Monday, July 19, 2021

Ismail Merican’s personal attack against Noor Hisham uncalled for

Ismail Merican’s personal attack against Noor Hisham uncalled for

By P Ramasamy

ALTHOUGH Health director general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham’s attempt to curb the COVID-19 pandemic is not as good as it should be, it still seems unbecoming for his predecessor Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican to criticise the man during an online forum without giving the former the opportunity to respond.

The online forum was chaired by the Star Media Group adviser Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai.

I think that Wong was more enamoured about having two eminent personalities with the title of Tan Sri on his forum, and this clouded his desire to get to the bottom of the pandemic management.

Although Wong was not the key person in the panel, he had unwittingly set the stage for personal attacks against Noor Hisham.

While Ismail rambled on to provide suggestions, on grounds of his earlier experience as Health DG, his unkindest act was to personally attack Noor Hisham.

He said that Noor Hisham lacked the courage to put politicians in line.

Noor Hisham’s professionalism on health matters in general and in particular on the proper management of the pandemic, said Ismail, was lost when he allowed ministers to gain an upper hand.

Ismail narrated his own experience as the former Health DG where he was firm in his decisions to keep the politicians at bay. Since the prime minister supported him, he really did not care about the ministers.

But calling Noor Hisham a “toothless tiger” was something that Ismail should have avoided.

The forum, fuelled by the lack of restrain from the moderator, turned into a Noor Hisham bashing session.

During the early stage of the pandemic, Noor Hisham was lauded for his expertise. He was the man responsible for singlehandedly taking the responsibility to steer the country and its health system out of the crisis.

The irresponsible statements made by our Health Minister was one of the reasons why Malaysians, at large, had looked up to Noor Hisham’s for leadership.

He became the face of the fight against a deadly pandemic.

But for some reason, Noor Hisham is no longer in the limelight. There was, instead, a barrage of criticism mounted against him for various reasons.

As for Ismail, it seems he had spared our ministers from some serious tongue-lashing by targeting Noor Hisham.

To make things worse, even the Government, who is responsible for the current mess, has been spared from Ismail’s diatribe.

The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) pandemic which broke out in 2013 was nothing compared to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Given his vast experience, Ismail should know that the two infectious diseases are hardly comparable; the former pales in severity to the latter.

Taking credit for the control of SARS does not mean Ismail has the answer to contain the present pandemic.

Like Ismail earlier, Noor Hisham is only civil servant. He is a professional and need to be above politics.

But given his status as a civil servant, he is supposed to advise ministers and politicians accordingly. If these ministers and politicians do not listen to him, then the problem is not Noor Hisham.

Contrary to what was said by Ismail, it was totally unfair and unkind to hurl such abuses on Noor Hisham.

Maybe there is a reason why the former Health DG seem to dislike the current one, and maybe this has nothing to do with the management of the pandemic.

Who knows, maybe it has something to do with Noor Hisham’s appointment as the Health DG.

But what makes Ismail think that he was the “super” Health DG?

The fact that he was firm and never allowed politicians to interfere with his decisions seem to indicate the extent he will go to establish his own self-importance.

It is for others to say whether Ismail has been a responsible and effective Health DG. It is certainly not for him to engage in narcissism.

One thing that must be made clear here is that the problem is not Noor Hisham but rather, the ineffective Government and its leaders. – July 19, 2021.

P Ramasamy is the Deputy Chief Minister of Penang and Perai state assemblyman.


  1. Yes. I agree the problem is we have a bunch of politicians making decisions without consulting each other; each jostling for control and power.

    As I said, we should have all politicians and medical representatives on a panel to meet daily if need be, and inform the rakyat what needs to be done so that there is one voice only. Just like what Singapore is doing.

    But then, this is Malaysia run by Kerajaan Allah.

  2. So now the “Saya Yang Ikut Perintah” excuse has become permissible…? Even if the perintah causes loss of life?

    Dr Fauci was initially treading thin ice defending his boss Trump but his conscience quickly changed that. He got the sapot of most Americans after he started speaking out against the President. Not speaking out about “Minum Air Suam” is just one step away from “Injecting Clorox”.

    If we were talking about some lowly civil servant running a local town council in charge of cleaning clogged drains I would agree with Ramasamy but Dr Noor Hisham is the top Health Official in charge of Life and Death, who was doing a Super Job before accepting the Tan Sri title then becoming totally ineffective. Remember he defended the political decision to hold the Sabah state elections which caused the Second Wave. Lives were lost.

    Many other times he looked the other way as politicians made stupid decisions that caused loss of life. Instead of defending Science and the Hippocratic Oath, he kept silent.

  3. So did the MOH control the spread after the Sabah elections? Did Dr Noor Hisham ever admit he was wrong? Are we allowing him to use the “Saya Yang Ikut Perintah” excuse? Remember he got the Tan Sri title just 1 month before the elections.

    Health DG: No need to postpone Sabah polls, hope to contain spread after
    Hariz Mohd
    22 Sep 2020

    COVID-19 | The pandemic situation in Sabah is still under control and does not warrant postponement of the state election, said Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

    The Health Ministry director-general said they are hoping to contain the spread of Covid-19 after the election is concluded this Saturday.

  4. I see nothing wrong in Tan Sri Dr Ismail’s stand.
    He merely calls a spade a spade, not a gardening tool.What is wrong with that?And what he has echoed in that forum is also the opinion of majority of Malaysians.
    Like so many other politicians,this P Ramasamy is totally out of touch with reality on what’s happening on the ground.
    P Ramasamy very good at writing articles.Period.

  5. Like a Moron this Ismail Mericans seemed to be an imbecile and illiterate not making effort to see how other countries including those so-called advanced West are struggling to fight the pandemic. He is acting like a spoiled brat and attacking Nor Hisham out of jealousy.

  6. The attack on Noor Hisham was nasty, impolite, but TRUE.

  7. Have we forgotten how Dr Noor Hisham defended Deputy Minister Edmund Santhara for not following quarantine laws?

    Dr Noor Hisham says minister Edmund Santhara on just home quarantine since back from low-risk country
    Saturday, 27 Mar 2021


    KUALA LUMPUR, March 27 ― Deputy Federal Territories minister Datuk Seri Edmund Santhara Kumar was allowed to undergo just home quarantine because he returned from a low-risk country and his home was suitable for quarantine, said the Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

    In a report by Free Malaysia Today, Dr Noor Hisham said that in making the decision on if a person is to be home quarantined or not, the ministry would perform a risk assessment and take into consideration all factors and the place of quarantine.

    “Among the considerations [are that New Zealand [is a] low-risk country [and] he has a suitable home for quarantine,” he reportedly said.

    Dr Noor Hisham was responding to Singapore Airlines pilot S. Mani Vannan who sought to be placed in home quarantine so he could care for his cancer-stricken mother.

    In an email to Dr Noor Hisham, Mani Vannan asked how he could be trusted when he allegedly risked citizens’ lives by allowing home quarantine for Santhara, and accused the former of practicing double standards.

    Mani Vannan added that he had sought exemption early last month after doing seven Covid-19 tests and having been vaccinated in Singapore.

    The Health Ministry rejected Mani Vannan’s request, saying the requirement for quarantine is mandatory for all Malaysians and non-citizens returning from abroad even though they brought along the Covid-19 vaccination certificate.

    On March 25, Edmund had returned to Malaysia from his holiday in New Zealand and is currently serving his Covid-19 quarantine order.

    The report quoted the Segamat MP's aide, Muhammad Effi Arpan confirming the matter saying that Edmund returned last week and is working from his residence
