Monday, September 12, 2022

PAS spurns ‘big tent’ politics for Islamic unity

PAS spurns ‘big tent’ politics for Islamic unity

All parties under the umbrella of ummah unity, including Umno, will be friends, says Takiyuddin Hassan.

PETALING JAYA: The Islamic party PAS, which has rejected the opposition’s “big tent” concept of political cooperation, said today that PAS could continue to regard Umno as a partner under the concept of unity of the ummah.

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan said in a statement that only unity among the Malay political parties could guarantee a government that would be fair and equal to all people.

“This would surely be accepted by the majority of Malaysians, who do not wish to see a repeat of the ‘black history’ experienced before,” he said.

He said the party’s central working committee which met today had decided to continue its commitment and agenda of uniting the ummah as the main axis to unite Malaysians of all ethnicities and religion.

“This will be the main formula towards achieving stability and wellbeing of the rakyat. Therefore, all parties under the umbrella of ummah unity including Umno will be friends to build a successful nation blessed by God,” he said in a statement today.

However, PAS would adopt an open attitude and was prepared to hold discussions to narrow any differences, in the interest of the people.

“PAS is adamant about not wanting to cooperate with Pakatan Harapan and rejects the ‘big tent’ concept, irrespective of who initiates it, to face the next general election,” he added.

1 comment:

  1. "PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan said in a statement that only unity among the Malay political parties could guarantee a government that would be fair and equal to all people."

    Comment: he means to continue its apartheid policy.
