Saturday, May 02, 2020

Trump 'hiding' his expert on Covid-19 from testifying to Congress

Star Online:

White House blocks Fauci from testifying to Congress on coronavirus response

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks during a coronavirus response meeting in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 29, 2020

REUTERS/Carlos Barria/File Photo

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top U.S. health official Anthony Fauci will not testify next week to a congressional committee examining the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic, the White House said on Friday, calling it "counterproductive" to have individuals involved in the response testify.

The White House issued an emailed statement after a spokesman for the House of Representatives committee holding the hearing said the panel had been informed by Trump administration officials that Fauci had been blocked from testifying.


"While the Trump administration continues its whole-of-government response to COVID-19, including safely opening up America again and expediting vaccine development, it is counter-productive to have the very individuals involved in those efforts appearing at congressional hearings," White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement. "We are committed to working with Congress to offer testimony at the appropriate time."

Fauci's testimony was being sought for a May 6 hearing by a House Appropriations subcommittee that oversees health programs, said spokesman Evan Hollander. The Washington Post first reported that Fauci would not testify.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been one of the leading medical experts helping to guide the U.S. response to the highly contagious virus that has swept across the United States.

Trump has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic-controlled House over its moves to investigate his actions or those of his administration.

In recent days, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer have urged wide-ranging investigations into Trump's handling of the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed tens of thousands of Americans.

Democrats have criticized Trump, saying he has failed to develop a comprehensive and effective plan for testing Americans for the coronavirus and tracing contacts of those who are infected by the virus that causes the sometimes fatal COVID-19 respiratory disease.

Fauci, 79, has had a respectful but sometimes complicated relationship with Trump.

The well-regarded doctor has at times corrected or contradicted the president at White House briefings or in press interviews on issues such as the time required to develop a vaccine and the likelihood that the coronavirus will return in the fall.

Trump has occasionally shown exasperation with Fauci but ultimately has followed, largely, the advice that he and Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House’s coronavirus task force coordinator, have provided on responding to the pandemic.

Last month, the White House said Trump was not firing Fauci despite his retweet of a supporter’s #FireFauci message.

At the time, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said: "Dr. Fauci has been and remains a trusted adviser to President Trump."

Aides to Fauci were not immediately available to comment on the House committee's desire to have him testify.



  1. Right until February, when the CCP Virus was already raging around the world , the Democrats Number 1 priority was to impeach Trump. TaLk about misplaced priorities.

    Even now, the priorities are misplaced.

    Fauci is much too busy attending to critical pandemic work than to answer a political witch-hunt.

    1. just keep on sucking wakakaka

    2. Trump at his height one time said ( paraphrasing ) that if he were to shoot someone right in front of his supporters, he would still be adored and not lose a single fan, hehehe

      This die hard TrumpAss kisser here would suck even deeper if he ever get to see that Orange Buffoon pull the trigger. If China were to prevent anyone from testifying if it had adopted such a disastrous demon-cratic system, this buntut kisser would be the very first one to nail CCP to the mast. The evil they promote is all white washed, their master could do no wrong. Shit !

    3. The CCP governor of Hubei province has not been seen alive for the last 2 1/2 months, after he made the gentlest statement in February that he was prevented by Beijing authorities from publicising the danger of the CCP virus in the early days.

      Nobody dares bet he will ever be seen again.

    4. Mfer, just bcoz u don't read Chinese & from Chinese media, u choose to fart about a lie that u read from where, some western/pro-western media!

      Or yr f*cked imagination?

      That incompetent ex-governor of Hubei province has been jobless for the last 2 1/2 months since he was sacked.

      Maybe u would kind enough to give him an employment as he has also lost his pensions & other related perks?

      Playing similar trick of lies repeating umpteen times will turns truths, right?

    5. Continue to spin la, hehehe. Have you been to China these two and a half month and snoop around to check if the good governor is really dead or just enjoying his lockdown time at home ? Publish la that so-called gentle statement made in February and let us decide OK ?

    6. u can test it out by shouting xi jinping spread the virus to the whole world 3x in tiananmen.

    7. Mfer, 方方 did that in one of her f*cked diary entry!

      Remember to buy her US print copy when it is available. China haters, all over the world would make sure a sold out.

      Yet, right at this moment, she is still vomiting diarrhea daily on her weibo post!

      Quick, do a guessing when she is going to disappear from the face of China. Better still, inclusive of all her 崇洋媚外的公知 supporters.

    8. i dun know y u keep talking fangfang, the reason some wanna read her simply bec many thot she expose the darkside, n people is curious abt wuhan, thats all. in fact her writes is bore, mild n pretty supportive of ccp. i found most writes up abt life under wuhanvirus published in nyt cnn etc is more real, shocking n sadden to read.

      stop talking fangfang, her writes is much much milder than mild 7. did she really talk abt ccp n xi? show me.

    9. I talk about 方方 diary bcoz it's the latest & hottest ongoing incident to dispute yr f*cked notion of absolutely NO ONE dares to criticize CCP central govt!

      Nothing wrong if that fat bitch decided to write anything about the DARKSIDES of a tradegy. After all she is a writer, full of imagination coupled with the skill of using flowery words.

      But when she fabricated incidents to add to her diary content, intending to be a daily description of lives in Wuhan, THAT'S the lowest of the lowest scum.

      "her writes is bore, mild n pretty supportive of ccp."


      Of course for a demoNcratic leaning mfer, what's more appealing than the shitty reports published in nyt cnn etc. They have to be more real, shocking n sadden to read in order to cater to China haters like u.

      "did she really talk abt ccp n xi?"

      Once again, proven conclusively u HAVEN'T read any of her chapter in that f*cked diary - destined to be another firing gun for yr demoNcratic press!

    10. dun tok kok, show me how n where she criticise ccp leadership n xi, its open for all to read.

    11. Mfer, buy a copy of 方方's oversea print of her f*cked diary lah.

      Then read it with yr China bashing comb!

      Better still, go through her daily diarrhea at her weibo blog entries lah. That will be quicker & direct for a mfer with 南魔萬 England comprehension!

  2. pity the americans president, everything is exposed n being ridiculed n criticised, while his good friend xi the lifetime president can just with a snap of finger, even 100 fauci went missing.

    1. wakakaka, your hatred of CCP is invincible

    2. Hehehe...when their "hero" is found covered in shit and stink like hell, these angmohs-worshipers tried to deflect pulak, all the while holding their noses away from the rots, and like true fans of their master, look at someone else to blame and criticize hehehehe.

      It's divine how these two devils the Dems and the Reps fighting like wretched monkeys to get their turn at cheating and ruining their own people and their country, right in front of the whole world to witness, hehehe...macam tanggal baju to show their dirty, wa ka ka ka.

      The biggest monkey yet is that Orange Buffoon to date...the flurry of lawsuits from his cohorts should be directed instead to this Buffoon who is CRIMINALLY negligent in not acting at least 12 weeks earlier despite knowing the severity of this coronavirus pandemic. Buffoon had gone against advice by medical experts and also from his own intelligence personnel. He is the real asshole from a shithole bully country.

    3. many went missing since wuhan virus breakout, commoner, dr, reporter, businessman, officer from low to high rank, u may try calling xi in beijing the way u call mahathir then see what happen to u. so dun simply use term like hatred on subject/person that is complicated like 1mdb.

    4. jerkx2, trump is a jerk, x1 only, but he acknowledge whos the culprit of wuhan virus,thats y x1.

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      Hurrah! The cries of the bigoted dickhead!

      Yr similar minded 方方 has a very flowery phrase :


      Where's yrs?

      Maybe as encrypted within 小民的智慧 fart from 龙应台?

    6. CK, less of Mandarin script please

    7. Give lah names of those "many went missing...commoner, dr, reporter, businessman, officer from low to high rank".

      Any idiot with batty otak with irreconcilable hatred can also shoot out slander like that mah, wakakakaka. If your batty head is immersed too deep into Formosa tsai, this is the kind of batshit we get plastered with, hehehe

      Oh, by the by, we now have proof that a Brit, a certain 'renounced' professor who is an unmitigated apologist of the dead as dodo British Empire but he's trying his damnest best to revive it, is the liar who spread false news of how China spread the Covid19 to the whole world and to ensure his lies get into the Orange Buffoon's ear who can't figure what is a lie and what is truth as he himself had to date had spewed not less than 100K lies in these short 3 years of his presidency.

      I will track down that video and post it at the lastest KT's posting soon. Meanwhile, you guys continue to swallow in and relish these angmohs' kausai OK...hehehehe

    8. no name, this is a common practice n ethics to protect n safeguard those victim that dare to go against a authoritarian regime. so dun be a jerkx3.

      i asked u many times to do more reading. n in this case, u would know more the cruelty of ccp n their mindset if u read cultural revolution, written by those that went thru the irrational era. the reason y many such book is published is because the victim include deng xiaoping n gang. n that is oso the reason y u rarely read books on 64, bec the butcher is oso deng xiaoping n gang. we show the name when xi n gang all gone, this is a common sense under ccp china.

    9. How easy - no name!

      To protect the victims?

      Which era's victims? If it's the current timeframe, then what sufferings could the 'victims' entitled to bear? If it was the time when the incident happened, what resolutions could the victims now reflected upon?

      U r acting better than rpk-ish in using one-iner to cover yr farts. More so with a ton of makeup foul gaseous!

      Mfer, please lah if u want to lie, make sure yr lies can stand up to challenge!

      'cruelty of ccp'?!!

      So convenient for u to concentrate on just an experimental tradegy of a past era!

      Have u forgotten the 'white terror' of Formosa? The slavery of US? The
      Spanish conquistadors in S America? etc etc…

      There r now many books written about the cultural revolution by those who went through that 'irrational' era within&without China. But they r been written in a different prospective than those that u like to read & contemplating evilly about!

      They were the unfortunates that had been caught within the tides of that era. They r also the fortunates that have enjoyed the fruits of the current era.

      'rarely read books on 64'!!!!

      Wow… there r books on 64 in China but seldom r they been labelled as Tienanmen incident.

      Been a nonchinese, obviously u know f*cks about the sensitivity of incident naming.

      Just like 方方's Wuhan diary! Not many people WOULD care about her farts if she named her trash as 方方's nightmare!

      By tying a place to an unfortunate incident, the Chinese taboo of never offending the land has been breached. A very NO, NO to blackgoating the land that gives live to one's past & future!

      Reading more & wide is good.

      But yr kind of single-mindedness in condemning a group of people, an ideology, a monumental struggle to uplift the nation ISN'T doing justice to reading more & wide.

      Instead, it's an abomination to ANY sense of been educated.

      Common sense for a bigoted mfer, who create hatred based on personal liking, indoctrinated via congenial conditioning, is NO COMON SENSE.

      It's a coward in the like of 岩里政男, born Chinese yet insist of been a Japanese reincarnation!

      Mfer, sleeps tight on it!

    10. Yup, stick with your one-sided Formosa propaganda. You close your mind on getting the whole picture, especially if its written by Chinese scholars written in English text or Matsalleh scholars written in Mandarin text.

      The positive aspect of the Culture Revolution is the liberation of the Chinese from the oppression of the upper class iron-grip authority, family, and deity. It enabled Chinese to have more freedom and liberty than that in the West. Think about it...CR is positive from this aspect... it frees the Chinese from all these constrain. Although all East Asian countries are Confucius-centred, Chinese are more creative than either the Japanese or the Koreans due to CR.

      The blood of starving millions people is on the hands of USSR and US because China was sanctioned by both world in that time. The number 60 million is a Western propaganda fabrication simply because no foreigners were allowed to go into sanction-imposed China and count the bodies.

      China actually achieved a great achievement, a miracle almost.... simply because it is the only nation that is able to pull itself up in such an astonishing speed in such a large country. China went from a war-torn dirt poor agrarian country colonized by every European countries, even Belgium had a colony in China, can you believe it? to a country with the largest economy having some of the most advanced technologies such as quantum communication, 5G, and wave-drive body missiles like DF-17.

      I see the confirmation of China’s achievement in the relentless shrill demonization by the West which to date, in its thousands upon thousands of articles, news and books and all manner of literature and movies..there's not a single positive thing was written or said about China.

      This very well researched fact-based talk by Sara Flounders on " US Threats in the South China Sea" is a must watch for all Chinese or non Chinese for that matter...the sheer bullying avarice of the Imperialist West, especially the US of A :

    11. no name, ck, if u chosse not to believe, i am fine.

      i agree 64 is a taboo, like 513 while 228 is a public holiday in taiwan. go figure.

  3. "No name!"

    "if u chosse not to believe"


    A rpk-ish one-liner used to planketing yr lies!


    Reread my take & yr interpretation of "64 is a taboo" lah! Yr 南魔萬 England comprehension skill is showing AGAIN!

    "228 is a public holiday in taiwan."!!!

    Liken to Watangi day of NZ! Ditto with captain cook australia day of Oz!

    The victor is still celebrating about an one-sided treaty/massacre that caused untold sufferings to the natives till this day.

    The victors DON'T want to understand the ACTUAL lifelong humiliation that the natives feel.

    Rather it's a twisted form of celebrating their triumph over those uncivilised savages they had conquered & dominated!

    Mfer, go figure.

    1. i dun simply put mother of 2 in risk for the sake of dedak, argument, or a delusional china dream. so i repeat again, many missing under a authoritarian ccp regime, its fine if u think i am a liar, but still, no name.

      the whites colonized n conquered aus n nz, like what ccp did to tibet n xinjiang. no diff. go figure.

    2. Keep farting as that gas is invisible (no name!) BUT stinking to heaven!

      So easy to lie!

      Mfer, Tibet & Xinjiang have long been territories of Chiba long before CCP exists!

      AGAIN, keep farting about yr lies. & hoping against hope that that lies would be lingering on to eternity by been repeated ad nauseum!

      No need to figure - since u can only fart with invisible gas. Just sleep tight in yr fart chamber lah. U need that ambient to keep u going.

    3. so other use 400 yrs history cannot, ccp use 800 yrs history somemore conquest actually done by foreigner genghis / kublai khan can?

      u see now y no name, bec logic ethic reasonableness right wrong is never yr type moral compass.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      "somemore conquest actually done by foreigner genghis / kublai khan can"


      Mfer, what happened during Tang/Han effort in securing 河西走廊?

      Obviously u know farts about the range/area of 河西走廊!

      No name → non concrete proof → non sustainable lies

      Indeed, ethnically reasonableness, right or wrong IS never within yr f*cked moral compass!

    5. Bat-lover who moronically claimed that ONLY those who can read and write in the Chinese language would be able to get at the truth, hehe. More batshit coming from this moron with his "the whites colonized n conquered aus n nz, like what ccp did to tibet n xinjiang. no diff. go figure."

      Bat-lover shows the Western-type mentality ( in spite of his delusion of him being more chinese than chinese, hehe ) that he mistakes Chinese for the white colonialists who conquered the fertile land of North America, slaughtered native Indians, and replaced indigenous population with their own to form a new country. He seems to think that the Chinese have no creativity, can only copy what white men did, and made a knockoff by replacing North America with Tibet, and Indians with Tibetans ( let's start with Tibet to show how wrong this batlover is )

      Tibet-China story is totally opposite from what happened to North America in the hands of Anglo-Saxons.

      First of all, Tibet becoming a part of China is through Tibet invading and conquering China in 9th century followed by Chinese not driving the Tibetans out when they became weak later. Subsequently the Mongols and Manchus did same thing to China. Now Mongolia and Manchuria had also become parts of China since ancient times.

      But prior to actually invading, Tibetans have been migrating to China for ages.

      Tibet is a high plateau, the roof of the world. High altitude makes it cold. Himalayas mountain range on the south makes the trade wind dropping its moisture content on the southern slope of the mountains on Indian side. As a result, Tibet is cold and dry in most area. Cold and dry makes the land barren and unproductive. So Tibetans have been migrating to China for ages.

      Intentional migration was initiated for the purpose of the Tibetan goal of conquering China - Tibetan rulers want the Chinese land.

      (Batlover stop spewing your half baked nonsense when your otak is stuffed to the brim with batshit )
