Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dr P Forster of Cambridge University establishes Covid-19 Type A is American

Star Online:

Experts shed light on virus origin

Going out safely: People wearing face masks seen on the East Lake after the lockdown was lifted in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province


CHINA bashing is continuing even as the world struggles to fight the killer Covid-19 virus. In fact, the blame game has intensified, fuelled by some western politicians and the media.

It’s not a good time for Asians, especially ethnic Chinese, to be in Western countries as there have been reported cases of racial abuse and even assault.

Without doubt, these, are isolated cases as the majority of people are reasonable but such incidents have made many Chinese people in these countries feel uneasy and unsafe.

Amid all these, a very important report went almost unnoticed last week. Perhaps most journalists were preoccupied with headline- grabbing news of Covid-19 deaths and lockdown violators.

The report, which has been widely discussed in the scientific community, was carried by some newspapers but CNN and BBC did not find it interesting enough or perhaps it did not fit into their narrative.

Well, for the first time, experts from Britain and Germany have mapped the evolutionary path of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 and determined there are currently three versions of it spreading around the world.

In simple English, the viruses are mutating – changing their forms – and these scientists have put them in three forms, or variants, as they prefer to call them. But the bad news is that they are still mutating, and more variants could be added later.

The virus, according to these experts – “is constantly mutating to overcome immune system resistance in different populations.”

According to the findings, these researchers reconstructed the early evolutionary paths of the virus as it spread from the epicentre in Wuhan, China, out to Europe and North America.

By analysing the first 160 complete virus genomes to be sequenced from human patients, scientists found the variant closest to that discovered in bats was largely found in patients from the US and Australia – not Wuhan.

They used data from samples taken from across the world between Dec 24,2019 and March 4,2020. They found that the closest type of coronavirus to the one discovered in bats – type A, the original human virus genome – was present in Wuhan, but was not the city’s predominant virus type. The Chinese city was initially the epicentre of the outbreak.

The finding said type A was also found in Americans who had lived in Wuhan, and in other patients diagnosed in the United States and Australia.

type A was also found in Americans who had lived in Wuhan , but not in locals

However, the report did not elaborate who were the Americans who had lived in Wuhan and how they got infected.

The most common variant found in Wuhan was type B although this appeared not to have travelled much beyond East Asia before mutating, which the researchers said was probably due to some form of resistance to it outside that region.

Type C was the variant found most commonly in Europe based on cases in France, Italy, Sweden and England.

It has not been detected in any patients in mainland China, though it had been found in samples from Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea, the study said.

Dr Peter Forster, geneticist and lead author from the University of Cambridge, said: “There are too many rapid mutations to neatly trace a Covid-19 family tree.”

By analysing the first 160 complete virus genomes to be sequenced from human patients, scientists found the variant closest to that discovered in bats was largely found in patients from the US and Australia, not Wuhan 

But the researchers concluded that variant A was the root of the outbreak as it was most closely related to the virus found in bats and pangolins. Type B was derived from A, separated by two mutations, while type C was the “daughter” of variant B.

“The Wuhan B-type virus could be immunologically or environmentally adapted to a large section of the East Asian population,” Forster said.

“It may need to mutate to overcome resistance outside East Asia. We seem to see a slower mutation rate in East Asia than elsewhere, in this initial phase.”

But one thing is for sure. It is not a good time to travel as the virus has been transmitted at an unbelievable speed.

For example, the study reported that one of the earliest introductions of the virus to Italy was found in a Mexican traveller, who was diagnosed on Feb 28, came via the first documented German infection – a person who worked for a company in Munich on Jan 27.

The Schwabing hospital, where four people are being treated for coronavirus, in Munich, Germany, Jan. 29.

Photographer: Michaela Handrek-Rehle/Bloomberg

The German contracted the infection from a Chinese colleague in Shanghai, who had recently been visited by her parents from Wuhan. The researchers documented 10 mutations in the viral journey from Wuhan to Mexico.

“Because we have reconstructed the ‘family tree’ (the evolutionary history) of the human virus, we can use this tree to trace infection routes from one human to the next, and thus have a statistical tool to suppress future infection when the virus tries to return,” Forster said.

The research team has since extended its analysis to 1,001 viral genomes and while it has yet to undergo peer review, the report has indicated that the spread of the virus has increasingly adapted to different populations and therefore the pandemic needs to be taken seriously.

More importantly, this scientific report could help politicians and the media to understand better the cause of the virus, and end their conspiracy blame game.


  1. "More importantly, this scientific report could help politicians and the media to understand better the cause of the virus, and end their conspiracy blame game."

    yes, this article tell with evidence the virus start from wuhan. i am not sure if the msia globaltomes n ccp propagandist blog share similar conclusion.

    1. My observation; it started from the five American soldiers who attended the military games in Wuhan. They were the carrier of the virus, got hospitalised, and were specially flown back to the states. And all of them died? It is inconceivable that the Americans did not win a single medal at the games. They have a trump-up mission indeed. It backfired.

    2. Know-nothing continue his (mis) adventures of China bashing!

      BTW, this sentence as attributed to Dr Foster IS scientifically wrong!

      "“The Wuhan B-type virus could be immunologically or environmentally adapted to a large section of the East Asian population,” Forster said."

      Immunology is a study of interaction of antigens with antibodies.

      The above-mentioned sentence implies those who have typeB valiant of SARS-CoV-2 have natural defense to it. ie immunization - immune to infection.

      Yet large number of patients with typeB valiant died within that dominant cluster! Clearly proving no immunization has taken place.

      The writer, most likely, misquoted Dr Foster's founder effect explanation!

    3. i think tis has been debunked many times over, even the foreign minister spoke person zhao said it merely a reaction. until today, no official news that the 5 is american, the newspaper report at that time said 5 foreigner infected with malaria (malaria is not common in both us n china), the us team won 8 medal, no gold tho, but historically their result is not extremely poor as some media try to paint it that way, moreover the sport village is pretty far from the wet market. the ccp propagandist hv difficulty to connect each dot logically to convince, thats y they change the story to italy.

      the conspiracy from anti ccp is leakege from p4 lab, which was closed n people still wondering the whereabouts of the pic shi zhengli, who i think she did appear once to deny all the accusation. i dont bring out the p4 lab here bec like i said, there is no evidence but only guess talk.

      my stand is i dun know where the virus originated, i hv no problem if it is proven that the virus was from usa, but where is the evidence except all this out of context bull talk. however we all know the first breakout is in wuhan, n ccp try to cover it up, the rage is not virus source, its the conceal of truth that cause bigger problem. that said, i believe even if ccp disclose all the truth from the very beginning, usa n europe will not hv much diff with what they suffer today, reason is 1) experience (look at twn korea n hk, they scared to death on anything infectious) 2)attitude, the west really believe its a asia problem, their immune is super strong thinking that whiteman r always superior in everything.

      my writes here is solely for oversea or msia ccp lover. i cant stand their double std.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      Bloody shameless mfer of the nth kind!

      "my writes here is solely for oversea or msia ccp lover. i cant stand their double std."

      Who needs yr farts of brainless kind?

      Better ship it to yr 台毒 pals lah. See how they would response to u with their racist/moronic 水炮.

      That's real DOUBLE STANDARD if yrvown medicine!

      Oooop… don't forget all those farts/fake news about CCP China that u have tried very hard to propagate & use to mislead!

      "until today, no official news that the 5 is american, the newspaper report at that time said 5 foreigner infected with malaria"

      Foreigners can represent USofA in an international military competition?!!

      "whereabouts of the pic shi zhengli"??!! So what role u want to planned for 石正丽 for her role in yr covid-19 masterplan? How about 买国求荣, liken to 方方日记's author!

      Might as well ask WHY On 5 July, officials at the National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, Canada, escorted Xiangguo Qiu, biologist Keding Cheng, and an unknown number of her students from the lab and revoked their access rights, based on "administrative matter” !

      All these farts/fake news that u have fabricated need NO evidences mah! Why suddenly trying to play 理中客?

      Wakakakaka… yr f*cking last drawn of breadth before drowning!

    5. Hehehe...simply incredulous ! Stupid is as stupid does, that's dumbo HY !

      All this while before the Cambridge research report, he had been screaming himself hoarse that "CCP trolls/lovers" refused to acknowledge that Covid19 has its ORIGIN in Wuhan...he goes around echoing that cheater-cum-liar Pompeo chanting " Wuhan virus, Wuhan virus, Wuhan virus".

      Now see how this tarak maruah OCBC is saying AFTER the Cambridge report :

      "my stand is i dun know where the virus originated.." LOLOLOL

      "i hv no problem if it is proven that the virus was from usa.." ( but degil degil lagi saying 'where's the evidence..this is of context bull talk )....alamak, told you guys we are dealing with a kepala batu lah...talking to a brick head, hehehe.

      And he ends with " i can't stand their double std"....LOLOLOL...methinks his hypocrisy stinks like crazy and he can't stand his own smell, hehehhe, seeing how he's getting his panty all in a twist, wakakakka.

    6. jerk, heard of fujian flu? named virus after place is a common practice, nipah virus not originated from nipah, its easier for commmoner to remember whats happened n the lesson, today only jerk listen to cho, ergo wuhan virus is the best naming to remind us a ccp govt that tell lies. i dun expect jerk to get this.

    7. To Unknown 4.08 pm :

      You said "My observation; it started from the five American soldiers who attended the military games in Wuhan. They were the carrier of the virus, got hospitalised, and were specially flown back to the states. And all of them died? It is inconceivable that the Americans did not win a single medal at the games. They have a trump-up mission indeed. It backfired."

      One of the five from US who got the feverish chills during that that Game in Wuhan was a sports cyclist soldier by the name of MAATJA Benassi. Finally they managed to get the name of this soldier. She and 4 others came with viral fever during Wuhan Military Games October 2019. Now..the interesting part is that back in the US, she was in very close contact with a research personnel who WORKED for the Bio-weapon Lab of FORT DETRICK which was quietly sealed off and shut down completely in the last quarter of last year....no satisfactory reason given to date. These five soldiers who got ill in Wuhan were brought home quietly in US biohazard plane. Question is swirling why must they be brought back home in a special plane and not by commercial flight if they suffer from ordinary flu...indeed, why can't they be allowed to be treated in Wuhan if they were said to have only the ordinary flu ?

    8. if u r not the one with many std, u can choose not to respond, no nid pigeonhole.

      the yunnan bat virus in the research paper is exactly same one in p4 lab. the author is implying the wuhan virus is either from p4, or bat soup. u pick one.

    9. unknown will wholeheartedly agree with u if u tell 911 is a cia plot. mahathir n muslim as well.

      so in this case, wumao pinky american haters n stupid ccp lovers sure give u a like.

    10. CCP Virus infected brains swallow CCP created fiction whole as fact.

    11. “jerk, heard of fujian flu?”

      Thus, proving U, mfers, r alike!

      Do u remember yr ular selubang arguing with that same line of argument about virus nomenclature?

      No better line of fart than just shooting out with the same shit!

      1st - timeline. Prior to the naming guidelines issued by the WHO in 2015, there is NO standardized requirements.

      Thus, many misnomers with racist connotations, personal biasness & pure insidious name taggings were unutilized to commonly named a disease/pandemic/war etc etc.

      2nd - mischievous. Now that there r clear & clean cut guidelines, mfers, like u, still insisting yr own bigoted way.

      It ONLY proves conclusively, U r inherently racist, biased & like to continue with yr f*cked cocooning thinking to condemn issues/ideologies/people/countries that yr irrational mind CANNOT tolerate.

    12. Mfer, still want to play another old tune when yr f*cked current scream has been proven to be pure farts!

      "the yunnan bat virus in the research paper is exactly same one in p4 lab."

      Mmmmm… same timing as most of the US media NOW playing up that spurious Wuhan B4 lab leak!

      What a timed orchestrated media blackmailing!


      "the yunnan bat virus in the research paper is exactly same one in p4 lab."

      Since yr bat can be anywhere. B4 lab in Wuhan? Fort Belvoir? Or any one of these six EU operational BSL-4 labs in Britain, Germany, Sweden and France?

      Or that Philippines bat soup served in yr dinner?

    13. dun bull, racism bias is a matter of education n mentality, see how the beishangguang chinese treat the wuhan chinese even when the virus is named covid? n look into the mirror who in this blog love to generalized others with bigoted label?

      most oversee chinese use the term 福建流感 (fujian flu),武汉肺炎 (wuhan virus),this is overseas chinese characteristics, nothing to do with issue idelogy people or countries.

    14. "dun bull"!!!


      Indeed, racism bias is a matter of education & mentality!

      How long have u stayed in Formosa not to know what some of the Formosan name tagged u?

      Oooop… u acted blur till this day - 汪精卫+岩里政男 type of spirit.

      Please lah… what the f*ck! Dare to write & date not to explain clearly!

      "most oversee chinese use the term 福建流感 (fujian flu),武汉肺炎 (wuhan virus)"

      What "oversee" chinese?

      U means 台毒 morons & minions like u (non Chinese) who r been "oversee-ed" (oversaw) by yr demoNcratic masters. No spelling mistake, Right?

  2. Let me put it this way.
    If it was true that the USA carried out a biological attack against China, Washington DC would likely be radioactive dust by now.

    1. there are many forms of bio-attack, by massive bombardment, by selected targetting and by sneak release of bio-sample in enemy territory to assess its impact

      secondly, for other than massive bhombardment of Chinese territory, China is not that reckless as to nuke Washington (aside from the point that Washington would be the last target, to allow American leadership to surrender, wakakaka) - if China wanted to nuke America, it would have chosen California (by itself the world's 6th largest economy, with plenty of war-making industry and other important and vital-to-US-societal needs), Seattle where the Boeing plant is, industrial heartlands, the wheat heartland, etc etc etc

    2. If SARS-CoV-2 is proven to be lab incubated, as more & more scientific evidences r pointing towards that conclusion, yr beloved uncle Sam will be the 1st suspect!

      If USofA is indeed the culprit, the very first casualty would be the self-catering politikuses in Washington DC. The general Americans would tear them to pieces for breakfast, lunch & dinner.

      Mfer, the WORLD at large is more humane & civilised than those uncle Sam thick heads!

      Washington DC would NOT likely be radioactive dust by now.

      But, reparations will be DEMANDED by various nations in the world.
