Monday, July 19, 2021

Scorpio the Patriot

Scorpio, the invisible, invincible communist eraser

"In 13 years, we captured about 1,700 communists. We had 48 kills. It could have been more than 1,000 kills, but we did not want that. Our goal was to capture them and gain intelligence. A hundred dead bodies cannot speak."

- former Senior Asst Comm Datuk Leong Chee Woh PhD

Until 1989, Leong Chee Woh was not known for his role in the wipeout of the communists in Malaysia. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: His codename was Scorpio. He was an ‘invisible’ police officer feared by the communists.

No one knew who the invincible Scorpio was until the surrender of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) in 1989.

He was Special Branch (SB) operative Leong Chee Woh, who hunted top cadres of communist insurgents and penetrated the highest echelon of their leadership.

The hero died from a stroke at his home in Seri Kembangan yesterday. He would have turned 92 on Nov 11.

Scorpio, the moniker given by his handler, refers to Leong’s horoscope that bears the characteristics, “brave, loyal, honest and secretive”.

It has been suggested that Leong, who was bestowed the Panglima Gagah Berani gallantry award, in 2017, may be acknowledged as a foremost strategist of counter insurgency warfare.

The bravery award and a datukship in 2010 came long after his retirement in 1984 as SB deputy director (operations) due to the secrecy of his clandestine operations which were later declassified.

In the 1970s, he led the ultra-secret, E3F or the F Squad, to wage years-long war against subversive elements.

In 13 years, the F Squad, that began with 13 operatives and had no more than 50, captured about 1,500 insurgents and had 48 kills.

The team, that comprised mostly Chinese to counter the Chinese-based CPM, did not suffer a single casualty.

Leong said in an interview that it could have been more than 1,000 kills, but the aim was to capture the rebels and gain intelligence, bring them to justice and rehabilitate them to rejoin mainstream society.

One of the six books the counter-insurgency specialist wrote after his retirement.

Several retired top senior police officers, in paying tribute to Leong, described him as a patriot and an illustrious son of Malaysia.

They said while many did not know about “this quiet but brave Malaysian”, Leong led an adventurous life in the service of the country.

In salutation of the bravery of Leong, they said, the codename, Scorpio, struck fear into the hearts of communist leadership.

They summed up the feats of Leong with the motto of the F Squad, “Hanya Yang Berani” (Only the Brave), adding “On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for your exploits, sir. A day of duty is done, a day of rest has begun”.

In retirement, Leong wrote six books under the Scorpio series on the history of the communist insurgency.

While some of his hair-raising adventures will remain in the deep vault of secrecy of the nation, his books provide an intimate insight into the F Squad’s covert operations that foiled CPM plots against the government.

He wrote that the CPM leadership believed that the SB was the most dangerous and effective part of the Malaysian security forces.

The CPM believed the SB would be crippled and intimidated by the systematic murder of its officers and detectives by highly trained three-man mobile units in the federal capital, he stated.

A news report in 2017, headlined with the motto of the F Squad, translated, ‘Only the Brave’.

The assassination of then Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Rahman Hashim in 1974, while being driven to his office in broad daylight, shook the confidence of the government and had a serious effect on morale and determination.

Newly appointed IGP Hanif Omar, assessing the problem with the SB director, decided that the main problem was the weakness of the federal SB contingent and that it needed an officer to reorganise, galvanise and lead that branch.

Leong, who was in charge of the communist affairs division at Bukit Aman, was handpicked. Scorpio was unleashed.

He and his brainchild F Squad, formed in 1971, understood the insurgents and became the covert-operations nerve of the SB.

Leong wrote the communists were relentless in their offensive and bombed the National Monument in Kuala Lumpur in 1975 followed by attacks on security forces and the assassination of SB personnel.

Leong and his crack team then strangled every twist and turn of communist underground activities to roll back the enemy, not merely contain the threat.

The shadowy world of the F Squad, that oversaw the official surrender of the CPM, ended in 1995.

Taiping-born Leong, who joined the police force as a probationary inspector, had declared in his writings that Malaysia was the only country in the world to have defeated militant communism.

He advised Malaysians, especially young people, to appreciate the struggles of those who fought for freedom and peace during the communist insurgency between 1948-1960 and 1970-1989.

*The wake is from 11am today at the Nirvana Memorial Centre in Sungai Besi, followed by his funeral at 10am on Wednesday.


‘Breathes there the man’

- Sir Walter Scott

Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!

Whose heart hath ne’er within him burn’d,
As home his footsteps he hath turn’d,
From wandering on a foreign strand!

If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;

Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,

Living, shall forfeit fair renown,

And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,

Unwept, unhonour’d, and unsung.


  1. Scorpio is of a generation of Chinese Malaysians for whom country came First.

    Many of the Current generation love and admire Communism.

    If it became a Conflict of Loyalty between Country and the Chinese Communist Party, many of the younger generation would side with the Chinese Communist Party first.

    1. Mfer, ain't u confusing love of an idealogy & blind patriotism as practice by scoundrel!

      Mmmm… to u, u r the same mfers, as in those Nazis & Kempeitai, in excusing their crimes of humanity by sounding - "I just following order"!

    2. How on earth could you just conclude without a shred of evidence?

      What if I say the Kerajaan Allah would love to see ALL nons emigrate so that Malaysia becomes 100% Malay?

    3. The Kempetai of 2021 is being actioned in Xinjiang.

    4. Again, u been to Xinjiang?

      Or u just farted as usual!


      Two major incidents in recent months involving China armed forces exercising military activity in Malaysian Exclusive Economic Zone, the last one appears to be an attempt to intimidate and interfere with Malaysian contracted oil exploration ships.

      I would say 80% of the Chinese Malaysians I have debated these issues with take sides that China has a legitimate claim to these waters just 100 km off the Sarawak coast, about 1,700 km from Hainan.

      My conclusion if a situation arises causing a conflict of loyalties, the majority of these people will side with China first.

    6. Crooked bigotry, so degrading behaviour

    7. Again u bring up an issue with only yr know-nothingness twisted fart!

      SCS is a disputed territory! Understand disputed? Or u have a f*cked definition dug up from the cesspool concentrate!

      China has the historical claims based on undisputed ancient records whereas all the other claimants have only a recently compiled "Exclusive Economic Zone" under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

      BTW, that admiralty law isn't agreed & signed by all the countries - especially USofA!

      China is a signatory even in the face of multitudes of SCS conflicting challenges by the surrounding countries. China is staging firm on her SCS claim bcoz within the UNCLOS clauses is the sovereignty entitlement based on historical maritime ownership of first-sighted principle.

      Mfer, this is the same principle many of the old European maritime powers colonized many of the islands all-over the world despite the objection of the islanders!

      Yr conclusion is purely yr FART based in hatred of CPC/China/Chinese. Yr so called "majority of these people" WOULD have support the m'sia claim if m'sia has a solid historical ground, rather than a flimsy proximity argument.

      Where's yr f*cked loyalty issue arises?

  2. Thank you for your sacrifice Datuk Leong.

    In his LinkedIn entry he states his job experience for 37 years as “hunting and eliminating communists” and “destroy communists”. Very Direct and To the Point.

    So zalim these Malayan communists, and terima kasih also to the British who helped fight these insurgents before Merdeka.

    If not for the sapot of Bullyland (then under the Original Mao) the insurgency would not have lasted so long and claimed so many innocent lives.

    However today we have to be watchful of the Modern Mao who is displaying traits of the original one. I wonder what Datuk Leong would have to say about the Modern Mao.

    Cato Institute

    XI Jinping Wants to Become the New Mao
    Indeed, in subtle ways Xi is promoting himself as the greater figure.
    MAY 26, 2020
    By Doug Bandow

    The birthday approaches of Xi Jinping, China’s president and general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. Entering the world on June 15, 1953, he is the first Chinese leader born after the revolution. And he increasingly looks like the most consequential Chinese politician since Mao Zedong, the man most responsible for creating the People’s Republic of China. Indeed, in Xi’s campaign to strengthen his and the CCP’s authority, he appears to be modeling himself after Mao.

  3. I can't let these demoNcratic mfers' twisted farts go w/o lampooning their core idea.

    Who said Malayan communists ain't patriots?

    They were Malayan born, with equally a love for the land they born with. The only difference was they have a different set of ideology to govern the land they loved.

    Same like Scorpio Leong who had a love for the land with another set of ideology!

    Why condemning the Malayan communists ONLY?

    Under the universal principle of democracy, ain't the communists have as much rights as any Ahmad, Muthu & Chong of whatsoever sopo ideology zealots?

    Why persecuting the communists in whatsoever manner & forcefully drove them undergroung in Malayan while nothing happened to those communists in pommieland?

    In the eyes of demoNcracy, none is as mighty, self-righteousness & humanitarian. All other ideologies MUST be banish to hell.

    "So zalim these Malayan communists, and terima kasih also to the British who helped fight these insurgents before Merdeka"

    What a chant from a tail wagging pommie lover.


    To whom & by whom? Weren't both sides committing the same crimes fighting for the triumph of their ideology? And what so grateful about those manipulating pommies in interfering into the internal affair of an independent nation?

    Perhaps, deep down those helps were welcomed bcoz many were just pommie asslickers, wanting a vassal Malayan state kowtowing to the 'mighty' pommie - to fight against their meme-ed fear of communism!

    The insurgency would not have lasted so long and claimed so many innocent lives if not bcoz of the uncompromising & single-mindedness in complete eliminating the communists. There were many chances to negotiate for a compromising solution between the Malayan authority & the communist!

    For those mamak haters, do pay some thoughts into The Peace Agreement of Hat Yai (1989) marked the end of the Communist insurgency in Malaysia (1968–1989). That's the triumph of peaceful negotiation even though the eventual outcome were a loads of broken promises by the m'sia administration.

    Meanwhile, those pommie mfers were happily 'advising' the locals, in multitudes of way, to fight the evil communists!

    This is typically pommie double standard - pommie communists were tolerated in their homeland while communists outside their home turf were hunted down like games with the helps of the indoctrinated Communism-loathed locals.

    All u demoNcratic crybabies, DON'T hide yr hypocritical self behind a flowery wall of patriotism, human rights, liberty!

    U r not only a suckers pal excellence & would die wagging yr tails with yr anmokausai pride, just bcoz u r a bunch of banana!

  4. I never said MCP were not patriots.

    Why I said zalim? I am going by what Datuk Leong said/wrote:

    "...systematic murder of its (SB) officers and detectives by highly trained three-man mobile units in the federal capital..."

    "...assassination of then Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Rahman Hashim in 1974, while being driven to his office in broad daylight...

    "...the communists were relentless in their offensive and bombed the National Monument in Kuala Lumpur in 1975 followed by attacks on security forces and the assassination of SB personnel..."

    Sounds pretty zalim to me. But one can be patriotic but zalim at the same time.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      What an open lie right in the face!

      "Modern Mao"!!!

      For whatever yr hidden implying, u r just saying the same thing as that old moneyed mfer - as in that f*cked message of "many of the younger generation would side with the Chinese Communist Party first"!

      BTW have anyone ever taught u about listening to both sides? Especially when atrocities in war.

      Scorpio Leong has had his 'zalim' stories. What about those equally if not worst stories happened to the communists?

      Ooop… u have never heard about them!
