Saturday, April 08, 2023



Saturday, April 8, 2023


Recall what I said the other day. The western media are just full of lies. If you depend on the western media to be informed or to help you make decisions then you would have suffered financial losses. Their misreporting about the Ukraine war, the false news about Russia, China and so much other fake news could or would have cost you plenty of mistakes and financial losses. 

Well just a day or two ago the following people travelled to Beijing to kowtow to President Xi Jinping of China.

The woman is of course Ursula Van Der Lying the president of the European Commission aka the EU. And to the extreme left is 
Emanuelle Macron, the Rothschilds employee, now seconded as acting president of France.

Why are both these people in China to meet Xi Jinping and both at the same time?

Firstly, about ten days ago the Ukrainian president said that at last he was ready to discuss peace talks over Ukraine :

His proposal - Russia had to withdraw all their troops etc - was a non starter.

Mr Putin simply said 'Nyet'. Then the Russians just went quiet. But the situation on the ground has gotten much worse for the Ukrainians. The Russians are pounding the Ukrainians to pieces.

Also about 10 days ago (or slightly earlier) 'American' war plans for an Ukrainian offensive were mysteriously "leaked". Suspicion falls on the Pentagon. Some generals in the Pentagon want it known  to the world  that there is no more hope for the Ukraine fiasco.

So does this also mean that America has declared war on Russia? 

Again the Russians just kept quiet. The Russians have the upper hand on the ground in Ukraine. 

Then two days ago the Russians turned the tables on the Americans, the UK and the EU. The Russians spooked everyone when they said this:

Russia says peace talks must focus on ‘creating new world order’
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has said any peace talks with Ukraine must focus on “creating a new world order”. Agence France-Presse quoted him as saying: “Any negotiation needs to be based on taking into account Russian interests, Russian concerns. It should be about the principles on which the new world order will be based.”

So the Russians do not want a 'band-aid solution' for Ukraine. (band-aid solution, a quick, superficial, or temporary solution to a problem that does not address or resolve the underlying cause of said problem.)

Other than basic things like Ukraine stays out of NATO, Zelenskiye has to leave town, Russia keeps all of the Donbas, all sanctions against Russia be removed, the gas exports resume again, unfreeze Russian money, pay reparations and damages for the Nordstream pipeline attack,  now Russia also wants other things like : NATO must be dismantled or US withdraws from Europe: stuff like that. Nasty.

That is what is meant by :  Any negotiation needs to be based on taking into account Russian interests, Russian concerns. It should be about the principles on which the new world order will be based

This is where China also factors into the equation. The new 'new world order'.

This is where Europe and the west are panicking. 

I saw a YouTube video where you could actually see the panic on president Macron's face as he sat with President Xi Jinping. And Ursula Van Der Lying was obviously forced to eat dim sum for lunch - she was in Beijing.  

Here is a short video. Listen to the Chinese girl in the checkered, green blouse.

That statement above by the Russian Foreign Minister Mr Sergei Lavrov came after the kow-tow meeting between Macron and Xi Jinping.

Russia says peace talks must focus on ‘creating new world order’
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has said any peace talks with Ukraine must focus on “creating a new world order”. Agence France-Presse quoted him as saying: “Any negotiation needs to be based on taking into account Russian interests, Russian concerns. It should be about the principles on which the new world order will be based.”

Ceasefire, Zelenskiye disappearing, sanctions removed, Russia keeps the Donbas etc are givens. 

The Russians want more. principles on which the new world order will be based. 

It is unlikely the Russians will ask for the impossible. In Germany their Parliamentarians are already questioning the continued need for NATO. Dismantling NATO is doable.

This is where the Chinese come in. Offering the cure. The cure is business, trade and money. The Chinese know how to make money. For everyone. The Rothschilds should be interested.

China is proving its world super power status not on the battlefield. China is a superpower at the negotiating table. 'Lets build a railroad - from my country to your country. Lets make some money

Stock market investors - this looks like an opportunity.


  1. Syed Kotak is such a stupid fool to swallow such junk wholesale.

  2. This idiot Douglas McGregor keeps reciting "Ukraine is being Erased"
    The Russian offensive around Bakhmut, intended to Erase Ukraine, has been going on around 9 months. Russia has advanced a total of 20 km in 9 months, and Bakhmut is STILL in Ukrainian hands.
    Does that sound like Ukraine is being Erased ?

    THINK , Lah, stupid fools, don't just swallow Russia and China shit wholesale.

    1. Think?

      How about why only the Wagner mercenaries r fighting in Bakhmut?

      What happens to all those commissioned Russian regular armies?


      Putin has them standby at any time to counteract that final military push to totally weakening the Russko military might!

      Stupid know-nothing Yankee myrmidon!

  3. Mfer, have u check the latest Pentagon military leaks?

    Ukraine military toll 600k+ vis-a-vis Russia 100k+ up to Jan 2023.

    This is the real time estimate of the Pentagon intelligence!

    Ooop… would u swallow the same Yankee shit wholesale?
