Friday, July 09, 2021

Pfizer and Moderna - rare heart inflammation possible side effect

EU regulator finds link between heart inflammation and mRNA Covid vaccines

A health worker prepares a Moderna jab at a vaccination centre in Lahore on Tuesday. (AP pic)

AMSTERDAM: Europe’s drug regulator has found a possible link between rare heart inflammation and Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, and advised people with a history of a rare blood disorder to avoid getting J&J’s coronavirus shot.

Heart conditions, myocarditis and pericarditis, must be listed as possible side effects of the two mRNA vaccines, the safety committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said today.

Such cases primarily occurred within 14 days from vaccination, more often after the second dose and in younger adult men, the EMA said. This is in line with findings from US health officials last month.

The EMA panel also recommended that people who have a history of capillary leak syndrome (CLS) must not be vaccinated with J&J’s single-shot vaccine. The watchdog in June asked CLS to be added as a side effect from AstraZeneca’s shot.

Both AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines use different versions of a cold virus to deliver instructions for making coronavirus proteins to produce an immune response.


  1. In Malaysia, about 70 + people dying daily from Covid-19, and nearly 500 people intubated daily ( being kept alive dependent on oxygen tubes and respitators ).

    Whatever scare reports on these must come with the caveat that the serious side effects are very rare, and the risk of getting severe or fatal Covid-19 are much greater.

  2. Sinovac no effect at all. Must be better.

    1. Do you still remember having jeered at Sinovac low efficacy compared to those mRNA vaccines the likes of Pfizer and Moderna ? And sniggering at needing a booster shot ?

      Betul betul TongSampah....this news have been out in the open:

      Isreal News - Covid vaccine ( Pfizer ) effectiveness drops to 64% in Isreal, Health Ministry says

      And now Pfizer is applying for FDA approval in the US for follow-up Booster shot, six months into the mass vaccination in the country.

      There's a saying - he who laughs last, laugh best, hehehe

      Podah TongSampah. Ditto that old fool MonstrousBigot

    2. Bet this mfer is been inoculated with the sinovav vaccine in bolihland. He has no big kabel to get its beloved Pfizer or moderna which r reserved for the ketuanan elite crowd.

      Getting benefit, even though unwillingly (why does it rejected that vaccination?), yet still f*cking lying through its gangrenous orifice!

    3. Third dose of mRNA is for added protection against Delta variant. But Sinovac not effective at all against Delta, Thailand regret buying Sinovac for 1st two doses.

      Sinovac not effective against Delta variant, AstraZeneca is
      Neill Fronde
      July 9, 2021

      A new study released today seems to have confirmed what many have feared: the Sinovac vaccine has little effectiveness in stopping the Covid-19 Delta variant. The Delta strain, first identified in India, is particularly dangerous as it has found to be much more contagious and is spreading rapidly throughout Thailand. It has been predicted that the variant will be the dominant form of Covid-19 in Thailand by next month.

      Studies have shown that the Chinese-made vaccine is over 90% effective in producing neutralising antibodies to fight Covid-19, and with those antibodies, it provides 80-90% immunity for the Alpha variant of Covid-19. But data has shown the Sinovac vaccine is far less effective against the Delta variant in a joint study between the head of the Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre and a virologist at BIOTEC.

      The study revealed that mRNA vaccines are the most effective in battling the Delta variant of Covid-19. Still, due to slowness in approving and ordering, no vaccine that works using the mRNA vaccine will be available in Thailand until at least October. Moderna and Pfizer all use mRNA technology and have now been approved in Thailand but have proved difficult to get inside the borders.

    4. China and Sinovac hides behind a wall of secrecy and unaccountability, and fear of offending China by governments that have heavily bought into Sinovac.

      Nevertheless, it has become impossible to cover up the serious lack of effectiveness of Sinovac against the Covid-19 Beta and Delta variants.

      They and Their supporters opportunistically use the openness of Pfizer and AstraZeneca , and Western governments on possible risks, even very low probability events, to badmouth Western vaccines, while leveraging on a Great Wall of impenetrable secrecy amd silence regarding their own vaccines.k

    5. Wakakakakakaka…

      What a know-nothing fart about vaccine immunization!

      Keep to yr fart. Just tell the world WHY u have taken sinovax.

      Forced by the bolihland govt?

      Can't refused/rejected?

      Or a two faced f*cked kiasi mentality.

    6. U want to know how effective mRNA vaccines in battling the Delta variant of Covid-19?


      Check of Health-Coronavirus

      Israel’s Health Ministry released data on Monday showing that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine appears to largely prevent hospitalization and serious cases, but is significantly less effective against preventing the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

      Furthermore, this

      "In Indonesia, the Sinovac vaccine was 94% effective in preventing symptomatic infections, 96% effective in preventing hospitalisation and 98% effective in preventing Covid-related deaths, Dr Chawetsan said.

      In Chile, the vaccine was 89% effective against severe symptoms while in Brazil, it was 80% effective in preventing symptomatic infections, 86% effective in preventing hospitalisation and 95% effective in preventing Covid-related deaths.

      Dr Chawetsan said the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine was also studied in Phuket, where it was found to be 90.7% effective in preventing infections.

      In a Chiang Rai study, the vaccine's efficacy among health personnel was 82.8% in preventing infections, he said.

      He said the studies were carried out during the spread of the Alpha strain and the vaccine is effective in reducing the effects of other variants."

      BTW, Thailand has 75m doses of astrazeneca vs 2m of sinovac for the planned vaccination in June.

      The blurred mfer, is selectively twisting news of lying to its fart.

    7. "China and Sinovac hides behind a wall of secrecy and unaccountability"

      Mfer, what info do u seek & been denied?

      The vaccine efficacy of sinovac, sinopharm?

      Ain't those 3rd phase test report been disclosed to the world by those countries - Brazil, Chile & Turkey, to the world?

      If u want China to announce those results of the 3rd phase test then u r truly f*cked in know-nothingness!

      China doesn't have enough covid cases to begin any 3rd phase tests of her vaccine. The covid-19 is too well under control in China proper even when the whole world is in serious pandemic attack.

      Mfer, go do some reading in 3rd phase vaccine test requisites before u fart lah.

      The countries that r cloaked in vaccine secrecy r US & UK where the pandemic is running off like a train falling down the cliff. They have the most case number & they r the western concocted vaccines manufacturers YET, they have kept very quiet about the efficacy of their vaccine against Delta valiant but also playing data acrobat with the 3rd phase test data.

      Old moneyed mfer, who r leveraging on a Great Wall of impenetrable secrecy and silence regarding their own vaccines?

      BTW, one of u is fighting for its f*cked covid karma. Soon, u too!

    8. These bunch of Garbage-In Garbage-Out White Worshippers keep on their churning out from the vast Western Media Propaganda C&P, all sans even an iota of fact-check for accuracy and credibility. It is such a simple matter to debunk such this example of the Thailand vaccination pointed out by CK, 75 million doses of AZ vaccine vs 2 million Sinovac in a population of 70 million Thais !

      These WhiteyCock suckers here are simply too pathetic.

    Thailand to use Pfizer to rescue Sinovac. With Booster shots.. wakakakaka..

    Hey, this is from pro-China Malaysia's Bernama, so don't Kerbau about Western media lies.

    1. Wakakakakaka…


      Did u realise from where that malaysiakini/bernama fished this story out?

      Kerbau western media lies, indeed!
