Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Suspect betrayed by curry

MM Online:

Man in China wakes from three-day ‘faint’ after smelling curry beef rice

It took a plate of curry rice to wake a suspect in China from his three-day faint. — Picture by CK Lim

KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 — A suspect who faked fainting to avoid questioning by police gave himself up after smelling curry beef rice eaten by a policeman watching over him.

Global Times reported that the man, from Xiaogan in China’s Hubei Province, was arrested on suspicion of fraud on July 7 but pretended to faint to avoid questioning.

Doctors tried various methods to wake him but to no avail until the third day when he was awakened by the smell of curry beef rice at his bedside.

He told police the food smelled nice, which the policeman agreed.

“The rice smell was very strong and spread all over the room as I was eating it,” said the officer.

The suspect who couldn’t resist it, got up and told police that he decided to pretend to have suffered trauma and fake fainting to avoid being investigated.

He admitted that it was the food that finally made him give up.

“I haven’t eaten for three days. My empty stomach couldn’t bear it anymore when I smelled food around me.”


  1. Propaganda to show how humane and tender loving are China police.

    A person I know who was unjustly alleged to have cheated his local China client received much, much harsher treatment.

    The person finally managed to prove himself innocent, the local client was trying to avoid paying his bills.

    But a previously enthusiastic Fanboy of the Communist Party of China now understands the truth about the governing system there... he will never ever step foot in China again.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      A sketch of life that can happen anywhere in the world could become a twisted fart for a mfer!

      R u sure yr friend's tale ain't no fabricated demoNcratic propaganda?

      Could that be the reason why a liar of CCP/China/Chinese fake news dare not setting foot in China!
