Sunday, July 04, 2021

"It is now clear the Americans came to Afghanistan for their own purposes, not to help and cooperate with Afghans"

'What was the point?' Afghans rue decades of war as US withdraws

As American troops left their main military base in Afghanistan on Friday, marking a symbolic end to the longest war in US history, locals living in the shadow of the base and in nearby Kabul were left ruing the past and bracing for what comes next.

Violence has been raging throughout Afghanistan in the weeks since President Joe Biden announced troops would withdraw unconditionally by Sept. 11.

With peace talks in Qatar stuttering, and roughly a quarter of the country's districts having fallen to the Taliban in recent weeks according to one study, many are concerned that chaos looms.

Malek Mir, a mechanic in Bagram who saw the Soviet Army and then the Americans come and go, said he was left with a deep sense of sadness at the futility of a foreign presence.

"They came with bombing the Taliban and got rid of their regime - but now they have left when the Taliban are so empowered that they will take over any time soon," he said.

"What was the point of all the destruction, killing and misery they brought us? I wish they had never come."

More than 3,500 foreign troops have been killed in a two-decade war, which has claimed over 100,000 civilians since 2009 alone, according to United Nations records.

Some, however, say the presence of foreign troops distorted Afghanistan's economy and that it is time for the country to stand on its own.

"The Americans leave a legacy of failure, they've failed in containing the Taliban or corruption," said Sayed Naqibullah, a shop owner in Bagram. "A small percentage of Afghans got so rich, while the vast majority still live with extreme poverty.

"In a way, we're happy they've gone... We're Afghans and we'll find our way."

In the nearby capital, the news was a fresh reminder of the growing panic that has been gripping many parts of Afghan society, particularly in urban areas, since Biden announced the withdrawal in April.

"All the people are worried that if foreign forces leave Afghanistan, the Taliban will take over. Then what will we do?" asked Zumarai Wafa, a Kabul shopkeeper.

Wafa and others described a slump in business and signs of many urban residents trying to flee the country, with hundreds lined up outside embassies seeking visas.

Medical student Muzhda, 22, who asked to be identified by only one name for security reasons, said her family had decided to leave the country because of the deterioration in security.

She said she wondered what future awaited women if the Taliban came back to power and restricted access to education for women, as they did during their previous time in power.

The Taliban say they have changed and that they will make provisions for women's rights in line with cultural traditions and religious rules.

Still, Muzhda said she feels bereft and let down by the American departure.

"The withdrawal of foreign troops in the current situation is irrational," she said. "It is now clear that the Americans came here for their own purposes, not to help and cooperate with Afghanistan."

"I'm very sad and disappointed, I had many dreams that will not come true."

- Reuters


  1. 5000 yo Bullyland was the sole supporter of the Khmer Rouge in the 70s, including during the time of civil war and genocide when 2 million Cambodians were slaughtered, including 300k Chinese-Cambodians by ULtra-Maoist murderers:

    BRADER NAMBAR 1 (Pol Pot),
    BRADER NAMBAR 2 (Nuon Chea) and
    BRADER NAMBAR 3 (Ieng Chea)

    To-date Bullyland has not apologised to Cambodians, instead they continue to TIPU and RAMPAS by pouring Belt-You-Down-My Road money into the country.

    “China supported the Khmer Rouge during the 1970-1975 war and was the sole critical supporter throughout the 1975-1979 Democratic Kampuchea period of genocide,” Diep Sophal, a Cambodian professor at the University of Cambodia, told Voice of America.

    The massacres ended when the Vietnamese military invaded in 1978 and toppled the Khmer Rouge regime. By January 1979, 1.5 to 2 million people had died due to the Khmer Rouge's policies, including 200,000–300,000 Chinese Cambodians, 90,000 Muslims, and 20,000 Vietnamese Cambodians

    The ultra-Maoist Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979 under the leadership of "Brother Number One" Pol Pot - a charismatic intellectual who studied in France.

    Today Pol Pot's name is synonymous with terror and genocide, and his bid to create an agrarian utopia is blamed for the deaths of some two million Cambodians.

  2. 30% of all Cambodians were brutally murdered by the Ultra Maoists Khmer Rouge, with the sapot of Bullyland. This genocide was on the scale of the Holocaust in WW2 where two thirds of all European Jews were murdered.

    Today Bullyland Buat Tak Tahu about their role in this genocide, on their 100th Birthday Modern Mao wearing Modern Mao Suit still talk big, use language reminiscent of Nazi Nuremberg Rallies of the 1930s.

    The number of Afghanistan casualties do not even move the needle.

    The Demographic Analysis of Mortality Crises: The Case of Cambodia, 1970-1979
    Patrick Heuveline

    As best as can now be estimated, over two million Cambodians died during the 1970s because of the political events of the decade, the vast majority of them during the mere four years of the “Khmer Rouge” regime. This number of deaths is even more staggering when related to the size of the Cambodian population, then less than eight million. In my estimation, about a third of the 1970 population would have survived to the end of the decade under “normal” demographic conditions but did not under the circumstances that prevailed. No single factor alone explains the rare intensity of the Cambodian mortality crisis. Instead, the excess mortality pattern reflects one of the worst imaginable mixes of conditions, including war casualties, massive population displacement, ethnic cleansing, health system collapse, and famine.

    1. apart from your usual CHILDISH rant against China (to divert attention from your WHITE father's failures, sins and crimes), you are violating one of my rules on this blog, to keep on topic thread. This will be my last warning on such an issue

    2. This blurred mfer has a chronic boring live.

      Thus c&p w/o proper & in-depth researches on subjects posted to please its daily doses of egoistic rants.

      "during the time of civil war and genocide when 2 million Cambodians were slaughtered, including 300k Chinese-Cambodians by ULtra-Maoist murderers"

      What do u expect China to do?

      Blurred mfer, this was the internal conflicts within Cambodia! U want China to act invade Cambodia to stop the atrocities?

      What about the vowed non interference policy of China?

      U, & that f*cked Diep Sophal, conveniently forgetting to quote Yankee was the culprit who caused the rise of the Khmer Rouge regime under pol pot by intentionally bombing Cambodia during their invasion to clean out the Vietcong!

      The Vietnamese military invasion of Cambodia in 1978 toppled the Khmer Rouge regime bcoz Vietnam feared for the geopolitical rivalry if Khmer Rouge was not stopped.

      BTW, where was yr f*cked claim of China support of Khmer Rouge when that invasion occurred? China just watched her allie been stepped on.

      Bloody lying through the teeth!

      If u truly want to attribute blame about war casualties, massive population displacement, ethnic cleansing, health system collapse, and famine look no further than that atrocious initiator - yr beloved uncle Sam - playing the same superfluous humanitarianism & freedom chants all-over the world & laid waste many other nations he touched!

    3. KT, I suggest u don't stop this child plays!

      No doubt his tactic of using long & twisted c&p to drown out the readings of the others is long on sanctimonious but it proves conclusively about its know-nothingness. This mfer think the other readers can't read & digest issues outside it's f*cked 'guild lines'.

      Perhaps, to make yr monitoring easier - just truncate its grandmother's leg binding cloth pieces by removing the middle portion of its write.

      Mfer, like this, has to be exposed NOT by others but by its own dirty parades of 'gems'.

      Removing its f*cked exhibits would make yr blog less interesting & this mfer more cabalistic!

  3. First Bully of Afghanistan was the Soviet Union, then handover to 500 yo Bully, now "handover" to 5000 yo Bully. Good Luck....hope no issues with vaccine.

    China-donated COVID-19 vaccines handed over to Afghanistan
    Source: Xinhua| 2021-06-13

    KABUL, June 13 (Xinhua) -- A handover ceremony of China-donated COVID-19 vaccines has been held at the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul.

    Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, Acting Minister of Public Health Wahid Majrooh, senior officials from the Afghan government and Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan Wang Yu attended the event on Saturday.

    "Vaccine is a gift of life and we thank China for its help," President Ghani told audience at the handover ceremony.

    Welcoming the expansion of Afghanistan-China relations in various fields, especially economic, trade and transit relations, the Afghan leader said the donation of medical supplies and vaccines of China would help Afghanistan defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Speaking at the ceremony, Chinese Ambassador Wang said China would provide more assistance to Afghanistan to help Afghans contain the pandemic.

    The ambassador noted that as a friendly neighbor living in harmony, a close partner taking the same journey and a good brother sharing weal and woe, China would continue to join hands with Afghanistan to fight the pandemic in solidarity and help Afghanistan in this regard to the best of its ability.

    China would continue to support the Peace and Reconciliation Process in which the Afghan government and people play an important role and all parties participate widely.

    The batch of COVID-19 vaccines donated by the Chinese government arrived in Kabul on Thursday.

    1. Kerbau lah! FIRST bully in modern times was your Pommie Uncle - heard of Khyber Pass? The first British outpost in the area was built in 1839 and from the outset trouble prevailed.

      And how is China a bully?

    2. Donate covid vaccine to save life is a firm of bullying!


      Another case of chronic constipation goes up into the head.

  4. 5000 yo Bullyland has long maintained ties with the cruel Taliban regime, the one that executes by beheading and persecutes women and young girls. Now with 500-yo Bully pulling out its troops from the country, 5000-yo Bully start "playing both sides" with the Taliban zealots as well as with the official Kabul gomen. And the two countries share a 46-mile border in better watch out.

    China’s Taliban outreach worries Kabul

    China has used its contacts with Pakistan to establish close ties with the Taliban in the hope that they would not allow militants to infiltrate into Xinjiang. The Taliban’s extremist policies have never constrained China from feting Taliban delegations in Beijing. The Afghan authorities have been unhappy at the frequency of China’s meetings with the Taliban leaders and Beijing’s unwillingness to brief them on these discussions.

    May 22, 2021

    China’s Taliban outreach worries Kabul
    Duality: China has been engaging with both the Taliban and the Afghan government. Reuters

    Speaking at the Heart of Asia virtual conference last month, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that the “foreign military forces should withdraw from Afghanistan in an orderly manner and resolutely prevent various terrorist forces from creating chaos”. Wang assured that China would work with all other parties to bring peace to every corner of Afghanistan at an early date and deliver the benefits of development to the Afghan people.

    Earlier, China had criticised the presence of NATO forces in Afghanistan, taking the moral high ground, though their security role actually helped Beijing in checking the activities of extremist groups such as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM). China’s fear of Uighur militants belonging to ETIM has grown over the last five years, as many have relocated from Syria to the Badakshan province of Afghanistan, neighbouring Xinjiang where China has initiated a vast campaign to incarcerate them in camps (prisons) for re-education.

    China has also been concerned about the support, which the Al Qaeda (which maintains close ties with the Taliban) could provide to the ETIM militants and the infiltration of Islamic State (IS) fighters into Xinjiang. After the deterioration of China’s relations with the US recently, its worry is that the US could use its continued military presence in Afghanistan to support Uighur dissidents seeking independence from Beijing. At a meeting with the Foreign Ministers of five Central Asian states on May 12 at Xian, the Chinese Foreign Minister suggested that they should not allow the US to station its forces and equipment in Central Asia after its military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    China had reached the conclusion that the US and the Afghan government could not defeat the Taliban and it would either come into power or control substantial Afghan territory. China had started maintaining close ties with the Taliban since 1999; in December 2000, China’s Ambassador to Pakistan Lu Shulin met Taliban leader Mullah Omar in Kandahar. China has used its contacts with Pakistan to establish close ties with the Taliban in the hope that they would not allow ETIM militants to infiltrate into Xinjiang. The Taliban have sought Beijing’s support for getting international legitimacy and aid.

    China has adopted a dual policy of maintaining close ties with both the Taliban and the Afghan government. The Taliban’s ultra-conservative outlook and extremist policies have never constrained China from feting numerous Taliban delegations in Beijing in the hope that the Taliban would not allow the ETIM to establish bases and grow its network in Afghanistan. Most significant of these was the visit by the Taliban’s Deputy Leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Barader to Beijing in June 2019. The Afghan government has been unhappy at the frequency of China’s meetings with the Taliban leaders and the former’s unwillingness to brief them on these discussions.

    1. actually it was your American Uncle who armed the Talibans with shoulder missiles and various armaments

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      Blurred mfer, where is the source of yr quote?

      From the fart filled well!
