Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Oops, were all MCO rules observed in online marriage of PAS deputy minister (Tumpat) & 20 year old bride in Thailand, but syariah laws might not have been

‘Online marriage’: PH Youth files police report against under-fire MP

Deputy minister violated shariah law, SOPs, claims wing’s FT chief

Deputy Agriculture and Food Industries Minister Datuk Che Abdullah Mat Nawi expressed regret that widespread publicity on the marriage may have led to some people being offended, even though it is an invasion of his privacy. – Che Abdullah Mat Nawi Facebook pic, July 7, 2021

KUALA LUMPUR – Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) Federal Territory Youth wing today lodged a police report over the purported “online marriage” of Deputy Agriculture and Food Industries Minister Datuk Che Abdullah Mat Nawi registered in Southern Thailand.

Its chief, Asmaaliff Abdul Adam, said the report was lodged following allegations that the PAS minister had violated shariah law by conducting the akad nikah (marriage solemnisation) ceremony online.

Speaking at the Dang Wangi police station here, Asmaaliff alleged that Che Abdullah had violated Section 124 of the Islamic Family Law Enactment (Kelantan) 2002, and two other standard operating procedures (SOPs) under the nationwide lockdown.

Asmaaliff also raised questions about the legitimacy of the marriage and whether it can be classified as a case of adultery or deemed an activity of an illegal marriage syndicate if it is not recognised by Malaysian law.

Che Abdullah is the MP for Tumpat in Kelantan. The constituency’s northern border touches Narathiwat province in Thailand, where the marriage is said to be registered.

Asmaaliff referred to a video purportedly showing Che Abdullah taking his marriage oath over his mobile phone.

PH Federal Territory Youth chief Asmaaliff Abdul Adam (left) and Amanah Youth executive councillor Ahmad Fadhli Umar Aminolhuda holding the police report lodged against Datuk Che Abdullah Mat Nawi outside the Dang Wangi police station today. – ISABELLE LEONG/The Vibes pic, July 7, 2021

“From the viral video, it is clear that there were at least three people in the room – two men as witnesses and the MP. There were probably more because there were people who taking photos and the video.

“The second SOP that he violated is that the marriage could have happened outside of Malaysia, possibly in Thailand.

“A wali hakim (a government-authorised guardian for the bride) was asked to solemnise the marriage. We know that in Malaysia, one cannot use the help of wali hakim as he pleases,” he said today when met by the press outside the Dang Wangi district police headquarters.

“He could have been at the Malaysia-Thailand border or outside Malaysia because the marriage certificate comes from Narathiwat.”

Che Abdullah had yesterday expressed regret that widespread publicity on the matter may have led to some people being offended, although it is an invasion of his privacy.

Responding to queries by reporters, he had declined to elaborate further on the issue, saying he would leave it to his lawyer to deal with any legal action.

Asmaaliff Abdul Adam claims that Datuk Che Abdullah Mat Nawi violated Section 124 of the Islamic Family Law Enactment (Kelantan) 2002 and two SOPs under the nationwide lockdown. – ISABELLE LEONG/The Vibes pic, July 7, 2021

Sinar Harian had quoted him as saying that the matter, which has gone viral on social media, is a personal and private family matter. He said the marriage was not supposed to have been publicised or become a public spectacle.

“First of all, I apologise if this issue, which is said to be related to me, last week has caused offence to anyone,” he had said.

“This kind of issue should not happen,” he added, apparently referring to rumours and speculation that have surfaced.

“It is as though it is intended to embarrass me or bring down my family’s honour, or perhaps, it is meant to disrupt my work.”

He also urged the public to respect his privacy and that of his family, saying: “I appeal to all parties to be fair and give me space to resolve this matter properly.”

“God willing, the issue will not hamper me from undertaking my duties entrusted to me as the deputy minister for agriculture and as a parliamentarian.”

Kelantan authorities urged to investigate

Also present at the police station after the report was lodged was Amanah Youth executive councillor Ahmad Fadhli Umar Aminolhuda.

Fahdli said Che Abdullah, as a deputy minister and MP, should set a good example for his people.

“Che Abdullah is a PAS MP, but he failed to abide by the Islamic laws of Kelantan.

“He should be investigated and appropriate actions should be taken against him by the Kelantan Islamic religious council,” he said.

Pictures of the couple’s marriage certificate and a recorded conversation between the politician, an imam and two other men, believed to be witnesses, have been circulating on social media in recent days.

Reports have it the bride is allegedly from Selangor.

The ceremony was criticised as it was allegedly held as the country is undergoing a full lockdown.

A close-up photo of the marriage certificate shows the ceremony was held on June 1 when the country was under the movement control order (MCO 3.0).

Last Sunday, the Narathiwat Islamic Council in Thailand had said that it would investigate the case as the council has never before approved online solemnisations by any imam in the Thai province.

Its vice-president, Abdul Aziz Che Mamat, said the council would call the imam at the Kedai Baru Mosque in Sg Golok, who had purportedly performed the ritual online, to explain the matter.

Aziz was also reported by The New Straits Times as saying that wedding participants are also disallowed from partaking in the solemnisation ceremony over the phone. – The Vibes, July 7, 2021


kt notes:

Spoilsports lah! Why deny a 60+ years old man from marrying his love, a 20-year old sweetie, now said to be from Selangor?

Have you spoilsports forgotten the government statement early this year on MyGovernment, namely that:

Polygamy is required by Islam, among others, due to the husband’s “incredible sense of sexual desire” that the wife cannot fulfil.

Do you spoilsports intend to distract our deputy minister from his work which would happen if his mind and "body" is not at peace (and satisfied).

At least he is not simply buying tudung for no reason!



  1. Ronnie Liew travelled from Selangor to Pahang OK...?

  2. Ha ha..I am enjoying this comedy.

    A holier-than-thou deputy minister who marries a girl who can be his daughter and solemnised through an imam from Thailand.

    And the idiot can say with a straight face about his family honour. Family honour???

    What does he know about honour?? Period!
