    11. Wrong, old moneyed mfer, CCP has revived the long forlorned heaven on earth as craving by human via its socialism with Chinese characteristics.

      That one of the twin social phenomenon of human desire - capitalism has been demonized when profit plays supreme.

      U won't want to know bcoz all u see is just greenbacks over anything else!

  8. Blurred mfer, do u ACTUALLY know how referendum works?

    1st, DON'T add yr own fart into The Sino-British Joint Declaration signed between the United Kingdom and China on Hong Kong under Chinese sovereignty.

    There is NO provision in the document for any referendum in HK whether locals want to retain autonomy status till 2047.

    Hawaii before been 'forced' & 'conned' to join the Yankee Doddle was an independent nation. Thus, the orchestrated referendum initiated by the Yankee was all & proper in name BUT not in ethics! It involved only the Hawaiians.

    HK is part of China since time immemorial. If a referendum was to initiate for her 'disengagement' from China Proper. Then it would have to involve the whole populace of China. Not just hkies alone!

    The Scotland/Northern Ireland referendums were different bcoz Scotland & Northern Ireland were independent members of a British Union. There were NEVER any BU sovereignty but individual member country rights! Thus any Scotland or Northern Ireland referendum would involve ONLY Scots or Northern Irishman, period.

    The Catalan declaration of independence referendum is not recognized legally simply bcoz Catalonia was/is never an independent member of Spain Proper. Even the Catalan voted majority to become independent, it is only a local election that has devoid of the participation of the whole Spaniards populace!

    If u r truly blurred then perhaps u should be focused on issues u r not blurred. Trying to cheat/confused any other issues ONLY let people out there to know u r a scum who is arguing blindly!

    Maybe u r trying to bully yr opponent using bombastic terms that u yrself hardly can understand!

    Tsk… tsk… talk about bullying - do u really know what it means & how it works?

    1. i wrote clearly 1.4b involve in the hk referendum, ccp got ball or not?

    2. 犬养 mfer, do exercise yr 南魔萬 England more comprehensively lah!

      On top of that read twice or thrice before u fart.

      Everyone here know yr skill of farting by always want to shout when yr master's doctrine is been debunked!

      Don't forget about katak don't have ball. They lay eggs,OK?

    3. Legislative body election is in the Joint Declaration signed in 1984, but now 2020 “joint” become “suka hati” like Toonsie’s Manifesto after GE14 become flexible.

    4. So u know Legislative body election!

      Blurred mfer, the initialed Legislative body election was disrupted by the yellow umbrella movement of the 2014 after multiple postponements.

      If u want to keep bringing up the joint declaration, which u have never read, then the recently signed national security acts, mentioned in the same joint declaration, were supposedly to be enacted by the HK legislative council soon after 97 hangover. Why were they be delayed until now?

      Bcoz yr WASP uncle/auntie tak "suka hati" about the fates they would face after enactment?

      Truly blurred mfer, doing c&p w/o proper researches! Is that yr day job?



    The 3 blind mice after watching this video will say all this is the evil CCP fault somehow, LOL

  10. Moronic blind mice is still singing the same tired tune of bully, bully, rampas, rampas ! The drivel he regurgitates about Hong Kong are nauseating off track to say the least. 

    After Hong Kong was occupied by the British from 1841, it began a slow and painful process of modernization like other colonies. In this process, although the British "transplanted" modern laws and political systems to Hong Kong (just like we grafted plants), the people of Hong Kong enjoyed not democracy but oppression. Only rulers and their families could Enjoy full democracy. 

    In the early days of the colony, the Governor of Hong Kong (the full representative of the British Royal Family in Hong Kong) had great powers. The Governor had both executive and legislative powers. In addition, military power and police were also in the hands of the Governor. In Hong Kong, the governor can do whatever he wants without being restricted. A tyranny rule in fact. The British indeed build roads, railways and modern infrastructure, schools and churches in their colonies but it would be naive, even idiotic, to think it were all for benefits of the yellow skin locals in this case for Hong Kong. The colonial British envisaged they would be the master of the world for all eternity and these 'modernization and built ups' were all specifically to be more efficient and to facilitate their plunders of the wealth and resources found, all expatriated back to its motherland. 

    Fundamentally speaking, the Governor of Hong Kong represents the interests of Britain, not the interests of the Hong Kong people. Throughout the British rule of more than 150 years, high-level leaders of the Hong Kong government are all held by the British. Hong Kong people enjoy 'freedom', but no democratic and political rights and of course, they are not allowed to vote.

    It was only when the British was forced to exit Hong Kong through Deng Xiaoping’s ultimatum, that these British slyly left a bomb for China to deal with. And yet Hong Kong after the return thrived and succeeded very well and was accorded the space and democracy such that it attained among the top rank as one of the freest democracy, beating the US flat which came at a miserly 17th. So China did not fail Hong Kong at all, besides acting as a crucial hinterland to provide fresh water, food and other essentials. 

    The British during colonialism absolutely never respected the Chinese but however deviously left them with the right to their democracy and freedom after they leave… great hypocrisy ! Chris Patten is the epitome example of the devious cunning British overlord. The Chinese elderly today still have memories of ‘dogs and Chinese not allowed’ signs everywhere during that great British rule.

    Without the new security law, inciting rebellion and espionage are not illegal activities. (Now today, it's illegal ).

    Now we know why  Hong Kong, Lisbon, and Casablanca become the world's three largest "spy capitals." Now we know why the US are howling in great rage with the new law in place, why the British too have their nose out of joint. Their thousands of spies have to quickly flee their lairs in Hong Kong, and find new abode in places like Taiwan and other lapdog allies. Without these spies, it would be extremely difficult to infiltrate and institute subversion in order to destabilize China.

  11. Hehe...the height of suckering-up that TrumpAss Kisser would go to !

    "Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai has been arrested.
    Did he kill anyone ? No
    Did he advocate Hong Kong independence ? No
    Did he advocate violence or killing in Hong Kong ? No"

    Now you tell me....what should you do to someone who cooperates with foreign forces to incite severe rioting, vandalism, arson and disruption to public life for a whole year in your own country ? Do you think such people should be allowed to go unpunished ? How do you read when this traitorous man openly pleaded on CNN appealing to Trump to "please do something about Hong Kong, come help us "? How do you read when this same traitor was photographed in Washington with the US' vice-president who had for the past 3 years been bashing China with vicious and abrasive words ?

    This Jimmy fuckery Lai is now a UK citizen and his assistant Mark Simon is the son of an CIA agent and indeed he himself did a stint in CIA too.

    Read here the full scoop of this Angpow agent, recruited by that damn fuckery traitor :


    When the Western hypocrites and their cohorts as usual "expressed their grave concern" about the arrest and "death of Hong Kong's press freedom", many couldn't stifle their mocking sarcastic laughter.

    The truth of the matter is, Apple Daily is a low quality tabloid at best and it has printed some lies that would make even Trump blush. But this arrest has nothing to do with this cheap tabloid newsprint. When the police officers raided the Apple Daily offices, they didn't touch anything from the editorial staff or disrupt the operations of the paper.

    Apparently Jimmy Shitty Lai was arrested under the new national law as part of an investigation into an online group that canvassed foreign countries to sanction Hong Kong, and received more than HK $1 million from overseas account.

    "Force insiders said police were pursuing the six arrested for alleged activities that took place after the enactment of the law late on June 30th and that the legislation was not being used retroactively."
