Sunday, May 03, 2020

Treacherous PPBM about to switch AGAIN

MM Online:

Better for Bersatu to be with Pakatan than Perikatan, veep Mukhriz says

Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir has suggested today that it is better for Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia to return to Pakatan Harapan for its survival in the next general election, instead of remaining with the Perikatan Nasional coalition

Picture by Choo Choy May 

KUALA LUMPUR, May 3 — Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir has suggested today that it is better for Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia to return to Pakatan Harapan (PH) for its survival in the next general election, instead of remaining with the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition.

In a statement on his Facebook page today, the Bersatu vice-president questioned party president and Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s own political fate if the cooperation between the PN parties fizzles out once they begin contesting against each other.

“Let’s not talk about Cabinet ministers, what is the fate of Tan Sri Muhyiddin himself? Will he still be chosen as the prime minister after the 15th general election? There must be an agreement with the parties that have cooperated to form a government,” the Kedah mentri besar said.

“If not, what is the meaning of this political cooperation? Is it merely a temporary marriage of convenience for three years or earlier if the Lower House is dissolved? The PN administration was formed on March 2020.

“If Parliament is dissolved this year, does it mean Bersatu must face against its political ‘allies’ Umno and PAS at each seat including Pagoh, Tambun, Alor Gajah and Titiwangsa? Is this uncertain situation good for the people and the country?” Muhkriz said, referring to Muhyiddin’s own constituency and those of his ministers.

The son of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad added that many grassroots members are concerned that the political alliance within PN will only last until the next general election and wants to know the answer from Muhyiddin.

He then questioned the chances of Bersatu emerging victorious in any constituency in the next general election if it is beset on all sides by its current allies in PN and former allies in PH, especially in light of the fact that Umno, PAS and Bersatu generally contests for the rural Malay votes. [...]

Mukhriz said he believes that Bersatu’s only choice is to re-join its former coalition partners in PH, seeing that they had bonded during the 14th General Election in their effort to topple the kleptocratic Umno-led Barisan Nasional administration.

C'mon lah - all of us know Mukhriz is NOT capable of making such blasphemous announcement UNLESS Papa told him to do so.

Mahathir or Mukhriz realises it'll be the end of the road for PPBM (Parti PRIBUMI) when GE15 arrives, which may be ANYTIME as the PN government is very unstable.

The PN situation in the state of Johor is an indication of the precariousness of a convenient but dodgy coalition among PRIBUMI, UMNO and PAS.

UMNO in particular has not forgiven PRIBUMI for splitting some (though not a majority) of its votes in GE14, and for combining with a so-called enemy of the Malays, the DAP (according to none other than Mahathir himself), to form a new government in May 2018.

The Old Racist repeated his warning again during the 'Malay Dignity Congress' though he had then pointed to the 'orang asing' upstarts in general.

Mahathir said on stage during the 'Malay Dignity Congress': “... Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan."

(Translation: The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence)

Then in 2016 he teamed up with his erstwhile arch-foe, the bane of Malays (as he had described Lim KHAT Siang). His mafulat Machiavellian manipulating knew (and knows) no bounds as he was (is) prepared to sleep even with the Devil to achieve his political objective, namely, to rule Malaysia.

Then when it suited him, he reneged on his promise to hand over the PM reins to Anwar Ibrahim, giving kerbau nonsense that it's up to the people, up to parliament, and up to Mount MahaMera in the Pamir Mountaina in the Himalayas - basically he didn't want to hand over to Anwar or for that matter, to anyone.

Jakarta Post (JP) informed us that besides Anwar Ibrahim whom he hated, Mahathir had one additional problem, some members of his cabinet, wakakaka.

JP reported in its (02 March 2020) How a $7 billion dispute helped bring down Malaysia's Mahathir, extracts as follows:

In the weeks before his shock resignation as prime minister threw Malaysia into turmoil, Mahathir Mohamad was getting agitated.

His then-ruling alliance had suffered a series of by-election losses, stunting its momentum after a historic election win in 2018 against a government in power for six decades. Mahathir wanted quicker action to reduce living costs, a key part of the “New Malaysia” agenda that had propelled the bloc’s surprise win. But his proposals only spurred more bickering within the unwieldy coalition of four parties with racial and religious differences.

One conflict centered around highway tolls. In January, Mahathir agreed to let the conglomerate Maju Group take over highways operator PLUS Malaysia Bhd., which is controlled by the finance ministry, according to people familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified. Under the deal, valued at about 30 billion ringgit ($7 billion), Maju Group would’ve scrapped toll fees in return for government contracts to maintain the roads, the people said.

But his coalition partners disagreed: The largest, the Democratic Action Party or DAP, was strongly opposed to the deal, according to a person familiar with the discussions. In the end, the administration rejected all bids for PLUS and restructured concessions to reduce highway fares instead of eliminating them.

The failed deal highlighted a series of policy disputes that eventually brought down the coalition, showing that the differences in Mahathir’s government extended far beyond when he would cede power to Anwar Ibrahim, his long-time rival.

That's right - t'was NOT only Anwar that he refused to hand over the PM reins, but he wanted a brand new cabinet whose members did NOT belong to any party, a la his created Council of Eminent Persons, wakakaka. His aim of course was dictatorial and to do away with accountability.

By his greed, arrogance (that only he knew what to do) and his contempt for his cabinet colleagues, parliament and the ordinary rakyat (a la post-Ops Lalang), he most fortunately for us shot himself in his own political foot.

That's how Ass-binte and Moo-Moo eff-ed him up kaukau and took the PM reins from him.

He now has the brazen nerve to want his PPBM to return to Pakatan Harapan, of course planning this through his Boi-Boi, probably being too proud to say he wants to return to the coalition which is headed by Anwar.

KHAT eSS and inner coterie plus Amanah will no doubt be absolutely rapt with delirium at the treacherous Old man returning. But I do NOT think Anwar ever wants the old wicked bloke back.

And frankly, what the hell can PPBM do when in GE14 it just won a measly 13 seats after being allocated a humongous portion of PH's seat allocation, to wit, 52 seats.

And out of the 108 state constituencies it was assigned to contest, it won an abysmal 5.

Nonetheless Mahathir by sheer arrogance, bullying and ruthless grabbing seize most of the cabinet strategic posts, even watering down the Finance Ministry before giving it to DAP Lim GE.

As for undeserved state MB positions, he grabbed the shameful lot - eg. in Perak PPBM won only 1 (one) lousy seat yet the amazing Azumu was made MB. WTF! And to rub salt into the Harapan wound, Azumu deserted the coalition for its new partners, bringing the Harapan state government down prematurely (for the 2nd time).

Contrary to expectations and kerbau myth, Mahathir does NOT command the respect and affections of Malays. He will be of NO help to Pakatan Harapan.

But alas, KHAT eSS will undoubtedly pressure Anwar to accept treacherous PPBM back, such is KHAT eSS' hardup-ness for power.



  1. Taunting Bersatu traitors is fun. Enjoy.

  2. It will be sheer stupidity to even think of PPBM getting back with PH.

    And if PH accepts PPBM back, I can only say PH deserves to get screwed one more time by PPBM

  3. Some people allow themselves to become serial rape victims....

  4. Fact check on Ktemoc's blog.

    The PH State government in Kedah, Excos, appointments, local government etc., remains intact.

    So Mukhriz has not factually switched sides , neither 1st time nor again.

    I rate Ktemoc's Headline as UNTRUE.

    1. you pseudo-outrage is too premature - read my post title again, wakakaka
