Wednesday, July 07, 2021

So after Sheraton, it’s now Bellamy Move?

So after Sheraton, it’s now Bellamy Move?

YOURSAY | ‘There is a power play going on as to who will emerge victorious in this manoeuvre.’

Mystery at Jalan Bellamy

Poppy: Whatever the outcome of all these moves, starting from the Sheraton Move to this Jalan Bellamy fiasco, the people are the losers.

What have the people gained in more than a year of Perikatan Nasional (PN) rule. Nothing but misery. Thousands are dead, millions jobless and the future of the nation looks dark.

Look at the players involved in the move. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is not in it to save the nation but to protect his own future. Behind him is none other than Najib Abdul Razak, waiting to save himself from going to prison too.

What about the other Umno warlords that are protecting the prime minister, led by two questionable characters - Nazri Abdul Aziz and Hishammuddin Hussein?

One who in the time of the nation’s biggest crisis is more interested in his five-year-old son’s future education.

As for Hishammuddin, he went missing after Umno lost the general elections in 2018. He went into silent mode. Now he wants to come back and lead Umno?

Legally, there should not be any form of gathering allowed. The Jalan Bellamy meeting should be investigated and all those who attended charged with breaking the movement control order (MCO) standard operating procedures.

Second, it shows Umno is split down the line. There is a power play going on as to who will emerge victorious in this manoeuvre. Whoever wins will decide whether Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin will survive after Aug 1.

Umno will be further weakened by this episode. It is time for the Umno grassroots to take the bull by the horns and pick a completely new leader.

Cogito Ergo Sum: From the Sheraton Move to the Jalan Bellamy Move, nothing will change. It’s like reshuffling the same deck of cards with all jokers in the pack.

The primary concern of one faction is to save Umno’s court cluster. The other faction wants the game of riding the gravy train to continue.

While all this is going on, the rakyat are literally dying in hospitals and at homes, starving, jobless, penniless and without help.

Let’s be clear. There is no more place for Umno and its ilk in government anymore.

Their former president is a convicted criminal and their current one faces 47 criminal charges. Only an imbecilic group would want them back in power or part of a ruling coalition.

Vijay47: Frankly, I don’t care a flying hoot what Umno, Bersatu, or PAS do. All I know is that they are political operators concerned only with milking the nation and our funds for all they’re worth.

Their only objective was to dip their fingers all the way to the shoulder into every project granted by government. It has reached a level where they actually consider this a god-given right or at least enshrined in the Constitution of Convenience.

But right now, while the agenda remains the same, there would be a slight shift in focus, amply reflected in the desperate cry from Bersatu leader Wan Saiful Wan Jan that “Anwar Ibrahim, if he becomes prime minister, must not use his position to pursue personal interests”. Nightmares of Sungai Buloh must be looming large, loud, and close at hand.

We can expect the plotting and planning at Jalan Bellamy to be on the course of action to be taken should the government indeed collapse within the next fortnight or so. Will the prosecutions continue unabated? Would more fish, sharks and minnows, be dragged in by the net?

Zahid, Annuar Musa, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, and a host of others will all be having sleepless nights. Heck, some may even have to join Muhyiddin to carry out further analysis.

Doc: My take on this:

1. Clearly Umno is imploding from within - too many factions fighting for control of the party in the hope that the leader of the pack will become the next PM.

2. Clearly Umno, just like PAS and Bersatu, is not bothered with the rakyat's suffering as a result of PN's poorly managed Covid-19 pandemic, immunisation programme and the resulting economic disaster. These Umno politicians are only interested in self-preservation and their self-serving agenda.

3. Bersatu, PAS and Umno came together to form a government under the pretext that they wanted to save the Malay race from the ‘diabolical DAP-run’ Pakatan Harapan government and uplift the Malays economically.

But while the Malay people are suffering from loss of income and pretty much starving these days; these Malay-only parties are too busy politicking to preserve their grip on power and make money off the government.

4. As a non-Malay, we can only hope that the Malay community will finally see who their real enemies are and wake up to the fact that for Malaysia to progress, a multiracial approach based on equality is the way to go.

5. It will take a generation of suffering to repair the mismanagement caused by this Malay-first government.

Plebeian: Nightmare scenario... Zahid and Najib return. That may be the un/intended consequence of events to follow, including an election.

You look at all the possibilities and really, it's a no-win set of options. The current lot are bumbling and clueless. The last lot, pre-Harapan, vile and despicable, capable of just about anything.

While Harapan has shown themselves to be just as idiotic (for example, DAPs "free vaccine" fiasco) and power hungry (Anwar's machinations with Zahid), and ready to make deals with the devil if need be.

God saves Malaysia.


  1. I suppose Najib will soon swoop in from the sky and take charge again.

  2. In the case of Mahiaddin it is Bellymove.
