Thursday, July 15, 2021

Don’t fall for political snakes and their rubbish claims in the next polls

Don’t fall for political snakes and their rubbish claims in the next polls

Letter to Editor

“I want to retire, but I can’t because the rakyat wants me back.”

Very often we, the ‘gullible’ rakyat have heard this phrase from politicians.

They have been around for decades and have squeezed the country and rakyat dry but yet they do not want to let go.

Why are the has-beens clinging on to the last thread and do not want to give other capable, credible younger leaders a chance?

I was shocked when I read a statement by a particular old-timer politician recently that the “rakyat still need him”.

Seriously? Does the rakyat really need you or is it simply because you still need to squeeze the rakyat of their last drop of blood?

As voters we need to be very wary of these venomous snakes in the upcoming polls.

Some of the smaller parties which have recently mushroomed from nowhere because nobody else wanted certain ‘leaders’ are now trying to wriggle their way into becoming part of other more established political parties.

These unscrupulous old-timers know that the next general election is a free-for-all and they will do anything – sell their souls if possible – to get back into the political fold.

A good lesson would be the last general election when the Opposition coalition decided to come together with certain some-ones and look where they ended up.

It is sad how easily close allies can turn their backs on each other and without hesitation share their beds with those whom they once despised.

What drives them? Money, greed and power most likely.

The political maneuverings by these ‘political snakes’ are truly despicable. There are no principles, no ethics, nothing!

Their main agenda is to plunder, plunder and plunder until death knocks on their doors.

What they fail to realise is that the same little worm that is going to eat the flesh of the pauper is the one that is also going to feed off their decaying bodies.

Voters like us need to be super careful of these wolves in sheep’s clothing and choose wisely come the next polls.

It is time we completely reject these ‘political snakes’ and not fall for their rubbish “the rakyat still want me” phrase. – July 15, 2021.

Mohd Ariffin Mohd Izam
Teluk Intan

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, u ain't no those gullible crowd u detested!

    & they r the majority due to years of alifbata indoctrination.

    U r howling against the head wind.

    Too bad - the age u r dreaming of has not arrived yet.
