Saturday, September 10, 2022

DAP under fire for stoking fear over non-Chinese Penang CM

DAP under fire for stoking fear over non-Chinese Penang CM

Penang MCA leader Tan Teik Cheng accused DAP of turning arrogant while in power. (Bernama pic)

BUTTERWORTH: Penang MCA has accused DAP of conducting a “vicious and irresponsible” campaign urging voters to vote for DAP in order to keep the chief minister’s post in Chinese hands.

Penang MCA chairman Tan Teik Cheng said such a devious scheme was uncalled for. By convention, the state has always had a chief minister of Chinese descent, he said.

“They are trying to create a false impression that if Barisan Nasional were to be in power in Penang again, the chief minister would be from Umno. This is vicious and irresponsible,” he said.

“I would like to tell the Penang Chinese that Umno cannot govern Penang alone. Even if Umno won, they need MCA’s seat contributions in order to govern.

“If BN is in power, the chief minister of Penang must come from MCA in the spirit of BN. That is our bottom line and there is no doubt about that,” he said to applause from 500 delegates present at the party’s state convention.

Tan said Penang has always been a “special political environment” for Malaysian Chinese and political parties would throw aspersions of the chief ministership going to a person of different ethnic background.

He reminded delegates present that DAP had disappointed the Chinese electorate with their performance in their 22 months in power as part of the federal government.

Tan said DAP chose to keep a “golden silence” when the interests of Chinese communities were suppressed and ended up in the loss of their political empowerment.

“You can tell, when DAP needs the Chinese votes, they make so many promises. But when they are in power, they are so arrogant,” Tan said.


  1. Wakakakaka....attacking DAP for a legitimate political question which MCA is unable to answer... Not comfortably answer anyway...
    Who will be BN's prospective Penang Chief Minister ?

  2. How many can still remember the promise of Tunku & umno in keeping the governorship of Malacca to the Chinese M'sian?

    Just after the first term of Leong Yew Koh who served as the 1st Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Malacca, the 'theme' was broken forever!

    It would be the same for PenangZ's CM-ship.

    For those blurred f*cks of m'sianship supporter, DON'T just look at the Non's claim to the ever diminishing top administrative top posts. Ask why the sole monopoly by the melayu.

    Tanah melayu?

    Ooop… what happened to the orang ASAL?

    Perhaps, quantity matters over quality.
