Monday, July 05, 2021

Hadi Awang: Covid-19 is a test from Allah swt

If God is testing mankind using COVID-19, why bother getting vaccines?

By P Ramasamy

I am shocked and dismayed beyond belief that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang could be that ignorant.

Since PAS is a component in the present beleaguered Perikatan Nasional Government, he should, given his so-called Islamic credentials, advise the Government that nothing much can be done about containing COVID-19.

For Hadi, nothing can be done about the pandemic as it is God’s way of testing and challenging human beings.

I wonder why Hadi is not willing to share his views about the pandemic with the Government. If he had done so, we need not procure vaccines any longer. What are vaccines compared to God’s will!

Since it is God’s punishment, then what is the point of clamouring for more vaccines to be brought into the country.

Prof P Ramasamy

By Hadi’s logic, vaccinations are not going to prevent people from becoming infected. It is all in the hands of the Almighty God.

Anyway, Hadi’s general knowledge about progress made in containing the pandemic is extremely shallow.

Either he does not know or simply refuses to believe of the success achieved by some countries in containing the pandemic.

Holier-than-thou PAS

Countries like the US, UK and Italy might have had high recorded cases of infections earlier, but lately through the ready availability of vaccines, infections have come down.

Of course, our Perikatan Government, despite its religious credentials and having an Islamic party as a member, has not been spared by God.

The question is, why God has not been kind to Perikatan? Why would God inflict such a punishment by way of introducing COVID-19 on Malaysia?

Hadi should answer this question and not skirt it by simply rambling on irrelevant matters.

The notion of political pandemic introduced by Hadi is merely to justify and whitewash the treachery committed Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), Umno and PAS.

If God is punishing Malaysia, then the reason is obvious. He is in fact, punishing the Perikatan for seizing power illegally from Pakatan Harapan.

Hadi mistakenly thinks and acts as though the Opposition is facing the wrath of God.

So, the pandemic, at least in Hadi’s warped logic, is God’s way of punishing Malaysians for continuing to tolerate the Perikatan’s antiques. – July 5, 2021.

Prof P Ramasamy is the Penang deputy chief minister and Perai state assemblyman.

1 comment:

  1. As I said, Hadi does provide some comic relief.

    I agree with Ramasamy, if everything is the will of God, we might as well just sit down and have kopi and wait for His move.

    But what is staggering is the hypocrisy and "holier-than-thou" attitude that this poor excuse of a human being displays.

    PAS is clever to ensure Jelantanese are still caught with the typical rural mindset that religious leaders are to be obeyed abd everything is the will of God.

    That is why I suppose Kelantanese are okay that it will take about 30 to 40 years to ensure a good water system for the state.

    We must marvel at PAS ability to subjugate the minds of these simple folks. And yes, PAS will ensure that the rural folks are steeped with religious knowledge and less of secular subjects like English, Maths and Science. Keep these poor folks in the 7th century.
