Thursday, August 11, 2022

Covid19 - Russian looking into cause of Covid19 from US biolabs

My Singapore News


Covid19 - Russian looking into cause of Covid19 from US biolabs

In a press briefing on Thursday, the head of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, claimed that US-backed bio-laboratories in Ukraine had been conducting questionable research and clinical tests on Ukrainian citizens, and that “over 16,000 biological samples, including blood and serum samples, were exported from the territory of Ukraine to US and European countries.”

He went on to explain that a statement from Jason Crow, a member of the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, who warned Americans that their DNA samples could be used to create targeted biological weapons, caused Russia’s Defense Ministry to “take a fresh look” at the origins of the Covid pandemic.

“Taking into account the interest of the US administration in the study of narrowly targeted biological agents, such statements force us to take a fresh look at the causes of the novel coronavirus pandemic and the role of US military biologists in the emergence and spread of the Covid-19 pathogen,” Kirillov said.

READ MORE: Covid-19 may have originated in US biolab – Lancet chair

Russia now suspects that USAID might have been directly responsible for the emergence of the Covid-19 virus, according to Kirillov, who pointed to a Lancet article by Columbia professor Jeffry Sachs, who suggested that the virus was likely created in a lab with the help of the America’s latest achievements in the field of biotechnology.

Kirillov pointed out that since 2009, USAID had been funding a program known as “Predict,” conducting research into new coronaviruses which involved the capture of wild bats infected with such pathogens, and that one of the project’s contractors, Metabiota, had been known for its military biological activities on the territory of Ukraine.

In 2019, the agency shut down the ‘Predict’ program while the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security coincidentally began studying the spread of a previously unknown coronavirus....

The US has repeatedly denied using biolabs in Ukraine to conduct military research and claims the “46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities and disease diagnostic sites” were used to assist Kiev in improving biological safety, security and disease surveillance for both human and animal health. RT

More and more evidence are coming up pointing to the Americans as the source of the Covid pandemic. The study and investigation are closing in on the Americans. All their lies and wild accusation that this came from Wuhan, China is going to fall flat when the cause is finally proven scientifically.

The Russians are calling for compensation by the Americans if this is proven.

US should pay compensation if Covid-19 claim confirmed – Russia

Damage caused by Covid-19 to countries globally should be covered by Washington if the US bioresearch origin claim is confirmed, the Duma speaker says

The US may owe the world huge compensation for the damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the Russian State Duma, said on Wednesday. He cited remarks made by the chair of The Lancet commission on the disease, who suggested the SARS-CoV-2 virus may have originated from an American research program. RT


  1. Jeffrey Sachs , an ECONOMICS academic is totally unqualified to make any judgement on any Biological research origins or otherwise. He was simply speaking for his ideological leanings, which is heavily against USA...he should move to Beijing or Moscow, but the Evil USA's paycheck is too good for him to move.

    1. Wakakakaja…

      Can't stop yr genuflecting fart for yr idol's defense!

      Mfer, stop watch & read closely what an economics geek like Jeffrey Sachs can work with common sense that I r infinitely lacking.

      Soon, more evidence would emerge, especially from that unlikely loudmouthed trump!

      Don't forget to response when that piece of shit hits the fan!
