Monday, August 23, 2021

WTF, Kamala Harris should have dropped into Kabul before visiting Singapore, & don't forget New Delhi

Kamala Harris visits Singapore to deepen ties, counter China's influence

US Vice President Kamala Harris will meet Singapore's leaders on Monday on the first working day of a trip to Southeast Asia aimed at bolstering ties as part of Washington's efforts to counter China's growing influence.

Harris will meet Singapore's President Halimah Yacob and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and later visit the Changi Naval Base and tour the USS Tulsa - a combat ship of the US Navy.

Singapore is not a US treaty ally, but remains one of its strongest security partners in the region with deep trade ties. However, it also seeks to balance its relationships with the United States and China by not taking sides.

kt notes: Singapore is indeed a very strong US ally (and eff any treaty) - she is more trusted than, say, Australia and the US makes available to Singapore all weapons she needs, without any restriction. In recent years Singapore is like Australia, following the US into most of the American's military adventures around the globe

The country is home to the biggest port in Southeast Asia and supports continued free navigation in the area, where China is growing increasingly assertive.

Harris arrived in Singapore on Sunday at the start of a seven-day visit to the region, which will also include a trip to Vietnam. During the visits, US officials will aim to address Washington's concerns about China's claims to disputed parts of the South China Sea.

Kamala Harris being received on her arrival in Singapore yesterday

"Singapore has encouraged greater US engagement in Asia, but warned that efforts to 'contain' China's rise are counterproductive," according to a report released in April by the Congressional Research Service, which conducts research and analysis for the US Congress.

"Singapore has maintained generally good relations with China, at least partly as a hedge against possible US retrenchment," the report said.

In a recent interview with Reuters, Singapore's foreign minister Vivian Balakrishnan, welcomed the role the United States and China play in the region - reflecting the delicate diplomacy it has succeeded at and one Harris has to navigate.

He said the United States and Singapore will discuss topics such as the pandemic, the digital economy and cybersecurity.

"Leadership in the two countries are likely to be careful to avoid creating impressions that Beijing may find a reason to be antagonistic about," said Chong Ja Ian, a political scientist at the National University of Singapore, referring to Singapore and Vietnam, to which Harris heads tomorrow evening.

Part of Harris's task will also be convincing leaders in Singapore and Vietnam that Washington's commitment to Southeast Asia is firm and not a parallel to Afghanistan.

Curtis Chin, Asian fellow at the Milken Institute and former US Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank, said the United States needs an "all-in pivot to Asia, including a business pivot, and Singapore and Vietnam can be key partners in that effort."

"Restoring trust and confidence in US steadfastness and staying power must come first," Chin said.


  1. 500 yo Bullyland has much to learn from 5000 yo Bullyland, how to "liberate and occupy" foreign lands when nobody is looking, like in Tibet, where just last week they "celebrated" 70th anniversary of "liberation", from what or who nobody knows.

    There was No Taliban in Tibet, no Bamiyan Statues were blown up, no women and girls discriminated against. Tibetians were living peacefully, practicing Buddhism under the Dalai Lama. But Original Mao invaded Tibet in 1951 anyway and today Modern Mao lords over Tibetian Buddha. So who invited them into Tibet?

    China marks Tibet anniversary with call to accept Communist rule

    Beijing marks 70th anniversary of founding of Tibet Autonomous Region, with a call to accept the Communist Party’s rule.
    19 Aug 2021

    China has marked the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the roof of the world, with a call to accept the rule of the Communist Party.

    Beijing has ruled the remote western region since 1951, after its People’s Liberation Army marched in and took control in what it called a “peaceful liberation”.

    “Tibet can only develop and prosper under the party’s leadership and socialism,” Wang Yang, who heads a national organisation responsible for uniting all races and all parties under the leadership of the Communist Party, said at the event on Thursday in the region’s capital, Lhasa.

    The celebration, attended by almost 10,000 people, was held at the foot of the iconic Potala Palace, a sacred Buddhist site associated with the Dalai Lamas.

    A nationwide live telecast of the celebration prominently featured a four-storey-high portrait of Chinese President Xi Jinping towering over the audience.

    Propagandists in the 1950s and 1960s used to extensively display Mao Zedong’s portraits at rallies and celebrations to whip up a personality cult around him and cultivate loyalty.

    Most leaders after Mao forbade the practice, although under Xi’s rule, his solo portraits as well as those with him and four previous leaders have been placed extensively in Tibet.

    The party’s atheist Han leaders in Beijing have also made extra efforts to cultivate loyalty among Tibetans, many of whom are devout Buddhists and traditionally view the Dalai Lamas as their spiritual leaders.

    Beijing brands the current Dalai Lama, exiled in neighbouring India, as a dangerous separatist and instead recognises the current Panchen Lama, put in place by the party, as the highest religious figure in Tibet.

    As a mark of the party’s rule over Tibetan Buddhism, Wang presented the Panchen Lama with a commemorative plaque at the ceremony

    1. Tibet belongs to China - also check where the title 'Dalai Lama' comes from?

      2ndly, Tibet was a terrible theocracy (just like Iran) where/when lama's and the upper class so-called nobility oppressed the peasants.

    2. Oredy checked. Dalai Lama means Big Mongolian Guru? Ha ha ha.

      The 14th and current Dalai Lama, poor fler had to escape from Tibet in 1959 fearing for his life like the Afghan President had to leave Kabul last week when Taliban came into his palace with automatic weapons.

      The name "Dalai Lama" is a combination of the Mongolic word dalai meaning "ocean" or "big" (coming from Mongolian title Dalaiyin qan or Dalaiin khan, translated as Gyatso or rgya-mtsho in Tibetan) and the Tibetan word བླ་མ་ (laa-ma) meaning "master, guru".

    3. Tibet was invaded and occupied by force of arms by the People's Liberatiin Army.

      Looks like Ktemoc has a very selective stand on when oppression on one's own peasants is no excuse for external interference, let alone intervention.. except when China is the Invader.

    4. Afghanistan was a terrible Islamic theocracy with many warlords fighting everyone and destabilizing the Soviet Stan states, that was why USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979. But by 1989 the Soviets gave up, leaving the country and the Soviet Union was also disintegrating. 5000 yo Bullyland oso cabut Afghanistan in 1993 because they could not tahan the cruel Islamic Fundamentalists. Even though they were both UN Permanent Security Council Members, responsible for global Peace and Security they abandoned the poor Afghans who were then subjected to cruel treatment by the Taliban until 2001, when the Allied forces led by UN Permanent Security members USA and Britannia kicked the Taliban out of most parts of the country. Only then did China and Russia come back for Free Ride, but they offered nothing substantial in terms of foreign aid or security, only want to do business and make money. 500 yo Bullyland contributed 2 TRILLION in foreign aid and security, plus thousands of lives were lost.

      2 Trillion is bigger than the annual Russian GDP.

    5. who gave the high priest in Tibet the title but none other than a Chinese Emperor, Mongolian, Manchurian, or Han - to reiterate, a Chinese Emperor to whom the Dalai Lama was a vassal priest-king

    6. Monster, you and TS always talked about Israelis' pedigree stretching back into the Biblical-mythical past some 3 to 4 thousands years ago, yet when it comes to China and her past as in Tibet, you come to an abrupt stop and state of amnesia at 1959 - pathetic lah, wakakaka

    7. TS, nicely done, you single-handedly expunged the Great White Father the US in its Cold War complicity in arming the Taliban and al Qaeda, egging those Afghans to attack USSR and its Afghan ally, the Northern Alliance warlords.

      But when 9/11 occurred, the clueless US found it convenient to blame Osama and then poor Saddam. Osama was a hardcore terrorist, very keen to claim notoriety for all-any acts of terrorism against the US so Osama who initially said he wasn't responsible for 9/11 subsequently decided to take credit for his strike against the US on 9/11. That led to the bellicose US invading Afghanistan and collaborating with its former foe (the Northern Alliance warlords) against its former allies, the Taliban and al Qaeda - it showed the disgusting prostitute-like nature of American foreign policy and wannabe imperialism.

      And why should China interfere in a country of no concern to her sovereignty and interests?

    8. For over the last 1,000 years, various China dynasties have been imperialist hegemons over large areas non-Han territories on the periphery of the China dynasties.

      Korea, Tibet, Turkestan, Vietnam, Burma all kowtowed to the Emperor of China dynasties....but that doesn't make Korea, Tibet, Turkestan, Vietnam, Burma belonging to China.

      You are using past China imperialism as justification for massive land grabs as China becomes more and more powerful in the 21st century.

    9. Al Qaeda did not carry out 9/11 ?

      They already tried twice before
      -1993 World Trade Center bombing
      - 1995 Bojinka plot to simultaneously blow up 11 American airliners flying from Asia.

    10. It is ridiculous to compare Israel to China's occupation of Tibet.
      The Jews have been Bumiputra in Judea and Samaria for thousands of years, while the Arabs came conquering out of the Arabian desert to the south in 635/ 636 therabouts.

      Tibet is Tibetan land, has been for thousands of years.
      China was at most an Imperialist tributary lord and hegemon over Tibet during the time of China Dynasties. In case you haven't noticed, the Tibetans are NOT ethnic Han Chinese. The Han Chinese currently in Tibet, are settlers since 1948.

      None of the Han Chinese , Zero , have any roots in Tibet.

    11. Wakakakakaka…

      "None of the Han Chinese , Zero , have any roots in Tibet"

      Where did u learn yr Tibet history?

      Ooop… from that fart filled well!

      During the great Tang dynasty, numerous of Tang princesses were married to the kings of the Tibet!

      Thus, many Tibetans have Han Chinese DNA!

      So how long ago was the Tang dynasty?

      Old moneyed mfer, more than two thousands yrs ago!

      U r truly f*cked with yr his-story.

    12. Princess Wencheng (Tibetan: Mun Chang Kungchu; Chinese: 文成公主 628–680). She married King Songtsen Gampo of the Tibetan Empire in 641. She brought with her vast Chinese knowledge & large company of Han companions to Tibet. Thus her other Tibetan title of "Princess Civilizer".

      Many of her Han companions settled in Tibet with numerous generations of offsprings calling themselves Tibetans!

      It's very wrong & closed to blasphemy to claim "None of the Han Chinese have any roots in Tibet" in this age since the recorded Tibetan history!

    13. Old moneyed mfer, u do know FART about modern day nationhood foundation!

      "For over the last 1,000 years, various China dynasties have been imperialist hegemons over large areas non-Han territories on the periphery of the China dynasties"

      So, if those territories haven't founded their own independent nationhood, under whatsoever circumstances, they r still rightfully the sovereign territories of China. PERIOD!

      For over the last 1,000 years, various feudalistic states have been imperialist hegemons over large areas of European territories on the periphery of their dynastic jurisdictions!

      Germany wouldn't be a unified Germany if not bcos of the strong arm expansionism of Otto von Bismarck.

      Ditto with those city states of medival Italy under The House of Medici.

      Yr f*cked logic of disputing past imperialism for massive land grabs should apply to all and sundry w/o idealism selectivity.

      China hasn't claimed all those since independent territories as hers. Thus, Korea, Vietnam, Burma r their own sovereign nations even though eons ago they r China territories.

      Tibet, Turkestan(?? a f*cked name that created by radicalised Uyghur separatists) can never be independent bcoz NO Chinese would ever allowed it under ANY circumstances!

      Old moneyed mfer, if u insist on parading yr know-nothingness, at least do a better twist using a more genuine camouflage of f*cked logic.

      That's if u don't mind been laughed off the head!

    14. Blurred mfer, 2 Trillion is bigger than the annual Russian GDP, WAS never the total amount of monies been channeled into Afghanistan.

      80% of that monies went back to USofA to those fat cats of various cronyism!

      Did the Afghans benefit from the Yankee interferences?

      For u, it would be a resounding yes, no doubt about that - wakakakakaka…

    15. The Dalai Lama title is etymological a recent Tibetan title.

      The Dalai Lama belongs to the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, which is the largest and most influential tradition in Tibet.

      The institution of the Dalai Lama is a relatively recent one. There have been only 14 Dalai Lamas in the history of Buddhism.

      So why the strong hold of lama-ism in all sectors of Tibetan lives?

      Simple answer - zombiecism is a strong magnet for destituted people living a hard lives, especially trying to survive in a hostile environment.

      Transcendental releases & afterlife utopia become a vital aim to sustain the daily tolls.

      NCOs of this mentality, the elite monks - later day lama, manipulated that theme to enslave large group of peasants to serve them as lords.

      It's an hateful serfdom that SHOULD be totally demonished under any humanistic understanding!

      Yet there r mfers, trying to upstage this hateful practice to be an enlighten 'guru'!

      Yaloh, they r yr guru of fart that feed u idealism to enjoy their beings!

    16. 5000 yo Bully Belt You Down My Road money goes back to Bully GLCs and Banks. Definitely Not Free, Bullied Must Pay Back every Yuan plus interest.

      But Afghans no Need to Pay Back 2 Trillion. Free to Them.

    17. You are really blur with $$$$$. With the BRI, solid hardware materialized in the relevant countries, the dams, the power stations, the ports, roads and rails, these created jobs, businesses, development and life improvements for the locals. These hardware cannot be withdrawn like withdrawing of the American army and then leave the countries in ruins. So which is more beneficial?

    18. Wow… wow…

      Blurred mfer regurgitating debt trap that it knows zilch!

      "Belt You Down My Road" is exactly what caused the humongous debt trap of SriLanka by those western countries fooling around with their SriLanka's investments.

      In 2019, the national debt of Sri Lanka amounted to around 65.65 billion U.S. dollars.

      US(22.5B), UK(9.02B), France(7.33B) & Germany(5.74B) contributed 68% of that national debts. China's total infrastructure investment (11.8B) in 2019 or just undr 9% of that national debt, considering not all that Chinese investments r debt related.

      Bearing in mind too that those Chinese investments r still actively working in Sri Lanka to provide jobs & developments while all those US/UK/France/Germany debts r just pure debts in a stagnant economy!

      Ditto with the debt traps of Argentina & Venezuela!

      So blurred mfer, goes belt yrself down kaw-kaw lah!

      BTW, why should the Afghans pay back anything? They have gotten nothing but destituted livelihoods, deaths & miseries!

      Free to them! For what?

      Yr f*cking demoNcratic chant, RIGHT?

  2. There is a (mis)calculation by the Yankee war Hawks in the sudden retreat from Afghanistan.

    That's the expected multiple refugee waves as happened with the Iraqi & Syrian wars to swarm the surrounding countries.

    China shares a common narrow strip of border with Afghanistan. Under the strategic calculation when US starts the military withdrawal, the various factions under Taliban & the Afghan govt forces would have a free-for-all strikes & counterstrikes. These civil wars would create a large volume of refugees running for their lives.

    Yet, that plan failed miserably with the Taliban moving swiftly into Kabul within 9 days to announce a new govt. All the warlords within the Taliban behave surprisingly coordinated & coexisting peacefully.

    No waves of refugee except those around the Kabul airport. Neither any large refugee movements into Iran, Pakistan, Turkey! No refugees at the China border too!

    The plan backfired w/o the anticipated refugee waves moving into surrounding countries, especially China. This is totally & unexpectedly differed from the refugee scenario of the Iraqi & Syrian wars when large refugee waves created untold problems in EU!

    The unmentioned theme in the sudden Yankee withdrawal from Afghanistan is to create unstable geopolitical conditions with China - with the existence of large number of refugees at her border.

    NO SUCH SCENE anywhere near Yankee strategic calculation.

    This move of Yank has offended many of his conventional diehard western allies. It has also strike a lighting bolt amongst those vassal states & wall grasses about how committed is yankee's vowed defender of their choice!

    There would be many more of these yankee high ranking tours all-over the world to salvage that wounded pride & bruised ego.

    How effective r these tours would be a new insight about geopolitics played by the Yank - with a sleepyhead as a blurred commander!

    Currently RedDot has many Yankee acolytes within her administration. LSL is a poor match of his old man - both in political Machiavellian manipulations within & without s'pore!

    LaoLee's s'pore first at all costs IS no longer a viable solution with such bunch of short-sighted politikus in charge.

    The endtime of Singapore is near.

  3. People give the twisted impression that the Chinese empayars of old was a monolithic country with fixed boundaries (including Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang), passed on continuously like an inheritance, through the generations by good-natured emperors wanting to do Good Deeds for One and All, like they are pretending to do today with Belt and Road. And the citizens of these territories had always welcomed the occupying Bullies.

    Nothing could be Further from the (painful to Some) Truth. It is no coincidence that it was the Chinese who invented gunpowder. It wasn't for fireworks to celebrate CNY....ha ha ha...It was to Burn and Bomb the hell out of the neighbouring recalcitrant warlord. Gunpowder was the Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction of the time. The ancient Chinese were not peaceful people at all. They were a bunch of rival mini-Napoleons, like the rival warlords of Afghanistan today. Always want to Bully and Rampas, Rape, Pillage and Plunder.

    It is also no concidence that Bullyland today has the largest standing Army and are doing their best to have the largest Navy and Airforce. Why do they need this if they have no Bullying intentions?

    The boundaries of Chinese empayars changed continuously, webbing in and out, sometimes so fragmented it was (and still is) unknown, even to themselves.

    For every ancient map that Bully sapoters can show with Tibet included, I can show another ancient map that shows Tibet is EXCLUDED.

    Sometimes the empayars existed side by side simultaneously, with overlapping boundary claims, like in medieval Europe between competing Kings, Queens and Lords. Like the overlapping claims Bullyland has today with just about every single neighbour.

    Using the argument that Tibet has always been part of China because Emperor so-and-so said so in a 2000 yo old parchment found deep in a cave somewhere is a false argument. At some point in History modern day Mongolia, Korea, Viet Nam, Laos, Myanmar etc were also bullied and conquered by some of these Chinese empayars, like Viet Nam was for a thousand years, but the Bully was eventually kicked out and they became independent countries as we know them today.

    But poor Tibet was so weak and nobody came to their rescue in the 1940s and 1950 as China became a Bully when the CCP was born in 1921 and declared themselves the latest Dynasty with Emperor (Original Mao) in 1949 but only after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs liberated them from the occupying Cruel Japanese that KT always like to write about, lopping people's heads off. Then in the 1950s Bully unilaterally decided that Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet belonged to them because thousands of years ago an Emperor had a (competing) claim over them.

    And same today for the Eastern and Southern Seas which Bully oso want to Rampas.

    1. "Like the overlapping claims Bullyland has today with just about every single neighbour."

      For your information, China has 14 land-link neighbour countries. Contrary to what you have written, China had already settled its country boundaries with 12 of them peacefully beyond your imagination except still outstanding claims with India and Bhutan.

    2. Wakakakakaks…

      F*cked his-story from fart filled well by one blurred mfer!

      Gunpowder was invented by the Taoist monk in trying to create elixir for eternity life. It was never meant to be used in war!

      The Mongolian reinvented the gunpowder inti war weapon for their world conquering operations!

      If the ancient Chinese were not peaceful people at all. They would have initiated all the Rampas, Rape, Pillage and Plunder before the world knew what hit them.

      This scheme were eventually adapted by the WASP-inspired western nations to try their hands in worldwide colonisation.


      DON'T just fart about this - "For every ancient map that Bully sapoters can show with Tibet included, I can show another ancient map that shows Tibet is EXCLUDED."

      Show yr card, loose-mouth mfer!

      Ooop… about yr take on nationhood boundary foundation - wakakakaka… cf ck 6:42 pm, August 23, 2021 for yr reading pleasure! Rebuttal is welcome with substantiated proofs, mfer.

      Wakakakaka… wakakakaka… yr his-story of Tibet (wow)! Ditto Southern Sea!

      BTW, have yr his-story explained why the Tang princesses merrier the Tibetan kings of eons ago?

      Don't just say. Show proofs lah. Fart is easy but soon u would be drowned in those foul gaseous within yr confined well.

      Ooop… maybe u r in that state now!

    3. By your argument, if the California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona were to seek independence or Mexico were to seek the return of these states land, US should surrender them accordingly, consider the occupation of these states is even shorter history since US of A is less than 250 years old. Shouldn't you be condemning US for usurping those land from Mexico?

    4. Indeed California, Nevada etc may seek independence, or Mexico want to claim back, that may happen (but it is unlikely), in the context of empires that can last centuries what is 250 years.

      And who knows next week Sabah/Sarawak, Catalan or even Taiwan will claim independence.....?

      I call USA "500 yo Bully", because Christopher Columbus "discovered" America only 500 years ago. China claims to be a 5000 yo civilization but I can hardly find any concrete evidence that ANY of their ancient Empayars or Emperors actually ruled Tibet, like Mexico actually ruled California, Nevada etc.

    5. Going by the logik that Tibet belongs to China because a Tang Dynasty princess married a Tibetian King eons ago then Malacca belongs to China because Ming Dynasty Princess Hang Li Po married Sultan Mansur Shah 1456-1477.

    6. Wakakakaka…

      In a funny twist of fate, u r indeed dead right on the spot about Malacca belongs to China.

      There is a copy of ancient Okinawa court document kept in Japan. In that document, a shipwrecked crew of Okinawa fishermen were saved by a ship captain (admiral) from a place known as Malacca at the South China Sea. The crew were told that they were officials on duty from Ming court of China!

      BTW, who gave u that farted logic about Tibet nationhood via marriage?

      Yr own f*cked interpretation or u dig up from that fart filled well?

    7. That's the point. The people of Tibet are happy and proud to be Chinese citizen. They don't want the separatist Dalai Lama back.

      Ching Dynasty actually ruled Tibet.

  4. As proof of the contraction and expansion of boundaries look up the maps of the Sui (581-618), Tang (618-907) and Ming (1368-1644) empires - they are just a few of the many Chinese empires that DO NOT extend to Tibet.

    In fact during the Tang dynasty, the Tibetian empire stood next door as equals. The Tibetian empire at that time extended into parts of today's Afghanistan and India, but no issue, the Dalai Lama is not claiming Punjab or Kashmir....ha ha ha...

    QUOTE (wiki-lah, don't be lazy)
    The Tibetan Empire (Tibetan: བོད་ཆེན་པོ, Wylie: bod chen po, lit. 'Great Tibet'; Chinese: 吐蕃; pinyin: Tǔbō) was an empire centered on the Tibetan Plateau, formed as a result of imperial expansion under the Yarlung dynasty heralded by its 33rd king, Songsten Gampo in the 7th century. The empire further expanded under the 38th king Trisong Detsen. The 821–823 treaty concluded between the Tibetan Empire and the Tang dynasty delineated the former as being in possession of an area larger than the Tibetan Plateau, stretching east to Chang'an, west beyond modern Afghanistan, and south into modern India and the Bay of Bengal.

    The Yarlung dynasty was founded in 127 BCE in the Yarlung Valley. The Yarlung capital was moved to Lhasa by the 33rd king Songsten Gampo, and into the Red Fort during the imperial period which continued to the 9th century. The beginning of the imperial period is marked in the reign of the 33rd king of the Yarlung dynasty, Songtsen Gampo. The power of Tibet's military empire gradually increased over a diverse terrain. During the reign of Trisong Detsen, the empire became more powerful and increased in size.....

    1. So is wikipedia yr only proof?

      What if I say that those wikipedia entries were uploaded by some Formosa dickheads?

      Give me some peer-reviewed historical proofs lag, blurred mfer!

      For yr spare time reading - check 河西走廊 cf:河西走廊

    2. Wiki cites many sources, please check yourself at the bottom of each wiki site.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      Why don't u crosscheck my sources?

      They r more direct & peer reviewed too.

      Oooop… u don't understand the criteria of peer review!

  5. Running in parallel to Chinese History was the Kingdom of Tibet, first recorded Tibetian tribes in 100AD and the First Kings of the Yarlung Dynasty 2nd to 6th centuries.

    History must not be Myopic or One-Eyed, only looking at Chinese Emperors and Empayars but not Tibetian ones, which are just as Old and Great, but perhaps not as well recorded because it was the Chinese that invented paper (and Weapon of Mass Destruction gunpowder ha ha ha).

    Just look up History of Tibet and you will see their long list of Empayars and Emperors, as long as China's.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Show yr source of Tibet his-story lah!

      Don't just fart!

  6. History of Tibet and THEIR list of Empayars and "Emperors"

    1. Wow…

      AGAIN - wikipedia !

      Wa lau-eh, what a scholastic find in a fart filled well.

    2. For the Wiki-virgins if you care to scroll down each wiki-site you will see the references and further reading. Wiki itself is not ONE source. It refers to many sources, but you have to check and satisfy yourself if they are accurate.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Do tell how many of these wiki references r peer reviewed infos?

      No dickhead who uploaded falsehoods & twisted infos dare to quote peer reviewed researches!

      Keep that in our f*cking mind!

  7. Han Dynasty (202BC - 220 AD), lookup their map - NO TIBET.

    The Zhou dynasty was the longest - 790 years, from 1046-256 BC, but it’s territory was only in NE China. NO TIBET.

    Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) - NO TIBET

    So far I have accounted for about 3,000 years of Chinese history when Tibet was NOT part of their Empayar. Ayam now Too tired to carry on.

    1. stop bullshitting - why stop at 250 BC? Isn't there another 2250 years to go? Why avoid them?

    2. I had to stop after Han Dynasty 220AD because after that was turmoil and confusion, called the Six Dynasties but in reality many more, with different capitals, where nobody knew who was in charge, so many competing warlords and tribes, like in Afghanistan today ha ha ha...

    3. Too tired?

      Wakakakaka… searching wikipedia for farts, is indeed very tiring!


      Bcoz, it's full of farts that's all.

      BTW, who drawn those maps of Shang Dynasty, Zhou dynasty & Han Dynasty?

      Ancient cartography r very inaccurate due to the inability to view the whole territories from the sky!

      Thus descriptions by words r the ONLY golden references for boundary demarcation.

      Ooop… how would a blurred mfer knows. It only do c&p fart to pass its boring time.

  8. Then suddenly in 1951 Bullyland annex Tibet and say it has always been ours. What Bullyshit.

    1. ... compared to another "Nation" which shamelessly stole native lands just less than 500 years ago, first by murdering natives with smallpox infected blankets

  9. For 5000 years Bullyland TIPU everyone, draw dashed lines over territories they did not possess, like Tibet, but smart historians and cartographers exposed their lies. Till today 5000 yo Bullyland still doing the same ...drawing more dash lines in Southern Seas....ha ha ha...we musn't fall for that...

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Sign of too highly intoxicated with fart leaking from that fart filled well!

      Bravo… what a parade of know-nothingness.

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      Truly blurred mfer's fart!

      If u want to dispute an issue, then don't just fart with rhetorics. Substantiate yr claims with FACTS & PROOFS!

      "…draw dashed lines over territories they did not possess, like Tibet"

      Then show evidences that Tibet has exist during the same period as the Shang or Zhou dynasty. Maybe yr his-stories can't identify there was NO Tibet during that time!

      Oooop… perhaps u want to buy the Nazis idea of the Tibetans rvdescendent of Aryans in the same category liken to the fabled Atlantis!

      Similarly "…drawing more dash lines in Southern Sea"

      Show yr concrete takes that those Southern Sea territories belongs to those other claimant nations, using substantiated historical proofs which r the 1st fundamental clause of a territorial sovereign entitlement. Don't just use a piece of recently proposed maritime exclusive economic zones that even amongst those other claimants there r also intra-disputes!


      Or u r going head over tail to fall for a unilateral clause of yr own making!

  10. The last two Chinese empires:

    Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) NO TIBET.
    Tengok baik baik the attached map - Tibet was a neighbouring Kingdom to the west of Ming Empire.

    The last Empire was Qing (1644-1912).
    It was only in the last years of this last empire, in 1910, that a Qing Empire General invaded Tibet to try to gain control of the country. But this eventually failed, the Qing General formally surrendered to the Dalai Lama in 1912, the Last Emperor Pu Yi was kicked out of The Forbidden Palace (nice movie) and the Dalai Lama declared Tibetian independence in 1913.

    Qing collapse and Tibet independence
    But in February 1910, the Qing General Zhong Ying invaded Tibet during its attempt to gain control of the country. After the Dalai Lama was told he was to be arrested, he escaped from Lhasa to India and remained for three months. Reports arrived of Lhasa's sacking, and the arrests of government officials. He was later informed by letter that Qing China had "deposed" him.

    After the Dalai Lama's return to Tibet at a location outside of Lhasa, the collapse of the Qing Dynasty occurred in October 1911. The Qing amban submitted a formal letter of surrender to the Dalai Lama in the summer of 1912.

    On 13 February 1913, the Dalai Lama declared Tibet an independent nation, and announced that what he described as the historic "priest and patron relationship" with China had ended. The amban and China's military were expelled, and all Chinese residents in Tibet were given a required departure limit of three years. All remaining Qing forces left Tibet after the Xinhai Lhasa turmoil.

    So I can find of all the 13 or so Chinese Dynasties, 5000 years or so, they occupied Tibet for a Grand Total of ONE YEAR - 1911 to 1912.

    1. How many Chinese dynasty are there?
      83 dynasties
      Number of Dynasties and Emperors in China

      There were 83 dynasties and 559 emperors in ancient history of China. The Zhou Dynasty was the longest ruling Chinese dynasty.

    2. There were 13 Main Dynasties in China, the rest were Rats and Mice not worth mentioning.

      The 13 Dynasties that Ruled China in Order
      Léonie Chao-Fong
      20 Aug 2021

      The history of China is generally presented according to the dynasty to which the period’s ancient rulers belonged. From its inauguration in c. 2070 BC to the abdication of its last emperor in 1912, China was ruled by a series of 13 successive dynasties.

      1. Xia Dynasty (c. 2070-1600 BC)
      The Xia dynasty was founded by the legendary Yu the Great (c. 2123-2025 BC), known for developing a flood control technique that stopped the Great Flood that ravaged farmer’s crops for generations.

      As no contemporary sources exist, very little is known about the Xia period. For this reason, some scholars believe it to be mythical or quasi-legendary.

      2. Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1050 BC)
      The Shang dynasty is the earliest recorded Chinese dynasty supported by archaeological evidence. 31 kings ruled much of the area along the Yellow River.

      Under the Shang dynasty, there were advances in maths, astronomy, art and military technology. They used a highly developed calendar system and an early form of modern Chinese language.

      3. Zhou Dynasty (c. 1046-256 BC)
      The Zhou dynasty was the longest dynasty in the history of China, ruling the region for almost 8 centuries.

      Under the Zhous, culture flourished and civilisation spread. Writing was codified, coinage was developed and chopsticks came into use.

      Chinese philosophy blossomed with the birth of the philosophical schools of Confucianism, Taoism and Mohism. The dynasty saw some of the greatest Chinese philosophers and poets: Lao-Tzu, Tao Chien, Confucius, Mencius, Mo Ti and the military strategist Sun-Tzu.

      The Zhous also developed the Mandate of Heaven – a concept that was used to justify the rule of kings, who had been blessed by the gods.

      The dynasty ended with the Warring States period (476–221 BC), in which various city-states battled each other, establishing themselves as independent feudal entities. They were finally consolidated by Qin Shi Huangdi, a brutal ruler who became the first emperor of a unified China.

      4. Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC)
      The Qin dynasty marked the beginning of the Chinese Empire. During Qin Shi Huangdi’s reign, China was greatly expanded to cover the Ye lands of Hunan and Guangdong.

      Although short-lived, the period saw ambitious public works projects including the unification of state walls into a single Great Wall. It saw the development of a standardised form of currency, a uniform system of writing and a legal code.

      The Qin emperor was remembered for his ruthless megalomania and suppression of speech – in 213 BC he ordered the burning of hundreds of thousands of books and the live burial of 460 Confucian scholars.

      He was also responsible for building a city-sized mausoleum for himself, guarded by the life-sized Terracotta Army of more than 8,000 life-sized soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      "Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) NO TIBET!"

      Yet u farted about Tibet was a neighbouring Kingdom to the west of Ming Empire!

      Look at this modern day analogy - UK consists of England, Scotland, Wales & N Ireland. Yet most of the maps show each individual states within UK.

      So, what r the legal status of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - by just looking at the map of UK?

      The Ancient Yellow Register Archives of imperial Ming China had multiple entries about the administrative issues declared & implemented in the lands of Tibet! Its defence was also depending on the Ming army, though in the later part of the Ming empire, the official watches were lapsed due to the decaying empire.

      Extrapolating this issue with the Tibet next to the Ming empire - one can interpret that Tibet was part of the Ming court territory.

      Blurred mfer, if u want to quote thingies China, contemporary or ancient, the best sources r still been written in Chinese. Not all those anmokausai biased & xenophobic interpretations!

      But then as a long genuflecting banana, knowing no Chinese, perhaps that's the best u could dug-up to ampu yr f*cked idea of China/CPC/Chinese bashing.

  11. OK lah since I got some free time before dinner I show map of three empires, ALL WERE TINY IN SIZE and NOWHERE NEAR TIBET:

    Han Dynasty Map:

    Zhou Dynasty Map:

    Shang Dynasty Map:

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Who drawn these maps as shown?

      Definitely no Tibet in anywhere on earth during the Shang&Zhou dynasty period!

      Maybe those Aryan had not crossed over the Himalayas to reach the Tibetan plateau! Wakakakakakaka…

      During the Han dynasty, do check 河西走廊 history when the great Han general 霍去病 singlehandedly chased the 匈奴 (Huns) out from the China territories! Tibet was then part of the 西羌諸部.

      There were multiple tribal groups within that region. No Tibetan kingdoms had formed yet.

      Or blurred mfer, perhaps yr Tibetan his-story doesn't shown u that it was know as part of the tribes living within 西羌諸部!

      Maybe it's best for u to search the Nazis record about why Hitler sent a mission to Tibet. Only then u would be able to fathom some mystical records of Tibetan his-story that u would buy!
