Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Part II to 'All MCO rules were observed in online marriage of PAS deputy minister (Tumpat) & 20 year old bride in Thailand'

Deputy agriculture minister to resolve alleged 'phone marriage' scandal

Deputy Agriculture and Food Industries Minister II Che Abdullah Mat Nawi has urged the people to give him space after claims surfaced of him entering into a dubious marriage.

According to a Sinar Harian report, Che Abdullah (above) did not appear to confirm or deny the allegations.

Instead, the PAS politician questioned if the issue was aimed at jeopardising his reputation.

“Firstly I would like to apologise if this week’s issue, which apparently has something to do with me, has offended anyone.

“Issues like this should not have happened.

“This seems to be aimed at humiliating or degrading me and my family’s reputation, or perhaps it is to affect my work,” he was quoted as saying.

The Tumpat MP reportedly handed the matter to his lawyer for “legal action to be taken against the parties involved”.

“In this regard, I ask all parties to be fair to me and give me space to resolve this issue properly.

“Alhamdulillah, this issue has not affected me in carrying out my responsibilities as a deputy minister and MP,” he added.

Astro Awani previously reported that a deputy minister who was an MP from Kelantan had allegedly participated in an akad nikah (solemnisation) ceremony through the phone during the movement control order (MCO).

The alleged marriage certificate was dated June 1 and attributed to Thailand’s Narathiwat Islamic Council.

However, an official from the council told the news organisation that it does not perform solemnisation ceremonies through the phone.

The council will thus investigate the alleged ceremony by contacting the imam involved, who is from the Kedai Baru Mosque in Sungai Golok, which is on the Thai-Kelantan border.

Images and a video of the alleged ceremony have been circulated on social media.


All MCO rules were observed in online marriage of PAS deputy minister (Tumpat) & 20 year old bride in Thailand

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