Friday, September 09, 2022

DAP man uneasy over aspersions cast on Muda

DAP man uneasy over aspersions cast on Muda

Muda says it has begun discussions with Pakatan Harapan on joining the coalition.

PETALING JAYA: A DAP leader has urged his colleagues in Pakatan Harapan to stop casting aspersions on Muda as debate rages within the coalition on the wisdom of accepting the youth party as a component member.

Sheikh Omar Ali, a member of DAP’s central executive committee, said it was unfair to Muda to question whether it would be loyal to PH before it had even joined the coalition.

He said loyalty was a subject that was open to interpretation since there were many factors that could cause an MP to defect.

Sheikh Omar noted that a handful of MPs in PH had jumped ship because they had vested interests.

“There’s a saying that politics is the art of the possible,” he told FMT. “Nothing is fixed. Hence it is unfair to judge Muda or anyone else as every party has challenges that could put its leaders to the test which could see them leave the party.”

He said PH did not question Amanah’s or Bersatu’s loyalty before the 14th general election. They are splinter parties of PAS and Umno, respectively.

“We need to look at the strategy for the general election and at strength in numbers,” he said, adding that he was confident Muda has its own appeal among voters, especially young voters.

On Tuesday, Muda chief Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman said the party had begun preliminary discussions with PH on joining the coalition.

It appears that some PKR members are against the idea.

Napsiah Khamis, a former Wanita chief in PKR Johor, urged the PH presidential council to reject Muda because it did poorly in the recent Johor state election.

The party won only one of seven seats it vied for.

Napsiah said Muda had yet to be tested at the polls, claiming that the seat it won, Puteri Wangsa, was a safe seat.

“We have our principles and I don’t think Muda shares these,” she said.

Going solo would give Muda the opportunity to prove itself as a third force, she added.

Last night, PKR deputy information chief Razeef Rakimin urged PH leaders not to allow Muda to join the coalition, citing the “insult” made at the Johor polls and arrogant statements by its leaders.

“Looking at what happened in the Johor state election and several arrogant statements by Muda leaders, the presidential council must make a smart choice and not bring in those that will only become a liability to PH,” he said in a statement.

However, Lembah Pantai Amanah Youth chief Zulhafiz Zulkifli said Muda would be able to attract new voters.

He said the party should contest in the east coast since PH found it difficult to win seats in Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu.

“We can expand the PH bloc, but Muda needs to focus on rural seats,” he said.

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