Thursday, August 18, 2022

Hisyam Teh: I am not prepared, I can't participate in the appeal proceedings, Najib's has no legal representation, full stop

Citing unpreparedness, Hisyam Teh now says he will not be able to participate in Najib’s SRC International appeal

Lawyer Hisyam Teh Poh Teik seen at the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya, August 18, 2022. Hisyam had applied to discharge himself as Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s counsel this morning if the Federal Court refused to defer hearing the final appeal. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

Thursday, 18 Aug 2022 5:47 PM MYT

PUTRAJAYA, Aug 18 — In an unexpected turn of events, senior lawyer Hisyam Teh Poh Teik has clarified that he will not be filing any submissions to defend Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the former prime minister’s final appeal against his conviction of misappropriating funds from SRC International Sdn Bhd.

Hisyam had applied to discharge himself as Najib’s counsel this morning if the Federal Court refused to defer hearing the final appeal.

He was thwarted, however, by the panel of five judges led by Chief Justice Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, who reminded the lawyer that he had a duty to his client after accepting the appointment.

In a press conference, Hisyam said he was in no position to participate in the current appeal proceedings since he was not accorded time, which he had applied to court for and was denied, in order make the necessary preparations for Najib’s defence.

“I can see no meaningful way that I can play as far as proceedings are concerned because we are in fact not prepared.

“Under the circumstances, I am not able to play an effective role. So, in essence, Datuk Seri (Najib) has no legal representation. That is the bottom line,” he told reporters at the Palace of Justice here.

Earlier, Hisyam told the court he would be arguing for Najib based on previous submissions filed at the Court of Appeal by Najib’s former counsel Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, after the defence cited unpreparedness to present its case as they were appointed at the eleventh hour.



  1. This is unprofessional and unethical behaviour from Hisyam Teh...he should be subject to thw Bar Council for professional standards discipline.
    What was he and Zaid Ibrahim thinking (or plotting ??) when they agreed to take on this case ?
    The court calendar was already known for the astro 9 months.

    You ingat ini Pasar Malam ke ?

  2. Hisyam Teh... buat Malu saja, you have demolished your own professional reputation ...

  3. What happened to the lawyer described by Zaid Ibrahim as "a defence counsel so passionate, so forceful, so believing in the cause but, of course, to no avail,"

    And added Zaid that this Hisyam is an honest lawyer.

    And now he is openly challenging the court and is willing to sacrifice his career for a convicted criminal? He took on the case knowing the constraints. And is now using these constraints as excuses to walk away?

    It provides more drama for the eakyat. Interesting to see what the court will do and the Malaysian Bar too.

    I believe Hiysham thinks he is also an UMNO warlord. Such arrogance!!!
