Saturday, August 08, 2020

Trump's fake news


Facebook and Twitter remove video of Trump falsely claiming children are "almost immune" to the coronavirus

List of people firing Donald Trump gets longer

Facebook and Twitter announced Wednesday that they have removed a video of President Trump shared on his Facebook page and Twitter account because it contained "false claims" about the coronavirus. The video was a clip of a phone interview Mr. Trump did with Fox News on Wednesday morning in which he pushed for schools to reopen for in-person learning and falsely claimed children are "almost immune" to the virus.

"This video includes false claims that a group of people is immune from COVID-19 which is a violation of our policies around harmful COVID misinformation," a spokesperson for Facebook said.

A Twitter spokesperson also confirmed the video "is in violation of the Twitter Rules on COVID-19 misinformation," and added that @TeamTrump, the official Twitter account for Mr. Trump's campaign, would not be able to tweet again until they delete the tweet with the video.

In the clip, which was tweeted by the Trump campaign and shared on Mr. Trump's personal Twitter account, the president repeated his demand that schools reopen in the fall.

"If you look at children, children are almost — and I would almost say definitely — but almost immune from this disease," Mr. Trump said.

A recent study from South Korea suggests that children between the ages of 0 and 9 may spread the disease to a lesser degree than adults. But the study showed children aged 10-19 can spread the coronavirus at least as well as adults can.

The same study also stressed in its conclusion that "The low detection rate for household contacts of preschool-aged children in South Korea might be attributable to social distancing during these periods. Yet, a recent report from Shenzhen, China, showed that the proportion of infected children increased during the outbreak from 2% to 13%, suggesting the importance of school closure."

Trump campaign deputy national press secretary Courtney Parella in a statement called the removal of the video, "another display of Silicon Valley's flagrant bias against this president, where the rules are only enforced in one direction."

"Social media companies are not the arbiters of truth," she added.

This is not the first time Facebook, which has received criticism in the past for allowing videos and articles with false information to remain on its site, has removed a video shared by Mr. Trump. In June, Trump campaign ads were removed for featuring an upside-down red triangle, a symbol resembling one once used by Nazis to identify political prisoners such as communists, socialists, anarchists and liberals in concentration camps. 

Trump uses symbol tied to Nazis and concentration camps – The Forward

"We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate," a Facebook spokesperson said at the time. "Our policy prohibits using a banned hate group's symbol to identify political prisoners without the context that condemns or discusses the symbol."

Facebook, along with Twitter and YouTube, also recently removed a video shared by Mr. Trump that showed a doctor who falsely claimed that face masks do not work and that the "cure" for COVID-19 is hydroxychloroquine, zinc and Zithromax. That video was originally published by right-wing website Breitbart.


  1. no wonder ccp ban fb, twitter n utube.

    1. Repeat : you can't fix Stupid.

      And being unable to get facts RIGHT is the gleeful rightful realm of the Stupids

      Daft batty-brain can't even differentiate between being blocked and banned. Google and FB are not banned in China. They are blocked. Big difference. Blocked means that you can access them, just that it is more difficult and there's no legal complications for anyone using them.

      Google quit China just walked out, because for the decade it was in China, it never could get even half the market share of Baidu. The Google CEO then attacked Chinese laws to justify his failure in China. ( They have to follow the same rules as applied by the Chinese government as Wechat, Baidu, TikTok ( Douyin ) etc. But these Americans as usual carry with them their "exceptionalism"....they want American Laws in China after being unable to compete with Baidu.

      FB was blocked for repeatedly facilitating terrorist attacks in China. FB however was very cooperative in deleting ISIS accounts and promotion material in FB Europe and FB USA to help tamp down the spread of terrorist attacks there, but absolutely refused to do the same in China. Hence the block ! ( A side gossip, hehe - FB Zuckerberg tried to get back into China using his Chinese wife to 'soften' Xi and at one point, even down to asking Xi to recommend Chinese name/s for his daughter/s. go, hehe, Xi not biting...serve that thick-skinned forked-tongue Suckerberg right, haha )

      China NEVER specifically targets any foreign made very clear about the criteria and rules for foreign companies to operate in China and the choice is in the hands of those companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Apple. All that abide by the set rules are doing fine up to this day, reaping huge profits. Google chose to quit and FB withheld information on terrorists who organized terror attacks in Xinjiang province and refused to collaborate...huge irony, Suckerberg claimed that FB represents the American values. What values ? sponsoring terrorists to go on killing sprees ? Oh..very American.

    2. my england no good, but i think i know the diff btw ban n block, do u?

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      What's the most appropriate translations for ban & block in yr 南魔萬 England into layman languages (any types)?

    4. kt block the ori monsterball once, unblock n he came back, still no change, block again n after few more round, fuxxing ban him.

      so ccp ban or block fb?

    5. No!

      U r fabricating lies about Facebook's banning in China.

      FB, Google, WhatsApp etc chose to exit from China THEMSELVES bcoz they r NOT willing to comply with China laws - a similar set of laws used by USofA to monitor their operations All over the world!

      Shit laws, u said?

      Or a same set of shit laws in China suddenly become rosy fragrant demoNcratic doctrines in yr 'opened & transparent paradise'!

      Ain't that yr double standard of moral judging, 犬养 mfer?

    6. Basically, blocking technically restricts users whereas banning is an administrative decision that users are totally prohibit from participation. "Blocks are used to prevent damage or disruption and are not meant to punish users".

      Batty managed to get this far ? Faham ke ?

    7. ccp blocked fb, temporarily, after fb refuse to comply, its permanent n become a ban, jerk can paham the diff?

    8. what no dff n double std? apple can refuse fbi unlock iphone, can co in ccp do that? american challenge the govt n law from time to time, what zombie under ccp can do?

    9. 犬养 mfer, did u get yr story from 台毒水炮 or demoNcratic 公知?

      FB, Google, WhatsApp etc were temp banned during a probational period for them to comply with the China multimedia laws.

      All of them chose not to comply with the request & chose to exit from China. They were banned from operating within the China firewall regardless, as many of them thinking that they can penetrate through the firewall by stationed in HK with stealth & powerful transmitters. They were WRONG!

      The was launched in 2006 and abruptly pulled from mainland China in 2010 amid a major hack of the company and disputes over censorship of search results. But in August 2018, Google was working on a secret prototype of a new, censored Chinese search engine, called Project Dragonfly bcoz Google was not willing to lost the huge Chinese market. Amid furors, in mid-December, Google had suspended its development efforts in response to complaints about it compromises its principles and censor search the way China wants? This time the Chinese government make the decisions to bar Google permanently.

      No american company makes as much money in China as Apple. Thus, Apple has chosen not to pull out of the country altogether – as Google did.

      It complies fully with the required China media laws w/o exceptions, including Apple has to partner with a local chinese company for the storage of iCloud data.

      So superficially Apple refuses FBI to unlock iPhone of American public. Yet, behind that rosy curtain call, it allows CIA to use embedded iPhone SW to eardrop secretly on Merkel's mobile conversations!

      Huawei's phone has its HW & SW codings open for transparency search & no eardropping HW/SW was found! So what the fart r u talking about China company refuses CCP requests? There ISN'T any need in the first place!


      "american challenge the govt n law from time to time, what zombie under ccp can do?"

      犬养 mfer, r u reading demoNcratic 公知's posts in 繁体中文?

      Ain't those zombieic 公知 doing that in the OPEN?

      Perhaps, to u they r no zombies but katak under the same fart filled well.

  2. I just luuuve to cucuk....ha ha ha...

    When 5,000 yo Bully banned Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat etc, some a long time ago, 500 yo Bully didn't complain or threaten trade war. Just look at the list below.....

    Other way around 500 yo Bully want to ban TikTok all hell breaks loose.
    Soooooo sensitive...

    Beijing warns of consequences if Trump bans US deals with TikTok and WeChat

    ByBritt Clennett andKarson Yiu

    8 August 2020

    Ties between the world’s two superpowers are on increasingly delicate ground, following President Donald Trump’s move to prohibit US residents from doing business with the Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok and messaging app WeChat.

    The executive orders, announced Thursday and effective in 45 days, comes after the Trump administration made it clear it wanted to clamp down on “untrusted” Chinese apps.

    1. bullying with chinese kharacteristics?

    2. Only Two CCP-based social media platforms facing bans, and CCP cocksuckers are jumping up like monkeys.

      The guys I know have no answer when I point out CCP banned WhatsApp, Twitter , Facebook, YouTube, Google, Gmail, Instagram , Snapchat,
      long years ago, and USA didn't retaliate all these years.

      Only now Donald Trump is the 1st US President who Hentam back.

    3. Indeed blurred & 犬养 mfers, u guys r the insipid product of the nonchinese/demoNcratic indoctrination!

      Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube, etc r banned bcoz they r NOT willing to comply with China rules of multimedia.

      All of them, yr uncle Sam & cacing selubang & dickheads go all out to shout those China media laws r infringement of personal privacy & data mining.

      No evidences were put forward. All just based on the farts coming out from trump/pompeo.

      & u guys r going round town to propagate the fake claim!

      Moreover, none of them/u, look at the same infringement of personal privacy & data minings in US, as disclosed by Google & Apple, & make a fart about them!

      So much hypocrisy & yet so shameless!

      When Trump prohibits US residents from doing business with the Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok and messaging app WeChat, he just uses a veiled & unsubstantiated claim of national security!

      AGAIN, no proofs of any kind given, just words. His words must have been casted in gold that dickheads, all over the world, r willingly swallowed them wholesome.

      TikTok & WeChat have been complying with all existing US laws w/o exceptions. So is it the SAME with what China demanded of the same from Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube, etc before they were banned or exited from China?

      Better still, when MS is buying TikTok, 5eyes operations for dirt, suddenly the national security issue has magically disappeared. Trump has the cheek to demand commission for US Treasury too for the deal. How shamelessly can the top man of a country behaved, unless that scum has known no shame right from the beginning.

      US is just not willing to be the 2nd best, tailing China. Uncle Sam would do anything, dirty &/or underhanded, to remove that threat.

      U guys r just the chorus boys of his choir!

    4. Oooop…

      Old moneyed mfer, u r REALLY single-mindedly old class - bashing everything China demoNcratically!

      "Only Two CCP-based social media platforms facing bans"

      Perhaps, u should dig deeper about what other social media platforms r operated by ByteDance & Tencent!

      While u r doing the digging, read what's been mentioned inside trump's executive order.

      Also about the reason of banning vis-a-vis CCP banned WhatsApp, Twitter , Facebook, YouTube, Google, Gmail, Instagram , Snapchat!

    5. only zombie agree n comply to shit law. human dont do that.

    6. Do suck CCP-cock harder.... hahahaha

    7. U r dead right!

      Where r the other zombies pacts besides those that r blindly led by their meme-ed faith in zombiecism?

      How about those mfers who r been mesmerized by a demoNcratic indoctrination that emphasize private rights over overwhelming public safety.

      Particularly those katak that keep breathing fart within a well & continuously shouting "syiok"!

  3. Want to be global superpower don't be a CryBaby Bully.

    Open up Google, Facebook, Twitter etc in Bullyland, then only you have credibility to protest WeChat and TikTok.

    1. Blurred mfer of know-nothing, trying hard to sing uncle Sam's chorus!

    2. These blind mice always, without fail, miss the point. Either deliberately blind or pretending to be blind. And of course they can't see the mafia gangster that their hero tRump is....asking for a cut ! We all know the real reason for the US ban, and it got NOTHING to do with national security.

      "Unlike Facebook and Instagram, you're free to watch TikTok videos without registering, which means no data collection. However, if you want to create a video and share it, or comment on someone's video, then you must fork out over your personal information, starting with age, phone number and email address." USA Today

      We also know that the servers are in the USA or Singapore, so if you are OK with FB, there's no reason why you should not be ok with TikTok.

      Most of the TikTok users are the Gen Z.

    3. Blind mice is very fond of using Financetwitter to shore up his arguments but this time around, he keeps a wide berth from it, wa ka ka ka. WHY ah ? Read on and you can guess where this sly slime ball is heading with his usual blind China-bashing :

    4. american now turn into war mode, enjoy it, all ccp lover.

    5. Good!

      See where yr uncle Sam chooses the ignition point.

      Count yr blessing that he won't start with Taiwan as the first cannon fodder.

    6. let see if ccp hv the ball. american official now visit twn n all ccp can do is babycrying.

    7. A low level health minister visiting Taiwan, to check on that fake covid-19 statistic can cause a war!

      Yr uncle Sam is just testing water & doing baby challenging.

      That's ball for u? Or u don't know what's a teloq!

      There r better way to outwit that foul visit.

      Just cut 10% trade flow between Taiwan & China as a first move lah. Also ban any rare earth export to US.

      Better than war, right, peace loving war monger?

  4. For good measure, in case you need more persuading that Trump is an extortionist heading a government of unabashed gangsters, here it is.

    Why would any corporate or government entity in the world wish to do business with such a regime?

    By Daryl Guppy, an Australian financial columnist, on the forced sale of Tik Tok by Trump:

    You must sell your company to a competitor or we will close you down. Oh, and we will take a cut of the value of this enforced sale.
    This has the hallmarks of a small corrupt government operating in some poorly developed country. Instead this is coercive action by the president of the United States using an executive order that bypasses the need for Congressional approval.

    President Trump said TikTok will "close down" in the U.S. on September 15 unless a deal can be negotiated between TikTok, an appropriate company and the U.S. government. But there is more danger in this, and it reflects a concerning moral vacuum.

    Trump said: "I did say that if you buy it, whatever the price is that goes to whoever owns it, because I guess it's China essentially, I said a very substantial portion of that price is going to have to come into the Treasury of the United States because we're making it possible for this deal to happen." This is more commonly described as a kickback and throws into serious question the moral and legal leadership of the United States.

    The world has become accustomed to President Trump's sabotaging of the global rules-based order with his destruction of the WTO, his unilateral rejection of UN-agreed arms treaties and arms control agreements, among other things.

    But this takes things to a new level and poses a threat, not just to China, but to any company that dares challenge the U.S. competitors. This is nothing less than state-sponsored property theft built on charges that are trumped up (no pun intended). TikTok, like Huawei, poses a major competitive threat to business that American companies have missed out on.

    The solution to Huawei competition with its superior 5G implementation was to create an unsubstantiated specter of China security risk and then pressure Western countries into rejecting Huawei equipment. This pressure was backed by a variety of bullying tactics, with threats of U.S. sanctions on countries that do not comply with U.S. policy.

    The solution to TikTok competition is to deploy the same type of security scare based on lots of assertions but no real evidence. But this time the solution goes further, and like stage-coach bandits in the American Wild West, hijacks the TikTok business with a forced sale.

    Microsoft may not have been party to this business hijack, but it will become a beneficiary of these presidentially-initiated standover tactics. In this case the kickback goes to the U.S. Treasury, but it does not change the nature of this executive action.

    This is very different to China's exclusion of Google and others from China. These U.S. companies refused to comply with Chinese law. TikTok has not been banned; it has been coerced into selling to an American buyer to avoid being banned. Its business can continue, but only under U.S. ownership.

    There is a very important difference between being banned for not complying with the law and being banned for not surrendering your business to an American company!


  5. (continue....)

    The reaction of other Western powers has been muted, and some, including not surprisingly Australia, have suggested they may follow the U.S. lead. Whilst all are quick to condemn China with allegations of state-sponsored IP theft, these countries are strangely silent on this egregious example of highway robbery.

    True global and domestic leadership is shown in the way leaders react to the challenges within the standards of global rules-based order rather than in the use of state power to destroy foreign companies for commercial gain. Western leadership has been unconscionably silent and complicit in this heist. It takes unusual courage for business organizations to stand up to this onslaught of state-sponsored destruction of business and unfortunately this courage has not been evident. The appeasement by silence offers no protection and fails to support the fabric of international competition.
    It's not a matter of policy disagreement or opposition to President Trump. Instead, it's an attack upon the very foundations of economic activity and business competition, an example of the very worst things that Trump is so fond of accusing China of doing.

    TikTok, TikTok. The clock is ticking on the sustainability of your business. This is not just China's problem; it is a problem for every business operating in America because the same tactics can be deployed to shut you down.

    TikTok, TikTok, never send to know for whom the clock ticks; it ticks for thee. International daylight robbery by America!

    1. american do that to all their enemy, ccp choose itself to be one. now no more right or wrong, its a cold war, ignited by ccp. learn chinese n go read all china website, they want a war now american give them a war. lets see if ccp is ready.

    2. 犬养 mfer, eat yr heart out lah - & see whether yr uncle Sam would create an 'intended' mistake at the SouthSea to start a war.

      Cold war ignited by CCP, mfer, u really one avid reader of those demoNcratic 公知!

      Those turn-coating 公知 have been chanting not to offend uncle Sam, just kowtowing & let him has his way!

      The PLA r checked & ready!

      R u?

    3. i am a peace lover, unlike ccp.

    4. Ya-loh, a mfing peace lover bend on propagating demoNcratic lies to justify whatever evils lie within yr frustrated mind!

      BTW, has CCP initiated any war?

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      A single word one-liner! Anything more would expose the foul smelly content.

      Who told u that about Sino-vietnamese war?

      Yr 台毒水炮 or yr demoNcratized 公知?

      Maybe yr own fabrication!

      The Sino-Vietnamese War was a border war fought between the People's Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in early 1979. China launched an offensive in response to Vietnam's invasion and occupation of Cambodia in 1978.
