Friday, July 16, 2021

Hypocritical US with a kerbau-ish Monroe Doctrine brazenly interferes in China's internal affairs

US to sanction Chinese officials and warn companies over Hong Kong

The United States is preparing to impose sanctions on Friday on a number of Chinese officials over Beijing's crackdown on democracy in Hong Kong, as well as a warning to international businesses operating there about deteriorating conditions, two people with knowledge of the situation told Reuters.

The sources said the financial sanctions would target seven officials from China's Hong Kong liaison office, the official platform which projects Beijing's influence into the Chinese territory.

A separate updated business advisory issued by the State Department would highlight US government concerns about the impact on international companies of Hong Kong's national security law. Critics say Beijing implemented that law last year to facilitate a crackdown on pro-democracy activists and free press.

"Let me talk about the business advisory," US President Joe Biden said when asked about it at a news conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"The situation in Hong Kong is deteriorating. And the Chinese government is not keeping its commitment that it made on how it would deal with Hong Kong, and so it is more of an advisory as to what may happen in Hong Kong. It's as simple as that and as a complicated as that."

Erosion of rule of law

The moves, certain to anger Beijing, mark the Biden administration's latest effort to hold the Chinese government accountable for what Washington calls an erosion of rule of law in the former British colony that returned to Chinese control in 1997.

Both people, who asked not to be named, said the Hong Kong measures were still subject to change. One of the sources said the White House was also reviewing a possible executive order on immigration from Hong Kong, but that it was still not certain to be implemented.

The US Treasury Department has declined to comment on the issue following media reports this week about possible new sanctions.

"We know that a healthy business community relies on the rule of law, which the national security law that applies to Hong Kong continues to undermine," State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Tuesday when asked about the issue.

US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is preparing a visit to Japan, South Korea and Mongolia next week. The State Department's announcement of her trip made no mention of any stop in China, which had been anticipated in foreign policy circles and reported in some media.

The State Department on Tuesday strengthened warnings to businesses about the growing risks of having supply chain and investment links to China's Xinjiang region, citing forced labor and human rights abuses there.


kt notes:

In December 1823 President James Monroe, the 5th President of the USA, announced what would become a key part of US foreign policy, namely, the Monroe Doctrine

That Doctrine stated that North and South America were no longer open to colonization. It also declared, in fact as a warning to European nations, that the US would not allow them to interfere with independent governments in the Americas or to install puppet monarchs.

Basically, it was an American warning of NIMBY (Not In My Back-Yard) to the Europeans, to wit, not to interfere in the New World.

But the double-standards Yanks played favourites, ignoring British colonisation of Falklands (even until today), Belize (becoming British Honduras), British Guiana (disputed by Venezuela), etc.

However, Wikipedia informs us that:
During the Cold War era, President John F. Kennedy invoked the Monroe Doctrine during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when he ordered a naval and air quarantine of Cuba after the Soviet Union began building missile-launching sites there.

But again, during the Falklands War, the US 'act dunno' despite the Monroe Doctrine and its offshoot, the Treaty of OAS (Organization of American States).

Encyclopedia Britannica said The Organization of American States (OAS), organization formed to promote economic, military, and cultural cooperation among its members, which include almost all of the independent states of the Western Hemisphere. The OAS’s main goals are to prevent any outside state’s intervention in the Western Hemisphere and to maintain peace between the various states within the hemisphere.

Anglo-US hypocrisy-conspiracy-colonization lah! Reneging on another member of the OAS - what eff-ing good is a treaty with the Yanks unless you are Poms (not even the Aussies and Kiwis should trust the Yanks).  Wakakaka.

But isn't it sheer brazen hypocrisy that the USA with its Monroe Doctrine as its key foreign policy now seeks to interfere with China's internal affairs (as it had in various nations around the World), yet keeping her mouth shut when its old Anglo-Saxon compatriot the British was ruling Hong Kong and still ruling the Falklands?

Bloody Yankee hypocrites.


  1. USA has every right to provide advice and warnings to its domiciled companies on what it sees as the risks and repercussions of Hong Kong's new Beijing mandated national security laws.

    Who are foreigners to interfere in what USA Government can and cannot advice its own citizens and domiciled companies ?

  2. When the Falklands were first sighted by the English in the 16th century (John Davis 1592) the island was uninhabited. Then over the 17th and 18th centuries the British, Dutch and Spanish laid claims and settled on the islands, but over time only the British prevailed.

    USA and President Monroe did not come into existence for a few hundred years !!! So no Doctrine whatsoever.

    Argentina got independence in early 19th century, from Spain, and only laid claim to the Falklands since then. But by then the British had been living there for a hundred years and established Stanley as the capital. All this is historical fact.

    BTW is there a Chinese provincial capital in the Southern sea? Note: artificial islands and military bases do not count.

    In a referendum held in March 2013, the Falkland islanders voted nearly unanimously to remain a British overseas territory.

    As for Cuba we all know KT is partial to hard-fisted socialist rule like the Soviet communists.

    Why doesn't KT blog about what happened to Cuba (and is still happening today as we speak), the hardships suffered by their people after the Soviet Union/Russia made a hasty withdrawal and abandoned their colony?
    And how they manipulated and twisted the arms of the Cubans, promising them economic aid, in return for putting nuclear missiles on their island? But after that the Cubans were left high and dry. Today Cuba is a economic mess. Riots everywhere. Why KT only hentam USA when they leave Viet Nam, Afghanistan but not Russia for leaving Cuba?

    Cuba Protests Fanned by Worst Economic Crisis Since Fall of USSR
    By Jim Wyss
    July 14, 2021

    Cuba saw its largest street protest in decades Sunday as thousands marched demanding freedom and food. The deepest economic crisis since the collapse of the Soviet Union, a spike in Covid-19 infections, power blackouts and increased use of social media all helped fan discontent with the 62-year-old communist regime.

    The pandemic devastated the island’s economy. As tourism dried up, the economy shrank 11% in 2020, according to Economy Minister Alejandro Gil, its deepest slump since the early 1990s when the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe had deprived the nation of allies and trade partners.

    In response, the government this year ended many subsidies and eliminated the decades-old dual currency system. The changes were needed but also unleashed an “inflationary spiral,” according to the Cuban Ministry of Finance and Prices. Some economists estimate that inflation could exceed 400% this year.

    1. Ktemoc loves Dictators , Imperialists and Invaders, as long as they call themselves Communists.

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      What's yr f*cked definition of a "Chinese provincial capital in the Southern sea"?

      Vis-a-vis the pommie claim of the Falklands - is there r pommie provincial capital in Falklands?

      "In a referendum held in March 2013, the Falkland islanders voted nearly unanimously to remain a British overseas territory."

      Didn't u realised that during all this time Falkland is a remote colony of pommie, with majority pommie decedent's since that colonization claim? Would u expect those pommie decedents to vote for Argentina claim?

      Such a moron fart from a pommie asslicker!

      In one hand, u used history as the official title claim while in the other u ignore the same historical influences on the claim!

      Similarly, "Worst Economic Crisis Since Fall of USSR" could be attributed to the departure of the USSR from Cuba!

      What happened before that USSR departure? What happened to tgat colonised Cuba after the collapse of USSR?

      Then, why don't u fart about the worsening US economic crisis after the departure of trump?

      The window dressing via unlimited printing of US$ to proof up the current US share market is an abdominal that's going to collapse anytime soon when the inflationary pressure breaks the fedreserve's fiscal stubborn.

      Banyak pandai - typical demoNcratized indoctrinated katak.

  3. Falklands is 311 miles (270 nautical miles) from the nearest Argentina mainland. Way outside the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone of Argentina as defined by the Laws of The Sea UNCLOS.

    If KT can complain about Britannia encroaching on Argentinian territory how about Bullyland encroaching just 84 nautical miles from our Tanah Air?

    MMEA: China vessel spotted in M'sian waters off Miri
    08 Jun 2021

    KUCHING: A China Coast Guard vessel has been reported to have encroached into Malaysian waters off Miri, just days after Chinese military aircraft were detected near Malaysian airspace.

    Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) Miri director Capt Md Fauzi Othman said the agency received a report on the Chinese vessel's presence near Beting Patinggi Ali on June 4.

    Also known as Luconia Shoals, Beting Patinggi Ali is located about 84 nautical miles (155km) off the Miri coast.

    "Assets from MMEA and the Royal Malaysian Navy are monitoring the situation closely," Md Fauzi said.

    He said the assets were deployed near Beting Patinggi Ali at all times to monitor the area and maintain the nation's sovereignty.

    On June 3, Wisma Putra summoned the Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia and handed over Malaysia’s protest note in response to an incident involving flight by Chinese military aircraft in Malaysia’s airspace off the coast of Sarawak

    RMAF said the 16 planes were detected flying in a tactical formation near the Luconia Shoals.


      Foreigners should stop Kerbauing about Falklands , and take it off the decolonisation list.

      1) The inhabitants have lived there for more than 250 years
      2) The inhabitants are near 100% ethnic Anglo-Saxon
      3) Multiple plebiscites have confirmed the inhabitants wish to remain under British Administration.

      The Falklands are far, far more British than Xinjiang is Chinese..

      I Support decolonisation of East Turkestan from the China Empire.

    2. Crimea also wants to be in Russia. Why? Most residents are Russians, thus so for Falklands but that doesn't hide the fact that Falklands is in the Western Hemisphere and thus falls under the area defined by the Monroe Doctrine

    3. You conveniently ignore the key fact that Crimea was seized in 2014 for Russia by the Little Green Men horde at the muzzle of AK 47s.

    4. In 1954 Khrushchev unofficially and unconstitutionally handed Crimea over to Ukraine (then all under USSR) - there were many Russian residents there, so a 2014 referendum decided to go back to Russia (by then USSR has split), the rest is history but the point is Crimea was and now is Russia's

    5. Blurred mfer, the Exclusive Economic Zone as defined by the Laws of The Sea UNCLOS DOESN'T exclude historical claim! Proximity is ONLY a clause applicable w/o disputes when historical claim doesn't arrive.

      Otherwise, Pedra Branca wouldn't be a sovereign claim of RedDot as awarded by the ICJ!


      "1) The inhabitants have lived there for more than 250 years
      2) The inhabitants are near 100% ethnic Anglo-Saxon
      3) Multiple plebiscites have confirmed the inhabitants wish to remain under British Administration."

      What a pommie fart!

      The Falklands were first sighted by the English in the 16th century (John Davis 1592) the island was uninhabited - as claimed in the pommie-ised history. What about the Span-ised/Agentina-ised historical facts?

      BTW, if 1592 was the date of Falkland discovery then when was Xinjiang been recorded as a territory of China in Chinese records?

      Ditto, when was there ever a East Turkestan mentioned in ancient Xinjiang history?

      Ooop… in that monstrous wet dream of those recently radicalised Uyghur fanatics & their asslickers!

    6. 2014 Crimean referendum carried out under the muzzle of AK47s has only been recognised by Russia and China.

    7. During the Soviet era Russia flooded Crimea with Russians, just like Bullyland flooded Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang with Han Chinese and moved the fertile young locals to all parts of China, for "assimilation" and "dilution is the solution". Same strategy for Crimea during Soviet era.

      Falkland residents voted 99% in a referendum to be Overseas British Territory, same as Crimea voted to be part of Russia.

      So using the same argument, Falklands belong to Britain Full Stop.

      Next logical question is when will we have a Taiwan referendum to see if they want to be part of Bullyland?

    8. Who "discovered" or were the original settlers of Xinjiang? Could be Mongols ala Kublai Khan, Central Asian, Indo-European or Turkish stock, but definitely not Han Chinese. They were late-comers. Very late comers actually.

      The name Xinjiang means "new frontier" was only coined by the Chinese in 1884, meaning Xinjiang was new to them as late as 1884. But as we all know the history of Xinjiang goes back millenia.

    9. It was a major faux pas by Bullyland to give the name Xinjiang (new territory) in 1884, it implies....RAMPAS-sed in 1884.

      They should have named it "Historical Western Land of The Han People" like they cunningly named "South China Sea" even though not a single Han lived there, only go pancing ikan there once in a while, no historical or administrative control.

    10. Too bad, mfer like u don't understand Chinese!

      Xinjiang, as been coined by Emperor Qianlong in 1700s, was meant to be new territory recovered from the barbarians!

      Xinjiang had been named as a provincial district under the governance of the central Qin empire in 200BC!

      Major faux pas?

      As in yr current fart, right?

    11. Please correct wiki again. Obviously says Qing Dynasty RAMPASED in 1884 and named Xinjiang.

      History of Xinjiang
      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Xinjiang historically consisted of two main geographically, historically, and ethnically distinct regions with different historical names: Dzungaria north of the Tianshan Mountains; and the Tarim Basin south of the Tianshan Mountains, currently mainly inhabited by the Uyghurs.

      They were renamed Xinjiang (æ–°ç–†) in 1884, meaning "new frontier," when both regions were conquered by the Chinese Qing dynasty after the Dungan revolt (1862–1877).

    12. So still crawling back to yr f*cked historical play of provincial administration to sustain yr auntie pommie's colonization!

      Blurred mfer, where was that pommie provincial administration when auntie pommie sent all the hard cored prisons to Oz? Was there a referendum with the Aborigines?

      Ditto in South Africa when the pommie teamed up with the Dutch in black slave trade to help 'industralised' North America colony! Did yr auntie pommie asked permissions from the African blacks & the American natives?

      Indeed, banyak panda as a pommie asslicker!

    13. So wikipedia is yr Bible of reference!

      Perhaps, u can claim a scholar title from Wikipedia too for yr consistent farts in quoting it!

      Why not wikileak too?

      A big no - bcoz it opens too many can of worms for yr uncle Sam & auntie pommie.

    14. Blurred mfer, checks 河西走廊(Hexi Corridor)established during the Han dynasty, with multiples of provincial administration centres to govern the western frontier of China.

      So why so conveniently ignore the fact that the modern Uyghurs ain't no original inhabitants of Xinjiang?

      The divide of the Tianshan Mountains has many ancient Scythians moved from Persia into the southern Tarim Basin. They r the original Uyghurs who r different from the later Turkic Uyghur(?) immigrants. These two distinct tribes were blood enemies in constant fight for pasture & controls.

      The north of the Tianshan remained a nomadic steppe of the Mongols,Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, the Han, Tibetans, Hui, Tajiks, Slavs & Sibe.

      Wakakakaka… the Dungan revolt had zilch association with the Uyghurs. It was the Hui who started the revolt in Shaanxi!

      If u want to lie, do make very sure what the farts u r leaking! Not many people r as shameless as u in twisting an unreliable reference into fake his-story!

    15. All the people of Xinjiang, whether Uyghurs, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, the Han, Tibetans, Hui, Tajiks, Mongols, Russians and Sibe are very proud and happy to be Chinese citizen. They are happy with the Chinese government.

      Why are all this shit-stirrers trying to instigate and brainwashed some terrorists to disturb the peace of Xinjiang and hoping to breakup China.

      QUOTE - extracts only

      - spreading baseless or even completely false information

      - the prejudiced and specious accusations from the “Five Eyes Alliance” countries and some think tank

      - In 2019, Western countries led by the United States issued a statement attacking the human rights issue in Xinjiang, China. Immediately, 37 countries including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait and other countries jointly wrote to the UN Human Rights Council to support China’s Xinjiang policy.

      - The report pointed out that in 2018, former U.S. Secretary of State Powell’s Office Director and former Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson stated that there are 20 million Uighurs in Xinjiang, China. If you want to destabilize China, the best way is to create unrest in Xinjiang. Destroy China directly from within.

      - that some think tanks, scholars and media in the West concocted false reports and unwarranted accusations about Xinjiang

      - saw in Xinjiang was a Uyghur and other ethnic minorities whose religious beliefs, national language and culture were effectively protected and passed on, and there were no signs of so-called “forced labor” or so-called “genocide.” “Their allegations against Xinjiang are inconsistent with the facts.


      So much of the unscrupulous lies and falsehood by the hypocrite US and the west for the sake of protecting their hegemony. Pity the fanboys of Uncle Sam who have so much faith for their American dreams.

  4. Bloody Yankee hypocrites!!!

    Only now u people seeing it?!!??

    All those recent loud-mouthed moves r the precludes to defense the deteriorating of US influences in the workd.

    US$ seigniorage domination in world trade is slowly been eroded by the rising € & ¥ in direct trade payments, especially in oil settlement.

    Military-wise US has seen a long series of failed operations all-over the world. None so humiliating than the latest Afghanistan withdrawal.

    The increasing influences of China, in trades, scientific advances & military power have dented the ego of uncle Sam, especially when he likes to BS about his role in the disintegration of the once mighty Soviet Union.

    Uncle Sam is picking a fight to restore his bruised ego. & China is the only target worthing that charge.

    Brace for a near war, no matter how ridiculous in the causality, with China!

    It could be SouthSea navy skirmishes. India China border crashes. Taiwan unification.

    The troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, the vowed military cooperation with the Jap/Oz/India r all the imposing signs of the planned military move against China.

  5. British Guyana (comprising three colonies Essiquibo, Berbice and Demerara) were ceded by the Dutch to the British Anglo-Dutch Treaty in 1814. This is before the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. Nice Try KT.

    QUOTE (wiki lah)
    ....The three colonies were officially ceded to the United Kingdom in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814. The UK continued separate administration of the individual colonies until 1822 when the administration of Essequibo and Demerara was combined. In 1831, the administration Essequibo-Demerara and Berbice was combined, and the united colony became known as British Guiana.

    1. all are in the Western Hemisphere and regardless of when the Monroe Doctrine was promulgated, they are in the dimension defined by the Monroe Doctrine

    2. If Monroe Doctrine should cover all Western Hemisphere and apply backwards in time then USA should protest Spanish and Portuguese colonizing Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil etc? What kind of circular logik is this?

    3. Circular logic?

      When the Spanish and Portuguese colonizing Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil etc, yr uncle Sam is still a tadpole in formation.

      Using yr f*cked retrospect approach as in those unnamed Canadian native child graves, wouldn't yr uncle Sam do something for his claimed demoNcratic humanitarian policing?

      Circular logic as u know it, blurred mfer!

    4. wakakaka, TS has always been overly desperate in his eagerness to show his allegiance to his Western heroes

    5. Thanks for confirming my point. The Spanish and Portuguese were in the Americas long before USA was born so how can the Monroe Doctrine apply to them, unless you apply Circular Logik and do time travel. BTW Spanish and Portuguese are Western too.

    6. So Spain and Portugal are still there?

    7. USA made it clear that The Monroe doctrine would only apply for any NEW colonisers in the Americas after 1823. In fact the Doctrine was more in response to Russian advance in Alaska, southwards towards California.

      Feel free to correct wiki if you want to revise history...ha ha ha....

      ....any FURTHER EFFORTS...(ie after 1823) read the last line below.

      ...US would RECOGNIZE AND NOT INTERFERE with existing European colonies, meaning Spanish, Portuguese AND BRITISH.

      The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy that opposed European colonialism in the Americas. It argued that any intervention in the politics of the Americas by foreign powers was a potentially hostile act against the United States. It began in 1823; however, the term "Monroe Doctrine" itself was not coined until 1850.

      The Monroe Doctrine was issued on December 2, 1823, at a time when nearly all Latin American colonies of Spain had achieved, or were at the point of gaining, independence from the Spanish Empire. It stated that further efforts by various European states to take control of any independent state in the Americas would be viewed as "the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." At the same time, the doctrine noted that the U.S. would recognize and not interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal affairs of European countries.

    8. Looks like we have many "revisionists" on this blog ha ha ha...kipidup...

    9. U know revisionist!

      Wow! Wow!!

      Then what the farts about history of Xinjiang uyghurs? What about yr claim of SCS rampas & by who? What about Falklands history based just purely on pommie hearsays?

      U r just one true mfering liar to propagate yr revisionism trade!

  6. The Yanks had thrown everything at China...Tibet, then Hong Kong color revolution, Xinjiang genocide and concentration camps, Xinjiang sterilization, Xinjiang forced labour, SCS FON provocation, Taiwan, Wuhan lab-leaked virus, accusation of RMB manipulation. China in its unflappable way, just give back tit-for-tat, sanctions for sanctions.
    China refused to be intimidated.

    " The threat of China is not military. The threat of China is they can't be intimidated. Europe you can intimidate. When the US tries to get people to stop investing in Iran, European companies pull out, China disregards it. You look at history and understand why - they've been around for 4,000 years, they have contempt for the barbarians, they just don't give a damn."

    Noam Chomsky

  7. Noam Chomsky , is completely free to express his unrelenting abhorrence of the country that gave shelter to his parents, refugees from anti-Semitic Russia.

    He completely denies that right of expression to people of Xinjiang , who are trying to let the world know of the oppression that they are facing from the Communist Party of China.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      A few repeated ad nauseam propagandas from the same pack of Uyghurs in denial r it claim of oppression!

      What about all those other Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, the Han, Tibetans, Hui, Tajiks, Mongols, Russians and Sibe?

      They have NO say about it lies?

    2. " that right of expression to people of Xinjiang , who are trying to let the world know of the oppression that they are facing from the Communist Party of China."

      What a joke. Those people who so called witnesses have been soundly rebutted and rebuked. You can watch many of them being interview by third parties on YouTube. They (so called witnesses) were inconsistent, incoherent and full of contradictions. Many of them are just die-heart want to emigrate longing for the Green Card so they were taught to claim as refugees because it will be easier for them to obtain especially Uyghurs from China willing to do some stories concocting like as reported in your all 126 pages. Some were just paid actors and actresses with ready scripts provided. Note that scripts are easily written, just tell the truth as in Guantanamo and Canada (where many unmarked graves were discovered), just change the characters ethnics, bingo, you will have a vividly realistically described event of human torture. Others were just Adrian Zenz's concocted lies draped as research although he has hardly been to Xinjiang. Only gullible guppies like you will accept those crab reports. Or was it that you guys can't handle the true? Wakakakaka
