Friday, July 09, 2021

Mafulat MaKa-Laut Mahia Méiyǒu 112 liao

Ramasamy: Pitted against all odds, PM has no choice but to resign

By Prof P Ramasamy

THERE is a grave constitutional and political crises in the country.

Since Umno with its 38 MPS have withdrawn support for the Prime Minister Tan Sri Mahiaddin Yassin, his position has become untenable.

He has no choice but to resign from his post or alternatively call for an Emergency sitting of Parliament to prove his majority.

He does not have to wait for the special session of Parliament to begin on July 26.

In an emergency session of Parliament, Muhyiddin can determine whether he has the support of the majority of the MPs.

Under the present circumstances, it would be a difficult task for Mahiaddin to prove his majority.

Well, if he has intention to call a special Parliament sitting, then he has to resign first.

Since the Umno Supreme Council has taken the decision to withdraw support for Mahiaddin, he should resign first and later test his popularity in Parliament.

Appointing Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob as his deputy does not automatically render support from the Umno MPs.

Even if Umno MPs are divided in their support of Mahiaddin, the fact remains that at least in a theoretical sense the 38 MPs are not in the camp of Mahiaddin anymore.

Mahiaddin must realise once and for all that he cannot remain in office knowing very well that he has lost support even before Umno made the decision very recently.

He cannot and should not use the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic to prolong his stay with an Emergency in force.

Even before Umno could take decision, it was the Emergency rule that had kept Muhyiddin in power.

If the Emergency is ended on August 1, Mahiaddin has no grounds to hold on to power.

In other words, long before Umno took the decision to cut off support to Mahiaddin, the latter had no majority.

Essentially, it was the Emergency and the priority given to stem the tide of the pandemic that kept him in power.

In this respect, as everybody knows, the Emergency was meant to shore up the Perikatan Nasional (PN) Government.

Umno’s decision to withdraw support merely “stripped naked” Mahiaddin of any pretension or the basis of continuing to hold power.

Anyway, what else is needed to drive home the point that Mahiaddin whether he is in hospital or not that he lost the support of the majority of MPs in the country.

It is a kind of poetic justice or sweet revenge for Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition that was unceremoniously ejected from power by a coup organised by Mahiaddin and others in the first few months last year.

The putsch termed as the “Sheraton Move” deprived the coalition that received the mandate of the people in the last general election.

If only Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed had not resigned without any consultation, things might have been different with the possibility of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the prime minister of the country.

Whether PH can take advantage of the present political impasse is left to be seen.

But if simple headcount is done, PH might have the majority, something that will send shivers down the spine of race and religious bigots.

The race and religious champions who were responsible for the installation of the PN Government must be wondering what has happened to their “brilliant” political move.

If at all the PN Government is brought to a halt in Malaysian politics, it will not signal not its collapse but the use of race and religion as the organisational principles of politics.

Mahiaddin is not a gentleman; he and Dr Mahathir would go down the country’s history as the worst prime ministers.

At least Dr Mahathir resigned twice. Mahiaddin has to do it only once.

Mahiaddin knows that his days in office are numbered.

He not only seized power illegally but messed up the country with his sycophants around him.

How long can he go on without messing up the country further?

Malaysians from all walks of life are fed up with politics, although politics channelled in a right progressive direction is not necessarily bad.

But not the politics of the PN Government; politics of deception, dishonesty and irresponsibility. In short, politics of illegality.

It is high time that the country and its administration are vetted through a parliamentary process with a central role assigned to elected representatives.

Let Mahiaddin determine whether he has the majority or not in a special session of Parliament.

Let us have some sanity in politics. – July 9, 2021

Prof P Ramasamy is the Deputy Chief Minister of Penang and Perai state assemblyman.


  1. The two Wees, Wee KHAT Siong and Wee JERK Seng continue to sapot....

    MCA: New appointments will strengthen govt
    Thursday, 08 Jul 2021

    PETALING JAYA: The appointments of Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob as the Deputy Prime Minister and Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein as Senior Minister will benefit the country and the people in its fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, says Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong.

    He congratulated both leaders and wished them all the best in their new posts following the announcement made by the Prime Minister’s Office.

    “Both leaders have their own extensive expertise and huge experience in their respective fields that will benefit the people and the country, especially when facing difficult times due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” Dr Wee said in a statement yesterday.

    The Transport Minister, who is also MCA president, added that his ministry would continue to collaborate closely with Ismail Sabri and Hishammuddin in efforts to bring Malaysia out of the difficult situation in the interest of the rakyat.

    Meanwhile, in a separate statement, MCA secretary-general Datuk Chong Sin Woon also welcomed and supported the appointments of the two leaders.

    “We believe it will further consolidate and strengthen the administration of the Federal Government.

    “Both Ismail Sabri and Hishamuddin are experienced Cabinet Ministers.

    “With their appointments, our party believes that they will make more significant contributions to the nation and the rakyat,” Chong said.

    “MCA will work closely with both leaders and all Cabinet Ministers with continued focus on defeating the pandemic, revitalising the economy and aiding the rakyat during these difficult times,” he added.

  2. Moo is proving how foolish ( or evil ) was Mahathir's February 24 , 2020 resignation as PM , as Mahathir claimed he had "no choice" but to resign , having lost the Parliamentary majority support.

    Moo mathematically has clearly lost the majority in Parliament, but he still remains PM, and has every likelihood of remaining so under the current Parliamentary term.

    Any avenues to formally demand he prove his majority are under PM control. PM still has a lot of levers to get "rebel" MPs on board.
