Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Mafulat Maka-LAUT Mahia's culture of money, politics, position and power

Former ministers Rafidah Aziz and Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman are not in favour, while PN’s Jeffrey Kitingan and Takiyuddin Hassan praise the prime minister’s move.

KOTA KINABALU: There were mixed reactions from leaders today following the appointments of Ismail Sabri Yaakob as deputy prime minister and foreign minister Hishammuddin Hussein as the new senior minister for security.

Former minister Rafidah Aziz slammed the appointments, saying the government had misplaced its focus, which should be on the country’s ailing economy and suffering citizens.

“I am simply disappointed that while we have so many issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic, and its impact on society, the economy, education, mental health, and long-term effects on the most vulnerable, the backdoor government is busy with giving themselves job promotions.

“Not that the promotions will, by even an iota, improve their dismal performance. What sense of priority is that?

“Politics again is of utmost importance to them, not the people nor the country,” she told FMT.

Former youth and sports minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman sarcastically labelled the appointments “smart”, in his Facebook page.

He questioned, among others, whether the government was aware that Covid-19 infections had surged to 47,811 cases this month alone while 600,000 households in the M40 income group had fallen into the B40 bracket now.

“Thousands lost their jobs, had their salaries cut, with more and more people looking for food aid every day, while frontliners are burned out, and the economic sector is almost crippled.

“What is the solution by this weak government? Promote Cabinet ministers. The culture of money politics, position and power are far more important than the people’s welfare… smart,” he said.

Meanwhile, Perikatan Nasional (PN) component parties all welcomed the appointments, with Sabah deputy chief minister Jeffrey Kitingan leading the congratulatory wishes.

Kitingan, who is PN deputy chairman, expressed hope that Ismail’s appointment would further strengthen the strategic partnership between Sabah and the federal government.

The Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR) president said that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had personally informed him of the decision to appoint Ismail to the post.

Kitingan said that Ismail’s solid track record, having held numerous important portfolios in the government, will help relieve the prime minister of some of the duties, especially in handling the pandemic situation.

“I have no doubt that this appointment will also help further strengthen the government and stabilise the political situation in the country,” he said, in a statement.

“The fact that the prime minister personally called his political allies to inform us of this appointment speaks volumes about his leadership personality, which sets him apart from previous prime ministers.”

FMT also reached out to the Sabah Chief Minister’s department and deputy chief minister Bung Moktar Radin for their comments.

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan said Ismail’s appointment was the right call due to his ministerial experience and the fact the latter is the most senior Umno leader in the Cabinet.

He also congratulated Hishammuddin on his appointment, saying he is confident the latter would be able to work with all the other Cabinet members to bring more respect to Malaysia on the international level.

Meanwhile, PBS president Maximus Ongkili said the new appointments will stabilise the PN government, adding the party will continue to work closely with the leadership at the federal and state levels.

PBS is part of the ruling coalition Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) with its ally, PN.

Bersatu information chief Wan Saiful Wan Jan said he was confident the people would fully back both appointments, adding this will solidify unity among the ruling parties in the government.

Former Sabah chief minister Yong Teck Lee, also a PN deputy chairman, agreed that the appointments will further strengthen the PN-led government to implement a successful national recovery plan in the shortest time possible.

He said the appointments of both leaders were also supported by everyone in the PN Supreme Council.

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