Sunday, July 18, 2021

Amazing Malaysian Universities - UMP could even produced Anti-Hysteria Kit

kt notes:

I penned this 3.5 years ago but since the issue has arisen again, I thought I might re-post it (with some minor amendments to update it)


Multitude of Amazing Malaysian Universities

A few days ago I posted Ozzie uni graduates as waiters in which I mentioned my Uncles telling me about their days, when universities in India, by their hundreds, if not thousands, were scoffed at by Malaysians for their 'chowkana' (dodgy) standards.

I also mentioned that while I was away working in Australia I wasn't aware of the mushrooming of universities in Malaysia, where in every state Malaysians would find at least one, or more. Some were even run by private organisations or state governments.

Invariably, unless rigorous standards have been met, the general standards would drop to cope with rapid expansion to meet increasing demands for university places, a long-time Malaysian dream.

Thus I pondered whether Malaysian universities might have now approximated the status of Indian universities during my Uncles' days. But from what I heard and read, the standards of Malaysian universities today have been indeed disappointing. When compared on international benchmark(s), our universities in general could NOT compare, compete or copy their counterparts in Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan.

I bemoaned that our hapless graduates now bear the consequences of questionable reputation of their respective universities. Yes, I too wonder about secondary school students taking 17 subjects in their final school year exam. with some seemingly "brilliant" Einstein's obtaining 17 A's, that is, an A in every subject they sat for.

In my days I could hardly cope with 9 subjects, let alone 17.

In Malaysiakini, TK Chua, who's quite a prolific writer (usually to FMT), penned a letter titled Too many universities, too many graduates which touched on Mahathir's comment about university graduates selling nasi lemak or/and driving Ubers.

He wrote (selected random extracts, with some re-arrangements of paragraphs, as follows):

Malaysia is not a super-rich country. Many consider university education as an 'investment', not as a leisurely pursuit. In fact, many have incurred substantial debts to obtain a university degree.

It is therefore inconceivable they would become graduates only to sell nasi lemak or to become an Uber driver.

I believed I have written before about Chinese parents mortgaging their houses to pay for their children overseas university degrees, or that of elder brothers and elder sisters pooling resources (and denying themselves their own house or cars) to pay for Anak Bongsu's uni-education.

Chua continued: For a long time now I think Malaysia has refused to recognise a few realities staring at us. We have far too many universities producing too many graduates, more than our nation requires.

This is by far the most important point in the general scheme of the entire rotten affair. And a corollary of this would usually be a drop in university standards and the general unemployment prospects of graduates.

Chua continued: We set up universities for prestige and political reasons and only to create jobs for lecturers. Universities take up national resources. Too many of them would be a wastage and a misallocation of resources.

Gaya mahu, kalah ta'apa. But what about standards? And what also about secondary school standards? Our educators need looking at.

Gaya mahu, kalah ta'apa

TK Chua concluded with: It is about time to accept reality – we set up too many universities producing graduates with unrealistic expectations.

But in my reckoning, nothing will be done except university authorities coming up with excuses and bullshit.

Oh yes, don't forget, one Malaysian university has been brilliantly innovative enough to create anti-hysteria kits, and also at a most "... affordable and "economical price where the kit comprise ... [according to MM Online] ... everyday items like chopsticks, salt, lime, vinegar, pepper spray, and formic acid for a whopping RM8,750 that it claims can ward off “evil spirits”.

From Innovative UMP produces Anti-Hysteria Kit site:

The launching of the kit was held in conjunction with the official opening of a seminar, ‘Tackling Hysteria as Easy as ABC’ by Malaysia Education Director, Raihana Khudri who read the speech of the ministry’s Higher Education Department, Director General Professor, Dato’ Dr. Asma Ismail. The event was held at the ministry’s Zaaba Hall in Putrajaya.

Also present were PBMSK Dean, Associate Professor Dr. Muhammad Nubli Abdul Wahab and Department of Research and Innovation Head of Deputy Registrar Datin Fazia Ali.

Some 100 participants took part in the seminar comprising lecturers, school teachers, counsellors and psychology officers. They shared their experience in tackling hysteria and listened to a talk presented by Malaysia Bina Budi Welfare Association president Tuan Guru Haji Jahid Sidek.

Maybe the uni can now produce a "food kit" for free for the hungry rakyat?


  1. This sorry state of affairs affects minority races more than the Superior race. They are the ones having to mortgage their houses and pry open their retirement savings to send their children to private or overseas universities. Even entrance to local public universities is tightly monopolised by lower standard matriculation courses, the numbers accepted are controlled via racial quotas (90%/10%).

    And who is responsible for this sad state of affairs?

    A long line of Education Ministers from one "Superior" Race/party and Deputy Education Minister from an "inferior" race (MCA lah, the self-proclaimed Chinese champion) since Merdeka.

    But the only Deputy Education Minister KT ever hentam-ed is poor Teoh Nie Ching who bravely tried to move the monolith called the Education Ministry over 22 months but failed.

    But since Mah Hang Song took over as Deputy Minister 17 months ago, not one poop, peep or meow from him. KT always ask "where is the Minister Radzi Jidin" but he never ask "where is Mah Hang Song..."? to look after the Chinese community but instead still mocks Teoh Nie Ching. So hypocritical....Has the Education Ministry done anything to help Chinese & Tamil schools tackle the Covid pandemic?

  2. KT has avoided TARUC/KHAT/UEC/Matriculation/etc since Sheraton Shake and Mah Hang Song taking over as Deputy Education Minister.

    The terrible state of tertiary education was so bad for the minorities that MCA/MIC had to ask for spesial permission to build TARUC and AIMST, to be owned and run by them. In fact the President of MCA is the Chairman of TARUC Board of Trustees. Every year TARUC receives tens of millions of "matching grant" from the gomen. In return MCA remains compliant and quiet as the BN gomen rape, pillage and plunder the country's coffers. Same for MIC/AIMST, so they both keep quiet as well.

    So what is this about separation of politics and education?

    MCA politicians and their children don't attend TARUC, preferring to study in prestigious (& expensive) universities overseas. Even Wee KHAT Siong did not attend TARUC, preferring Singapore University.

    But patriotic DAP politicians set aside their politics and attend an MCA-owned-and-run-university. Just ask Teresa Kok, Salahuddin Ayub and Saifuddin Nasution, all TARUC alumnis.

    Please help me identify any senior MCA politician who attended TARUC, their own university. Or is TARUC not good enough for them, just good for money and self-glorification?

    DAP queries why TAR college board are all MCA leaders
    FMT Reporters -December 2, 2019

    PETALING JAYA: The MCA has been asked to explain why party leaders have taken all the seats on the board of trustees of the MCA-owned TAR university college.

    The query came from the DAP, in a statement issued by the office of secretary-general Lim Guan Eng here, in the latest round of sniping between the two parties over government funds for the college.

    The DAP said MCA president Wee Ka Siong should explain why the composition of the college board of trustees did not comply with a requirement that at least 50% of the trustees must be independent and not connected to MCA.

    “Unfortunately, 100% of members of the trustees are known MCA leaders and have failed to obtain necessary approvals from the domestic trade and consumer affairs ministry. MCA, which owns and controls TAR UC should be answerable for the failure to comply with these legal requirements,” the statement said.

  3. Anti-Hysteria KitπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘....wakakaka

    As anyone who deals with a large group of females ....of a certain community... in Malaysia knows, hysteria is a real problem and highly can paralyze and shut down the functioning of an entire institution or organisation.

    If the Kit works...why not ? ..its even praiseworthy and possibly deserves some award or prize.... 🀣🀣🀣

  4. Tertiary education should be seen as a means to broaden one's horizons, not as an elite ticket to a premium career.
    Anyone who wants to pursue a degree course ought to be given the opportunity to do so.

    University graduates have to be prepared to slog hard like anyone else. Only difference that they have been given an opportunity for a wider view on knowledge.

  5. The failure of our tertiary education system can be traced back to the early 70s, when MCA oredy gave up helping Chinese students gain entry to local universities, that was why they had to establish TARUC, using publec funds but for their party's benefit.

    .....TARC (Tunku Abdul Rahman College) was established in 1972 precisely for MCA’s massive failure to get enough university places for Chinese students with good grades, and they knew it. TARC was the “token of consolation” with “affordable tuition fees” to soothe the anger and resentment towards MCA.

    The ploy worked so well that TARC became a runaway success. Chinese preoccupation with education, coupled with the demands of a rapidly developing economy, saw the number of students skyrocket. The Chinese society’s generous donation in pursuit of their children’s future, together with the government’s matching grant, saw the eventual births of UTAR (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman) and TAR UC.

    Everybody was involved in the process, including the traders on the streets, the government and the taxpayers. But only MCA is claiming the prize as its own.

    The Board of Trustees are controlled by MCA leaders, and only they can pick and choose to admit any new members to the board.

    In reality, MCA is no more than the interim custodian of TAR UC when it was being established by the combined efforts of the public and the government.

    In the Memorandum of Association of TARC Education Foundation, at least 50 percent of the total number of trustees must be third parties having no connection with the foundation or any of its founders. MCA had willfully and blatantly disregarded the sanctity of the TARC Education Foundation by filling the board with cronies.

    Yet, when the government requested for MCA to obey the rules set by themselves, they started behaving like a bunch of crying babies, accusing the government of breaching iron-clad contracts and laws.

    MCA is behaving like an irrational parent.

    The ultimate comical lame excuse came in the form of a highly trained dentist, Pamela Yong, conjuring up the picture of castration of TAR UC, to put the fear out of the living daylights into the psyche of every Malaysian male.

    MCA is behaving like an irrational parent who refuses to acknowledge that the child has grown up. TAR UC has been in existence for 47 years with 28,000 students. The cash flow is solid with RM 634 million in reserve. The alumni boast many tycoons and successful professionals, many are older and wiser in the real world than the top leaders of MCA.

    The RM40 million funding involved was already given to TAR UC to be used fully for the development of human resources. TAR UC is not short of money. The alumni, the teaching staff and the students are more than capable of taking care of the university.

    With all due respect and regret, MCA is the hindrance and obstacle now.

    To let a grown-up child fly from the nest may be difficult, but it should be celebrated and proclaimed as mission accomplished. It takes a real grown-up man to learn to let go.

    MCA’s fear of losing control of TAR UC, to the extent of feeling castrated, is comical, and sad, to the extreme.

    DR KO CHUNG SEN is state assemblyperson for Kepayang, Perak.

    1. when the doors to local universities began to close or became narrower for the nons to enter, MCA at least found an alternative for nons. Some TAR alumnis are Teresa Kok, Salehuddin Ayub and Chong Eng. What did DAP do, other than become frighteningly JEALOUS of MCA's achievement?

    2. And why did the doors to local universities begin to close....? What was the root cause? Was it due to racism or were the Chinese inherently stupid and got low scores?

      And why didn't the self-proclaimed protectors of Chinese do something to stop the closing? Instead of allowing this "closing" to continue, ignoring the problem and allowing it to snowball till today?

      Was MCA racist....against their own race, as long as their leaders have their ever declining number of cabinet seats, bottoming out at one in GE14. But today KT is totally silent on Wee KHAT Siong's continued sapot of the racist PN gomen.

      Wee: Don't call this a Malay-Muslim gov't
      Published 15 Mar 2020

      MCA president Wee Ka Siong said Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was leading a government for all Malaysians.

      "I don't want to hear that this is a Malay-Muslim government," said Wee in an interview with Sinar Harian that was published today.

    3. Besides those that KT named, even Chow Kon Yeow, Chief Minister of Penang oso attended TARUC.


      Now please help me name ONE MCA Minister politician who attended TARUC. Not good enough for them? Got plenty of money? Where is that picture of the poor hawker throwing rotten eggs?

    4. No, DAP correctly made clear MCA was very much part of the problem.

      Because every General Elections MCA asked for people to support the ruling regime... when they were part of the regime that closed the doors for Nons.

    5. MCA didn't have 42. If it had, it would have done something.

      DAP? wakakaka, boe laam phar

    6. TS10:18 am, July 18, 2021, ... which proves the aim of TAR had been achieved in that poor Chinese who couldn't afford overseas uni have a uni to go to. IF Chinese can afford, why not study overseas

    7. "If it had, it would have done something."

      that is a totally baseless statement.. MCA had 61 years to show some basis for it... yilek....

  6. Just like today, MCA cannot escape opprobrium for the misdeeds and missteps of the Ruling Regime for which they are part of.
