Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Liew CT char-koay-teowing against MCA in Johor


DAP, MCA tussle over appointment of Johor seats coordinators


I am proud of being a 'back-door' senator, not quite the same as a 'back-door' govt 

The appointment of state constituency coordinators in Johor recently has become a tussle between the DAP and MCA.

According to the appointment on Aug 9, there were only two MCA representatives among 27 opposition constituency coordinators, namely Teoh Yap Kun (Paloh) and Ang Boon Heng (Stulang).

Thus, Johor DAP Chief Liew Chin Tong (above) suggested that BN or Perikatan Nasional give fewer seats to MCA for the next general election.

In his statement on Facebook yesterday, he claimed that the chances for MCA to contest in Johor have “ended” as MCA supported the Sheraton Move and the form of PN government.

“On Aug 9, Johor Menteri Besar Hasni Mohammad announced 27 names as the coordinators for the state opposition seats. To put it simply, the constituency coordinator is the prospective candidate for the upcoming election.

“Among the 27 constituencies, there were 15 seats contested by MCA in 2018. Now only Paloh and Stulang are represented by MCA and the rest were allocated among Umno, Pas and Bersatu,” Liew said.

He further claimed that MCA could secure most of its traditional seats in Johor if there was no Sheraton Move.

However, the political coup has brought three Malay-based parties into a coalition and therefore, the parties have insufficient seats to contest.

“The only option is to eliminate MCA earlier, barring them to contest,” claimed the former defence deputy minister.

However, Liew’s presumption has been slammed by Johor MCA youth chief Ling Tian Soon.

Ling clarified that the constituency coordinator does not equal to an election candidate and therefore, Liew should stop confusing the public by specious arguments.

Liew should evaluate the failure of DAP in believing the former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad rather than scrutinising MCA, as Mahathir was the main reason why the Pakatan Harapan government collapsed, said Ling in a statement yesterday.

“I think Liew is a politician with a great imagination. He always liked to link those irrelevant matters with politics and created his political script,” he said.

Ling, who is also the political secretary to MCA president Wee Ka Siong, reminded Liew that MCA does not need advice from Liew about their future.


kaytee notes:

Obviously Liew was char-koay-teowing, deliberately causing consternation among its enemies, which is now back to mainly one for the DAP, to wit, the MCA - wakakaka. But Liew was tokking-kok - WTF has the Sheraton Move to do with MCA when it was an all Malay Machiavellian Move.

The MCA awaits GE15 for a chance to restore its former strength though that too was already quite weak from its hey-days days under Lee San Choon.

But WTF, the MCA has nothing to lose (not when you're already at the bottom) and everything to gain, whilst it's the opposite for the DAP.

DAP still has many supporters but not as many as pre-GE14 - many Chinese remembers Lim GE's arrogant and cruel treatment of TAR-UC, his dad's MenHEN-ness and the party's subservience to Atuk.

And why hasn't Lim KHAT-aSS resigned yet, wakakaka?

Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH: Backdoor government?

I am a better Malaysian after studying Jawi

when I am not tokking-kok, I focus on my Atuk's instructions, as MenHEN


  1. mca not a malay party meh? pray tell which chinese u know except helen give our vote to mca?

  2. A lot of Chinese have now realised all their bitching about DAP during the period of Harapan rule was trivial compared to MCA's complete lackey-position in the PN government.

  3. Popularity of DAP has declined since pre-GE14?

    Persecution of Guanee will result in more non-Malays throwing their support for poor DAP, at the expense of MCA.....

    DAP collect donations the proper way.....no need foreign kings, Goldman Sachs or Jho Low and for sure won't go to anyone's personal bank account ha ha ha.....

    Media Statement by Tony Pua, DAP National Publicity Secretary and Member of Parliament for Damansara in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, 11 August 2020:

    *Overwhelming response to ‘RM10 Solidarity with Lim Guan Eng’ fund-raising campaign*

    We have launched a 1-week RM10-per-person ‘Solidarity with Lim Guan Eng’ fund-raising campaign on Saturday 8 August.

    The objective was to raise funds to bail Lim Guan Eng for the 3 charges made against him on Friday, yesterday and today.

    On Friday, the prosecution had asked for RM2 million bail deposit and the Court has granted RM1 million. Today, the Court has set the bail at RM 100,000.00 for both Lim Guan Eng and his wife, Betty Chew.

    We are outraged by the brazen political persecution carried out by the powers that be against Lim Guan Eng in a case that bears no merit.

    DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng has protested his innocence as the purported undersea tunnel contract was awarded by the Penang state government via an international open tender exercise, and recommended by senior civil servants from the state and federal government. Furthermore, not a single sen has been paid for the tunnel project as it was scheduled to commence only after 2023 after all condition precedents and regulatory approvals have been obtained.

    Ironically, Zarul, the contractor who suddenly made the allegation, is the same one who had previously rigourously defended the state government for its competitive transparency on multiple occasions. He had proudly declared that he didn't have to 'kaw-tim' anyone in Government to win the tender.

    Hence the fund-raising campaign was launched to call upon all Malaysians to unite to fight not only the trumped up charges against Lim Guan Eng, but also the blatant abuse of power by the Perikatan Nasional government led by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

    Hundreds of thousands of Malaysian of all races have responded overwhelmingly to join the campaign. *As at 12 noon today, we are extremely encouraged and moved that Malaysians have donated a total of RM 2.9 million.*

    As stated at the launch of the campaign, the funds raised will be used to pay for bail set by the Court and any surplus received from the donations will go towards the General Election to fight the backdoor government and return the mandate to Malaysians who voted for change in 2018.

    *The fund-raising campaign will remain open until midnight on Friday, 15 August 2020 for those who still wish to donate and join the fight for truth and justice. They can make the donations to “DAP Malaysia” @ Public Bank 3063828309.*

    We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all Malaysians who have contributed generously to support the cause. The overwhelming response has certainly reinvigorated all of us at the DAP to continue the fight for a better Malaysia, knowing that recent political setbacks are only temporary in nature, that we will return stronger and better with the continued support of the rakyat.

    Tony Pua

  4. Even Gerakan's lame attempt to attack Guanee about the public donation to pay for his bail is mis-guided. Jibby asked for donation too, for his bail. So whatever Gerakan supporters are there may think twice...

    Baljit, how much did Jibby earn as Pahang MB, MP, Minister and PM for decades? Not counting the gifts...jewelry, Birkins and the like.

    Gerakan to DAP: Stop the hypocrisy, Guan Eng is no pauper
    By Audrey Dermawan - August 10, 2020

    GEORGE TOWN: DAP was today told to stop portraying its secretary-general Lim Guan Eng as a victim and a pauper who is unable to pay his bail.

    This came after DAP launched a fund raising campaign to allegedly raise the balance of RM1 million bail imposed on the former Penang chief minister by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court last Friday....

    ...Gerakan vice president Datuk Baljit Singh said Guan Eng was facing a very serious charge of asking for a 10 per cent cut from any profits gained from his RM6.3 billion pet project, the Penang Undersea Tunnel.
    "And the party now wants people to pay RM10 each to contribute towards his bail!" he said...

    ..."The party is trying to whip up public sentiments by portraying Guan Eng as a victim of political persecution and a man who is facing difficulties raising his bail money.

    "Really? Let's revisit information about Guan Eng's income, which is in the public domain. Lest we forget, there was a report in November 2018 of a list published by the MACC on its website. The list clearly showed details on the incomes of Members of Parliaments (MPs).

    "Perhaps DAP leaders need to be reminded that the list clearly showed that Guan Eng topped everyone else in terms of earnings. He was ahead of 47 other MPs from the then Pakatan Harapan ruling coalition, as well as Cabinet members, taking home a cool monthly income of RM86,564.92," he added.

    "If Guan Eng was somehow unable to save anything from his salaries as a chief minister of two terms, member of numerous boards while serving as a chief minister, becoming a member of parliament and then a cabinet minister, he should turn to DAP MPs to come up with the RM500,000 instead of asking the public to give him RM10 each.

    "I would therefore like to advise the DAP to stop the shenanigans of portraying Guan Eng as a victim and a pauper who is unable to pay his bail.

    Najib seeks public donations to assist him and 'silenced' gov't critics
    Published 13 Oct 2018

    Hit with hefty bail amounts over multiple money-laundering charges, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak is seeking public donations to assist him through a fund set up by his daughter Nooryana Najwa.

    In a Facebook post, Najib said the fund, established by his daughter and local NGO Gerakan Belia Sejagat, was also intended to defend other "anti-government activists" who have purportedly been silenced by the present administration.

    "To be honest, we are faced with financial pressure due to the legal costs and high bail amounts," said Najib, who, together with his wife Rosmah Mansor, had collectively posted RM6.5 million bail for their multiple charges.

    Najib is currently facing 32 charges for alleged offences related to 1MDB and its former subsidiary SRC International, while Rosmah has been charged with 17 counts of money laundering.

    He said that the bail posted so far had been raised with the assistance of close friends and family members.

    "...but if possible we don't want to burden them further. If it is not too much to ask, it would be welcomed if there are those among you who wish to assist by also donating to this fund."
