Thursday, August 25, 2022

Call off concerts or we’ll take to the streets: PAS youth chief

Call off concerts or we’ll take to the streets: PAS youth chief

Such events transgress norms, values of Muslims here, says Ahmad Fadhli Shaari

Party youth chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari says concerts by international artistes promote hedonism in Malaysia and that such a culture should not be spread. – Ahmad Fadhli Shaari Facebook pic, August 25, 2022

KUALA LUMPUR – PAS remains adamant over cancelling scheduled concerts by international artistes, otherwise the Islamist party is threatening to hold protests nationwide.

Party youth chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari said these concerts are going against the norms and values of Muslims in Malaysia and that hedonism should not be allowed to spread.

He also urged supporters to ensure that this “protest” is heard by Seri Perdana – referring to the prime minister’s official residence in Putrajaya.

“PAS Youth is hoping that the government and relevant ministers consider cancelling and rescinding the approvals given to such concerts.

“It is not the right time and goes against Islam,” he said in a statement on Facebook today.

This is not the first time Pasir Mas MP Fadhli is against concerts by international artistes.

He had said the continuous hosting of concerts was “crazy work” that invites “God’s wrath”.

He also urged for such concerts to be stopped and warned against “challenging the emotions of Muslims”, while calling for a united front to oppose them, only to be criticised by DAP Youth chief Dr Kelvin Yii.

Yii then challenged PAS to “keluar dari tempurung” and address real issues affecting Malaysians rather than trying to infringe the rights of others that are protected under the federal constitution.

Fadhli’s call was supported by fellow PAS member and religious affairs minister Datuk Idris Ahmad, who was disappointed that a concert was held on a Thursday night, as it was a “malam Jumaat” or a time to do good for Muslims.

“Enough of this distracting entertainment. Repent and reflect on the disaster of the Covid-19 pandemic. Let us all return to God,” he said briefly in a Facebook post.

Idris, who is also religious affairs minister, did not specify Billie Eilish’s concert but urged “all parties” to unite on this.

Eilish’s concert saw more than 25,000 fans, mostly dressed in neon swags. Some 10 concerts by international stars are expected to be held in Malaysia by year end. – The Vibes, August 25, 2022


Selena Gomez exempted?


  1. The events industry in Malaysia employs a lot of people, including many Malays in all kinds of positions.
    The industry totally lapsed to zero during the Covid-19 lockdown, and only now starting to recover.
    Why is PAS against people earning Rezeki Halal ?
    And silent on Corruption , where people are earning Rezeki Haram ?

  2. What hypocrites!!

    And Kelantan has the worst record of incest and drug abuse among others!

    Wrath of god indeed.

    This is another taste of where Malaysia is heading if led by these bigots. Islam is a peaceful and just religion. Ptui!!!!!!

    And please don't call Hadi, Tok Guru - that is antitle meant for one person and he is no more.

  3. Around 2008 when PAS embarked on the slogan PAS FOR ALL, it softened its stance and tried to embrace the non-Muslims in this country. The DAP grassroots, especially, seemed to have found not only new allies but friends whom they started to learn to accept (and like and love). I attended a few public gatherings where DAP and PAS leaders and members were present. I found it rather odd to see ordinary Chinese (mostly from DAP) and Malays (from PAS) standing next to one another on silent mode, (what did you expect the Malays to communicate to the Chinese when the Chinese spoke atrocious Malay) listening to what their leaders had to say. A DAP friend told me that PAS had changed ; they were different and the Chinese had started to like them. I told him that PAS would never change. Just wait and see...

  4. These zombies only want their dangdut happy hours occurring behind closed doors & amongst themselves!

    No public display of fun/drinking of any kinds allowed.
