[My simplified essay on the US in Afghanistan]
The US went into Afghanistan on what was to be seen as a vengeance mission - to whack Osama who purportedly destroyed Twin Towers on 9/11 - this act I am not persuaded as yet that it had been al Qaeda (I'll explain again soon but suffice to say for now the US President had to blame someone for what happened on 9/11 just as it blamed Libya for the Lockerbie bombing when experts alleged the culprit was actually Iran who did it as an act of revenge for the shooting of Iran Air Flight 655 by the USS Vincennes - easier to "punish" Libya than Iran).

Ironically during the earlier Soviet occupation of Afghanistan (the USSR's Vietnam) the US supplied Al Qaeda and Taliban with arms and money, and provided training, as part of its Cold War strategy against the then-USSR - to remind us, the US was never interested in the wellbeing of Afghans.

And the greatest irony has been the US' volte-face there when it subsequently backed the once-Soviet-back Northern alliance (anti-Taliban warlords) who it used to wage war against during the Soviet occupation.

It then dragooned (bullied) NATO into getting involved in Afghanistan when NATO had no interest nor was formed for the purpose of invading and occupying Afghanistan - which was why we saw Germany, France, Holland, UK etc there. Yes, we need to clear all the bullsh*t decorations about nurturing and protecting freedom and democracy.
To reiterate, the US was never interested in the wellbeing of Afghans, nor had it been interested in the wellbeing of Vietnamese, Thai, Taiwanese, Japanese, Koreans, etc, or for that matter, Europeans.

The ONLY country the US cares about (only because of domestic votes) was, has been, is and will be Israel - and that's only for the US politicians' own election skins. If the Americans were NOT Christians and the Israelis Judaists, the US would have dumped Israel long ago. But alas, the US President and politicians just dare not!

Yes, the US President had to in order to show the US voters the "John Wayne or Gary Cooper" in the USA would take no sh*t from its enemies.
It then took the US years of surveillance, intelligence effort and most of all, bribery, before it succeeded in killing Osama.
It stayed on in Afghanistan to prevent Al Qaeda from regrouping and strengthening there (Taliban has no external interest so was never a prime consideration in the terrorism al Qaeda did/does) - in truth the US in staying on in Afghanistan was never interested in the wellbeing of Afghans.
Ironically during the earlier Soviet occupation of Afghanistan (the USSR's Vietnam) the US supplied Al Qaeda and Taliban with arms and money, and provided training, as part of its Cold War strategy against the then-USSR - to remind us, the US was never interested in the wellbeing of Afghans.
And the greatest irony has been the US' volte-face there when it subsequently backed the once-Soviet-back Northern alliance (anti-Taliban warlords) who it used to wage war against during the Soviet occupation.
Thus we could see the prostitution-like attitude of the US, to wit, fight against A (Northern Alliance warlords) and back B (al Qaeda and Taliban) - then when it suited its interests, fight against B (Taliban) and backed its former enemy A (the Northern Alliance warlords) - my apologies to prostitutes for equating them to US in its foreign affairs.
It then dragooned (bullied) NATO into getting involved in Afghanistan when NATO had no interest nor was formed for the purpose of invading and occupying Afghanistan - which was why we saw Germany, France, Holland, UK etc there. Yes, we need to clear all the bullsh*t decorations about nurturing and protecting freedom and democracy.
To reiterate, the US was never interested in the wellbeing of Afghans, nor had it been interested in the wellbeing of Vietnamese, Thai, Taiwanese, Japanese, Koreans, etc, or for that matter, Europeans.
F*ck you & your brat
KT say the US entered Afghanistan only for their self interest. Here is how "USA Self-Interest" benefited Afghanistan:
ReplyDeleteIn 2019 alone the US donated to Afghanistan nearly $5 billion in foreign aid; even more than to Israel. Not bad when someone who doesn't even like you gives you 5 billion.
In total Afghanistan has received $134 Billion from the US, mostly over the last 20 years, and more than half of what they have given to Israel since WW2, ie more than 60 years.
Other European countries, Canada, Australia etc donated huge amounts also. So now with the Taliban back in power most if not all of these foreign aid will stop.
It is now up to 5000 yo Bullyland, who want to remain friends with the Taliban to fund Afghanistan development and security. Arab and other Islamic nations can join in too.
Try Belting the Taliban Down Bullyland's Road; build then roads, railways, airports, power plants etc. They will pay you back in carpets, rugs and opium. Mostly Opium ha ha ha which Bullyland is fond of....ha ha ha again. As for schools Afghanistan doesn't need science labs or universities; only mudshack madrassahs for boys.
Since late 2001, Afghanistan has become a major site of concentration of international aid, security and military resources, totalling around US$286.4 billion, or US$9,426 per Afghan citizen. Between 2002 and 2009, US$26.7 billion in aid was spent in Afghanistan. By 2009, Afghanistan was the leading global recipient of official development assistance (ODA), for the second consecutive year.
Afghanistan also hosts the world’s largest and most costly international peacekeeping force mandated by the United Nations (UN). Foreign military operations in the country have cost in excess of US$242.9 billion. Volumes of funding in support of building the security sector and of counternarcotics activities are extremely diffi cult to trace, but total at least US$16.1 billion.
If the US was really in Afghanistan for self-interest they would have left right after Osama bin Ladin who was hiding just across the border in Pakistan was eliminated in 2011. But they stayed on for another 10 years providing more security (bodyguard services lah), economic aid, military training etc. But the Afghans have no stomach for fighting the Taliban. So too bad....Sayonara Baby.
DeleteAgain those c&p trashes from a blurred mfer's selective f*cked media quotes of dubious sources!
"In 2019 alone the US donated to Afghanistan nearly $5 billion in foreign aid"
Blurred mfer, in 2019 the GDP of Afghanistan was 19.29 billion USD. Wa lau-eh, yr uncle Sam single handedly contributed 25.9% or one-quarter of the Afghanistan GDP!
Considering the other huge donations from "Other European countries, Canada, Australia etc" these total foreign 'aids' must have contributed more than 30% of the Afghanistan GDP!
Yet the GDP in Afghanistan is expected to reach 20.46 USD Billion by the end of 2021 (
So blurred mfer where had ALL those billions gone to?
Your pocket or yr big mouth?
Indeed the US was really in Afghanistan for self-interest to pop-up his mideastern geopolitical plays - to prove his military might (wakakaka…), to one-upmanship with the Russko who failed there & to built haven for those radicalised Uyghurs to destabilize Xinjiang.
Now yr uncle Sam has to run with tail between his legs in a hurry - worst than the 75 Saigon escapade - with nothing to show but bruised ego & wounded pride!
Blurred mfer, no amounts of our lies, twisted facts & fabricated c&p farts would change ANYTHING but a shit our in yr face!
Look it up yourself - from World Bank atc.
Afghanistan was basically baby-sat and spoon-fed for 20 years, US taxpayers were paying salaries to Afghan military but many of them were phantom soldiers (non-existent), and the salaries were siphoned to the Taliban. So Enough is Enough, Time to Cabut.
Let 5000 yo Bullyland Take Over. Don't Run Away like last time in 1993 OK?
if the salaries were siphoned to (NOT the Taliban please and stop bullshitting endlessly) the phantom soldiers of the American ally in Afghanistan, namely the Northern Alliance warlords, then it had been the same scam that was done in Vietnam where such money were siphoned off to corrupt generals of the South BUT with the complicity of corrupt Americans. Thus we may assume that AGAIN the complicity of the Americans were involved.
DeleteSecondly, who the fck asked the Americans to go into and occupy Afghanistan? No one asked them to come into Afghanistan to form a bullshit army and puppet government. Yanks may be relied on to NEVER finish a proper job, eg Iran, Vietnam, Iraq, and various South American and African countries
Blurred mfer, do u ACTUALLY know how those 'monies' pouring into Afghanistan by those spurious altruistic western nations been tabulated?
DeleteTake yr uncle Sam's billions - most of the costs were US military expenses of salaries & hardwares used in his operations! Very small amounts were actually landed in humanitarian operations.
Unless u f*ckingly considered the present of US military forces was humanistic in nature!
Considering the price tags of these items, billions had been rechannelled back to US for the military personnel & weaponry suppliers!
Ditto with the other 'donor' nations!
Afghanistan was basically baby-sat and spoon-fed for 20 years liken to those abused foreign maids/workers one used to hear in bolihland.
So what benefits were the Afghans gotten except been used as excuses to fatten the foreign powers' well connected suppliers & wallflowering their humanitarianism reputation!
Only a c&p bored f*ck would simply swallow shits w/o a clear & detail analysis!
DeleteSecondly, who the fck asked the Americans to go into and occupy Afghanistan? No one asked them to come into Afghanistan to form a bullshit army and puppet government.
Who the fck invited 5000 yo Bullyland to occupy Tibet? Who the fck invited them to occupy ASEAN sea territory?
The sheer thousands of poor Afghans desperately trying to escape the Taliban, the women and girls who will be discriminated, they live in fear, KT always write about....are these people to be helped or abandoned? KT should answer this tricky question. If they are to be helped KT should answer how.
If these poor innocent victims are to be abandoned to suffer then KT should stop highlighting about their plight. KT says we must wait for them to write a letter to ask for help first, give official invitation to occupy their country. In the meantime Everybody leave these poor women and girls alone to handle their own domestic affairs. Logikal?
Blurred mfer, r u high with yr katak-ised fart?
Delete"Who the fck invited 5000 yo Bullyland to occupy Tibet? Who the fck invited them to occupy ASEAN sea territory?"
For a start, Tibet had always a territory of China eons ago. Similarly those SS landmasses were recorded China territories since eons ago!
So who the f*ck r u to interfere in China's domestic issues?
Shouting for yr demoNcratic idols WOULDN'T work, just remember that.
"The sheer thousands of poor Afghans desperately trying to escape the Taliban, the women and girls who will be discriminated, they live in fear"
DeleteFears & victimised mongering lead to that scene in Kabul airport.
Blurred mfer, first u should ask WOULD those imaginary scores come to pass?
Then r those sheer thousands of poor Afghans desperately trying to escape the Taliban, the women and girls who will be discriminated live any better than the constant intimidating efforts of the allied soldiers while carrying out their search&terminate military operations - aka the Ozzie special force hunting trip!
It's early day & the Taliban have said otherwise!
For those poor innocent victims who are to be abandoned to suffer, WHO abandoned them?
It's yr uninvited yankee-led allied forces in the name of demoNcratic humanistic tour of duty!
I bet you believe Santa Claus exists, and pigs can fly.
ReplyDeleteYour mental image of the USA is a left-wing extremist's cartoon figure.
ReplyDeleteThat's not the USA that bled life, 2,500 troops killed, thousands severely injured, mega Billions.
They could have got out years ago.
Yes, they did care , but its not a blank cheque.
Clearly the Afghans themselves did not believe it was worth fighting the Taliban, so no point staying.
Delete"Yes, they did care"
Care as much as u - on stowing away yr ill-gotten wealth while chanting yr spurious altruistic humanitarian helps!
BTW, the Taliban r Afghans, true & through! Who the f*ck r u to yell "the Afghans themselves did not believe it was worth fighting"?
Fights they did - first with the pommie, then the Russko & the latest Yankee doodle. & having the last laugh ALL those time!
"BTW, the Taliban r Afghans, true & through!"
DeleteI have very easy prediction.
Your tune will change 180 degrees within 1 seconds after the Afghanistan becomes a base for Xinjiang Freedom Fighters ,
or the Mullahs supporters start bombing China Belt and Road carpetbeggars.
YES, u r dead right if that happened with the Taliban's helps!
DeleteAny reasonable & thinking person WOULD say likewise when an administration openly hosting a radicalised terrorist operation.
Ooop… maybe u can't think & reason logically!
500 yo Bullyland didn't care? they spent 2 TRILLION on some country "they didn't care about" (besides the thousands of lives)...I wonder how much 5000 yo Bullyland will lend (or give?) Taliban to build infrastructure, which they will pay back in carpets, rugs and opium? Let's See How Effective is Belt and Road. Don't Run Away OK? Stay for 20 years, babysit the Taliban. Do your job as Permanent Member of UN Security Council, So Clever to Veto This Veto That Now Veto The Taliban lah ha ha ha.
The War In Afghanistan Cost America $300 Million Per Day For 20 Years, With Big Bills Yet To Come
Christopher Helman & Forbes Staff
Hank Tucker & Forbes Staff
The Taliban, in a shocking blitzkrieg, have swept through Afghanistan in less than a month, the 300,000-man Afghan army all but melting away in their path. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, as he fled to Tajikistan over the weekend, conceded in a statement that the Taliban had won, “with the judgment of their swords and guns, and are now responsible for the honor, property and self-preservation of their countrymen.”
And what of the honor and property of Afghanistan’s erstwhile occupiers, the United States of America? Gone missing. Today, thousands of interpreters and their families await visas to the U.S., while Taliban fighters parade triumphantly in captured tanks and humvees paid for by Uncle Sam.
In the 20 years since September 11, 2001, the United States has spent more than $2 trillion on the war in Afghanistan. That’s $300 million dollars per day, every day, for two decades. Or $50,000 for each of Afghanistan's 40 million people. In baser terms, Uncle Sam has spent more keeping the Taliban at bay than the net worths of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and the 30 richest billionaires in America, combined.
Those headline numbers include $800 billion in direct war-fighting costs and $85 billion to train the vanquished Afghan army, which folded in the weeks since the Pentagon’s sudden early July closure of Bagram Air Force Base eliminated the promise of air support against the advancing Taliban. U.S. taxpayers have been giving Afghan soldiers $750 million a year in payroll. All told, Brown University’s Costs of War Project estimates the total spending at $2.26 trillion.
And the costs are even greater in terms of lives lost. There have been 2,500 U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan, and nearly 4,000 more U.S. civilian contractors killed. That pales beside the estimated 69,000 Afghan military police, 47,000 civilians killed, plus 51,000 dead opposition fighters. The cost so far to care for 20,000 U.S. casualties has been $300 billion, with another half-trillion or so expected to come.
We’ll keep incurring costs long after President Biden's pullout from Afghanistan is complete. Naturally, the United States has financed the Afghan war with borrowed money. Brown University researchers estimate that more than $500 billion in interest has already been paid (included in the $2.26 trillion total sum), and they figure that by 2050 the cost of interest alone on our Afghan war debt could reach $6.5 trillion. That amounts to $20,000 for each and every U.S. citizen....
...There’s even less hope of escape for the generation of Afghan women and girls who grew up in a somewhat more liberalized time, but now face mandatory burkas and evaporated prospects for education and employment (a continuation of the Taliban’s “War Against Women.”) There are an estimated 1.6 million more women employed in Afghanistan’s workforce than 20 years ago. The Taliban promises to reverse that all, at a human cost incalculable.
So please KT & others, don’t embarrass yourselves further by insisting USA never cared about Afghans.
DeleteCare as much as yr fart!
cf: ck 11:20 pm, August 18, 2021
KT's "Pintu Belakang Logik" (ha ha ha) that 500 yo Bullyland's war in Afghan is solely for their local political interests is anything but logikal.
ReplyDeleteAmerican voters have NOT SAPOTED this war for many years, especially after Osama was eliminated in 2011. The most recent poll in July 2021 saying 70% sapot the withdrawal, which unfortunately didn't go well. Staying in Afghanistan for a further 10 years was unpopular but they stayed on to provide Bodyguard Services, Paid all their Bills (including Afghan Army Soldier's Gaji), Economic Aid, conducted Democratic Elections etc etc.
What has the 5000 yo Bullyland contributed, besides Veto This Veto That in UN Security Council, Pontificating This and That, Befriending and Emboldening the Cruel Taliban to conduct Cruel Acts?
US Public Supports Withdrawal From Afghanistan
Aug 9, 2021
The Taliban’s recent advances in Afghanistan, capturing six provincial capitals in less than a week, have highlighted the impact of the US military withdrawal there and have thrown the future of the country into question. While several outspoken critics have objected to President Biden’s decision to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, the just-completed 2021 Chicago Council Survey, fielded July 7-26, shows that seven in ten Americans continue to back this decision.
Bipartisan Support
When asked whether they support or oppose the decision to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, the 2021 Chicago Council Survey finds that 70 percent of Americans support it (29% oppose). This support spans partisan affiliations, though larger majorities of Democrats (77%) and Independents (73%) than Republicans (56%) agree.
These results corroborate the findings of other polls conducted over the past several months. A May Quinnipiac poll found that 62 percent approved of President Biden’s decision to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan by September 11 of this year, and an April Economist/YouGov poll found that 58 percent approved of the plan for withdrawal by September 11. The Economist/YouGov poll also found that majorities in military households (61%) and just over half of those currently serving in the military (52%) or those who served in the past (53%) supported the withdrawal.
DeleteSo blurred mfer, what's biden's popularity rating NOW after the Saigon-75 styled withdrawal?
ReplyDeleteA torrent of lies, fabricated farts & tealeaves readings from a bored c&p excitement seeker using a unforgiven opportunity generated by its idol!
Bravo! There will be more field day ventures for that c&p fart until the Afghanistan situation calms down.
That's right, 500 yo Bullyland invested 2.26 TRILLION dollars for Afghans (GDP only 20 BILLION) that they didn't care about, I wonder how much they would have invested if they DID care?
ReplyDelete2.26 TRILLION is bigger than the GDP of Russia (1.7 TRILLION) and nearly the size of India (2.55 TRILLION).
No wonder US taxpayers are so upset. How about 5000 yo Bullyland taxpayers help fund Afghanistan for the next 20 years? Or will they run away like they did the last time Islamic Fanatics showed up in Kabul?
Truly blurred mfer's fart!
Delete"invested 2.26 TRILLION dollars for Afghans"
How much of those going back to Yankeeland in the forms of advisor fees, military hardware procurements, US soldier salaries & what's- no-mentionables?
Yet when China proposed B&RI to proper thy neighbour in Afghanistan, u jump up&down as no tomorrow!
Make up yr bloody mind before u fart AGAIN!