"And recite to them the story of Aadam's two sons, in truth, when they both offered a sacrifice [to Allah], and it was accepted from one of them but was not accepted from the other.
Said [the latter]: 'I will surely kill you.'
Said [the former]: 'Indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous [who fear him]. If you should raise your hand against me to kill me - I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds.'…
And his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers."
- [Quran: 5:27-28 & 30]
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Cain burying Abel an illuminated manuscript version of Stories of the Prophets |
For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work
- James 3:16 (KJV)
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Captain Yap Ah Loy |
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang pemimpin PKR hari ini mendakwa bahawa Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) cemburu dengan kegemilangan kaum Cina khususnya Yap Ah Loy yang berperanan besar membangunkan Kuala Lumpur pada abad ke-19.
“Kenyataan Timbalan Presiden Perkasa, Sirajuddin Salleh yang mempersoalkan penghormatan yang diberikan oleh Pos Malaysia dengan pelancaran setem sebagai penghormatan kepada kapitan Cina itu menunjukkan Perkasa cemburu dengan kegemilangan kaum Cina,” kata G Rajendran, Naib Pengerusi PKR Melaka.
Beliau turut mencabar Perkasa supaya mendesak kerajaan menulis semula sejarah Kuala Lumpur sekiranya menganggap sejarah sebelum ini salah fakta.
“Jangan lah cemburu dengan kegemilangan kaum lain. Tidak sesiapapun kata Kuala Lumpur diasas oleh Yap Ah Loy. Tetapi, peranan beliau sebagai kapitan Cina ke-3 di Kuala Lumpur menjadikan Kuala Lumpur sebagai pusat komersil tidak dapat dinafikan. Tanpa beliau Kuala Lumpur mungkin mengambil masa yang lebih panjang berkembang pesat,” tegas Rajendran dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
“Kenyataan Timbalan Presiden Perkasa, Sirajuddin Salleh yang mempersoalkan penghormatan yang diberikan oleh Pos Malaysia dengan pelancaran setem sebagai penghormatan kepada kapitan Cina itu menunjukkan Perkasa cemburu dengan kegemilangan kaum Cina,” kata G Rajendran, Naib Pengerusi PKR Melaka.
Beliau turut mencabar Perkasa supaya mendesak kerajaan menulis semula sejarah Kuala Lumpur sekiranya menganggap sejarah sebelum ini salah fakta.
“Jangan lah cemburu dengan kegemilangan kaum lain. Tidak sesiapapun kata Kuala Lumpur diasas oleh Yap Ah Loy. Tetapi, peranan beliau sebagai kapitan Cina ke-3 di Kuala Lumpur menjadikan Kuala Lumpur sebagai pusat komersil tidak dapat dinafikan. Tanpa beliau Kuala Lumpur mungkin mengambil masa yang lebih panjang berkembang pesat,” tegas Rajendran dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
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Perkasa adviser or patron |
It's not the first time some Malays have problems with historical fact, that Captain Yap Ah Loy contributed enormously, if not pivot-ally, to the development of Kuala Lumpur as a commercial, mining and economic centre during the 19th Century.
Several years ago there was a similar brouhaha over the historical role/position of the dead Chinaman. wakakaka.
There are certain historical facts that we now see being distorted, changed or fabricated into new 'fake information' with alarming regularity by some very unhappy people who seem 'blinded' by the colour of someone's skin.
One has been the myth of a so-called social contract of Malays getting 'privileges' as a quid pro quo for awarding non-Malays citizenship.
Let me extract from Wikipedia the historical fact of how the Reid Commission drafted the Malayan Constitution, as follows:
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Reid Commission |
Although enshrining concepts such as federalism and a constitutional monarchy, the proposed Malayan constitution by the Reid Commission also contained provisions protecting special position for the Malays, such as quotas in admission to higher education and the civil service, and making Islam the official religion of the federation.
It also made Malay the official language of the nation, but the right to vernacular education in Chinese and Tamil would be protected.
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Tunku, the Agong and Pommie officer |
Although Tunku Abdul Rahman and the Malay rulers had asked the Reid Commission to ensure that "in an independent Malaya all nationals should be accorded equal rights, privileges and opportunities and there must not be discrimination on grounds of race and creed", the Malay's special position, which many in the ruling United Malays National Organisation backed, were cited as necessary by the Reid Commission as a form of affirmative action.
The controversial measures were included as Articles 3, 152 and 153 of the Constitution.
On the basis of their recommendations, the new Federal Constitution was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom on June 1957.
On the basis of their recommendations, the new Federal Constitution was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom on June 1957.
The constitution draft was presented, debated and passed Federal Legislative Council on August 15, 1957, and the Constitution took effect on August 27, but there was no referendum involving Malayan people to be held.
Thus it was the Brits who ensure the Malay 'special position' (not privileges or rights) and not a fabled 'quid pro quo' among the Malays and non-Malays. Of course the Brits always had their own best interests (plantations, mines, etc) at heart in whatever they did (do).
And it was Tunku Abdul Rahman and the Malay rulers who asked the Reid Commission to ensure that "in an independent Malaya all nationals should be accorded equal rights, privileges and opportunities and there must not be discrimination on grounds of race and creed".
Menjunjung tinggi, Duli2 Yang Maha Mulia.
The other fable has been the fact or truth about the nation of 'Malaya', but I'll do this one in a separate post.
Malaysian Chinese need to have a clear-headed view of Yap Ah Loy, coupled with an understanding of Chinese society in Selangor at the time.
ReplyDeleteYap Ah Loy was a respected community leader... and a Triad TaiKor. In fact he was THE Taikor of Kuala Lumpur at the time.
For its time, he wasn't an evil man.
There was no real rule of law nor administrative structure among the Chinese labourers in Selangor...neither British Law nor Malay rules went far into the community. So the Tongs were a kind of defacto administration, as well as social welfare organisation.
Yap Ah Loy contributed much to the Chinese community of his time.
Having said that, as TaiKor he would have also carried out or ordered unsavoury "enforcement" acts along the way , but don't judge him by today's standards.
Perkasa bigots need to read Robert Kuok's memoirs - Chinese, the most amazing economic ants on earth :
ReplyDelete"The overseas Chinese made enormous contributions to Southeast Asia. They are the unsung heroes of the region: the poor men and women who migrated and blazed trails into the jungle, accessing the timber wealth; Chinese workers who planted and tapped rubber, who opened up the tin mines, who ran the small retail shops. It was the Chinese immigrants who tackled these Herculean tasks, and created a new economy around them."
"I have not come across any people as loyal as the Chinese. The Japanese have a kind of loyalty, but it’s an uncritical, bushido type of loyalty: they are loyal even if the boss is a skunk. Unlike the Japanese, every Chinese is highly judgmental, from the most educated to the uneducated. In every Chinese village and community, moral values are drilled into each child during his or her family upbringing. They are a very clueful people. They may have lived in a village or small town in China and come to Southeast Asia totally ignorant of the world, but they picked up ideas and strategies very quickly."
"Why did the overseas Chinese survive, adapt and flourish in Southeast Asia? I say the answer lies in the great cultural strength of the Chinese. When they left their homeland, the overseas Chinese retained the culture of China in the marrow of their bones."
All the Malays, except for only a few, follow the religion of their Sultans. In wealth, most of the Malays are average if not poor but generally all of them are a happy and contented people.
ReplyDeleteIt is a fact that the Chinese are more hardworking and sneakier, and thus wealthier than the Malays, but yet they are not a happy and contented people. Only a few of them follow the religion of their Sultans or of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.
Now, they want to change the Federal Constitution and perhaps to replace it with Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Most of them do not want to acknowledge the Malay Rights and the Religion of Islam. Perhaps, they want LBGT and Octoberfest to be allowed in the constitution, and one day to be the "POTROM".
The Oaths of Office Of Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and Timbalan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong - "Wallahi; Wabillahi; Watallahi; We do solemnly and truly declare that We shall at all time protect the Religion of Islam..."
Terima kasih Allah, dan terima kasih Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Only person who changed the Constitution was Mahathir. No nons ever did that. The Constitution states there shall be freedom of religion - to you yours, to me mine
Deleteyou got it the other way round, no one wants to change the FC, in fact every person with a little intelligence would want it to remain as is, the problem arise when some clever dicks interpret or shall I say manipulate its meaning to suit their own agendas, besides the others will never have the numbers to change even the speaker's toilet seat
Delete"........but yet they are not a happy and contented people."
DeleteWho died and let you be the arbiter to judge which race, the WHOLE racial group in fact, as not 'happy' or 'contended' ?
Which leader/opinion leaders of a racial group who coined the phrase 'dengki hasat' for the Malays and would the Malays be considered having the most 'happy and contended' lives when this race have the highest numbers of drug addicts, baby-dumping, porn addiction, malingering, job unemployment, highest divorce rate, highest incidence of rapes and incest, highest corruption, and the indignity of having to be permanently on the list of handicapped hand-outs ?
As for your " Only a few of them follow the religion of their Sultans or of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong".....ask yourself WHY the non-Muslims, in spite of the RM 1 billion of taxpayers' money for Jakim to dakwah the kafirs into the Islamic folds...ask why these heathens just simply are unable to succumb to the promise of 72 virgins in heaven and drink til bust from the river of ever-flowing honeyed wine?
And let's not go into the changing of the Constitution, which btw, has been ravaged and changed more than 600 times, but definitely NOT changed by the non Muslims.
The Malays are inculcated since young to always be in deep gratitude to Allah and to be satisfied (syukur) for whatever they have got from Him, therefore, for sure you could say, most are a happy and contented people indeed.
DeleteBut of course, like other races, there are many defiant and incorrigible Malays too.
Einstein said thank you 100 times a day. "A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure as I received and am still receiving".[Albert Einstein]
"Since May 13, 1969, the Malay leadership has had one simple philosophy: the Malays need handicapping. Now, what amount of handicapping?”
ReplyDelete"I felt that, in their haste to bridge the economic gap between the Chinese and the Malays, harmful shortcuts were being taken. One of the side effects of their zeal to bridge the economic gap was that racism became increasingly ugly."
READ more on Robert Kuok's memoirs - Malaysian train on wrong track- at https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/s/24454/
'In wealth, most of the Malays are average if not poor but generally all of them are a happy and contented people.'
ReplyDeleteThat's if u have connections, been an umno elites. High on tongkat infusion, real &/or daydreaming.
Otherwise, most of the Melayu r anak-beranak ibarat kais pagi makan pagi!
Poor & happy??? What planet r u slumbering now?
"Only a few of them (Chinese) follow the religion of their Sultans or of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong."
Apa salah tu???
Under the FedConst, it's their right to confess to their own adat & beliefs. No one has to follow no one!
The Oaths of Office Of Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and Timbalan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong proclaims the following;
We........................................... Ibni........................................... Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia do hereby swear: Wallahi; Wabillahi; Watallahi; and by virtue of that oath do solemnly and truly declare that We shall justly and faithfully perform (carry out) our duties in the administration of Malaysia in accordance with its laws and constitution which have been promulgated or which may be promulgated from time to time in the future. Further We do solemnly and truly declare that We shall at all times protect the Religion of Islam and uphold the rules of law and order in the Country.
DON'T just put words into the royalties' mouths lah & pick & chose to ignore the later parts of the oath le.