Monday, July 05, 2021

Power squabble in Jalan Bellamy - and eff the MCO

Power squabble in Jalan Bellamy: When will we dump corrupt politicians?

By Mariam Mokhtar

Two nights ago, while we were confined at home because of the movement control order (MCO), several politicians, ministers, deputies and heads pf Government-linked companies (GLC) had met in a bungalow near Jalan Bellamy Road. The place is near the old Istana Negara.

Does this secret meeting have something to do with the projected clash between Umno and Perikatan Nasional next week?

Besides that, why are ministers and other politicians allowed to break MOC rules by organising a meeting? A reporter there was even advised by a police outrider to leave the area.

This is not the first time Prime Minister Tan Sri Mahiaddin Yassin and his Cabinet team have violated the law.

Below are my take on why Mahiaddin should step down and Perikatan does not deserve to be the Government:

  • The meeting violated COVID-19 SOP. These confidential meetings included ministers, deputies, and MPs. They are believed to be Umno MPs who do not support their president, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Why did the police allow this meeting to happen?

This is the situation in Malaysia now. The people are suffering, some are suicidal, many are starving, they have no work, no money, no place to live, and children do not get good education.

However, politicians from Umno, PAS and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) are more worried about their futures. If they no longer have power, it would be difficult for them to steal people’s money or get their hands on Government contracts worth millions of ringgit.

  • Parliamentary sessions are not allowed, congregations in temples, churches and mosques are not allowed, visiting sick families is not allowed but yesterday’s secret meeting to determine the future of parliamentarians and ministers was allowed.

This is what makes the people angry. Mahiaddin and his ministers have been consistently breaking SOP without suffering consequences.

  • What was discussed by the MPs, ministers, deputy ministers and the head of the GLC? Why meet secretly, at night, in a bungalow on Jalan Bellamy? Who are the ministers and politicians present? What do they not want others and the people to know? What do they plan for the people? Will this affect national security?

  • Who stole taxpayers’ money? Who stole the money from Tabung Haji? Who stole money from the mosques? Why does zakat money not reach the poor and single mothers? Politicians, their families and cronies are stealing from the

As usual, other people were accused but the thieves from Umno and PAS did not blame themselves. So, stop believing the hypocritical politicians from Umno, PAS, and Bersatu.

  • The police do not uphold the laws of the country fairly by allowing the meeting to happen. Are the police colluding with politicians? The people should get rid of the Perikatan. The politicians make laws but refuse to abide by their own rules.

  • The irony is that the destruction of Umno is done by PAS and Bersatu, not DAP, the Chinese, CIA, the Jews, Singaporeans, George Soros or aliens.

Umno will perish because their politicians are power crazy and greedy.

  • There is no need for a Bellamy move after the Sheraton move. What should be done is to return the Government to the rightful winners.

We are embarrassed by the stupidity of our politicians and the Government. Foreign investors will not want to invest in Malaysia.

  • Our current politicians should not be given power or money. When they see money, they get greedy. They are not interested in a clean and fair Government. They do not uphold honesty, honour, the Federal Constitution and integrity.

  • Umno, Bersatu and PAS politicians do not care about the people. Their SOP is to live by addiction, betrayal, fraud, theft and being divisive.

Soon, Malaysia will be like Lebanon where elected Governments have failed one after another because they all come from the same corrupt and power-mad political elite families.

  • If Umno, Bersatu and PAS leaders are busy colluding with each other, and make plans to rule us, why do we need to the democratic voting process? Is this what you want for the future of this country?

Most ordinary Malays are tricked by these corrupt leaders to pursue their selfish agenda. To them, please wake up from your sleep and take note of your surroundings.

The enemy is from within. He is not the Chinese, DAP, Christians, Singaporeans or Jews. Our enemies are in the Government, comprised of corrupt and power-hungry leaders. When they quarrel to seize power, it is the rakyat who suffers. – July 4, 2021.

Mariam Mokhtar is a socio-political commentator.

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