Saturday, April 08, 2023

Anwar, just sock it to Mahathir

COMMENT | Anwar Ibrahim should sock it to Dr Mahathir Mohamad. But no, I’m not suggesting Anwar should attack the former premier and engage in a tit-for-tat.

I just mean that the prime minister must do the necessary to keep his nemesis at bay.

Anwar has to make a forceful impression - that he means business if Mahathir continues with his relentless snaps and snipes at him and his unity government.

At this stage of the game, Anwar can authoritatively declare with confidence that the majority of Malaysians are behind him. As for the size of Mahathir’s support today, you can probably count on your fingers (add in toes to give the old man face). Even one of his sons has left the Mahathir bandwagon.

One thing is clear to all of us - as long as Mahathir is still around, he will not stop criticising Anwar at every opportunity. There will be no peace for Anwar, the old geezer will continue to breathe down his neck.

Criticising is still okay. But what Mahathir is bent on doing now is to help the opposition overthrow Anwar’s unity government. He desires to destroy a democratically elected government. That, to say the least, is evil.

Honestly, I find no joy in calling Mahathir one with evil intentions. Most of us will not have the heart to say that, considering his advanced age, public status and contributions to the nation. But he seems to be asking for it.

By joining Putra recently, Mahathir wants Malaysians to know that he is still very much on the political battlefield and this is where he will stay till his last breath. That being the case, Mahathir is still fair game.

This is my take on Mahathir. He wants to fight and his main target is Anwar and his unity government. The old man never wanted Anwar to be prime minister and there must be some ‘strange’ reasons why Mahathir is still around to see Anwar at the pinnacle of power in Putrajaya.

Mahathir does not want Anwar to succeed but we, Malaysians, do. If Mahathir thinks that he could do a Pak Lah (former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) or a Najib Abduk Razak on Anwar, then he must still be in dreamland. That will never happen.

If Mahathir wants to fight and overthrow Anwar, then the nonagenarian also has to fight the Anwar administration supporters.

We are not Anwar’s sycophants, we do not hang around the prime minister hoping to reap rewards. We are aware that Anwar is no saint; he is not perfect and will continue to make mistakes.

However, we are able to accept his flaws as long as he is focused on rebuilding the nation and giving Malaysians hope for a better future.

Anwar is the best we have now to lead the nation. He has initiated some long overdue reforms and I am particularly happy with his anti-graft crusade. I have even expressed confidence in writing that I believe Anwar will not steal.

Having a prime minister who does not steal is not something we dare to proudly declare to the world… not after we are known globally to have the biggest kleptocrat former prime minister languishing in jail for corruption.

Are Mahathir’s hands clean?

Was Mahathir also corrupt and abused his power to enrich himself, family members and cronies?

Many rumours of his alleged misdeeds have been floating around on social media for years but Mahathir didn’t bother with them.

However, following Anwar’s insinuations in a speech about a man in power for 22 years and 22 months being involved in corrupt practices, Mahathir decided to take action.

Yesterday, the prime minister’s patience must have worn out and he decided to tackle Mahathir head-on.

Anwar said he would provide evidence to Mahathir to prove that the former premier had amassed wealth to enrich himself when he was in power.

Last week, Mahathir had served Anwar a letter of demand for the prime minister to prove his claims or face legal action.

“I don’t want to fight. He has asked for proof, I will give (him) proof, no problem,” Anwar said.

It is true that Anwar was not keen to take on Mahathir ever since he was appointed prime minister in November last year.

Only recently he said that “it’s best we don’t pay attention to Mahathir and his rants” after Mahathir’s harsh criticisms of the budget.

This time, however, it’s a different ball game when there is a letter of demand involved.

I think it’s about time too for Anwar to reveal everything he knows or provide evidence of Mahathir’s alleged corrupt practices and abuse of power.

Anwar has also declared many times since he took power that no one, not even those with Tun or Tan Sri titles will be spared in his anti-graft crusade.

“There is zero tolerance for corruption in this administration. Enough of those nonsense. Enough of the daylight robbery” he had stressed.

Well and good. If Mahathir wants proof of his alleged misdeeds, it’s up to Anwar to provide the evidence. After that, the onus is on Mahathir to prove he had acted above board as PM.

I’m not sure I’m looking forward to a long-drawn battle in court involving Mahathir. But if Mahathir’s illustrious political career has to end in such an acrimonious and demeaning manner, so be it.

At the end of it all, Mahathir, Anwar and all the prime ministers, past, present or future, are not important. The nation’s and people’s interests are paramount. Let no one forget that.

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH is a veteran Sarawak editor and heads the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS). He can be reached at


  1. "Honestly, I find no joy in calling Mahathir one with evil intentions. Most of us will not have the heart to say that, considering his advanced age, public status and contributions to the nation. But he seems to be asking for it."

    Comment: I, for one will not hesitate to say the old fool has a heart black and full of hate with evil intentions towards Anwar.

    It must be really galling for the old buffoon to see Anwar become the PM despite his efforts to prevent Anwar from achieving his cherished dream.

    The old baboon will die with his eyes wide open after seeing his nemesis become PMX.

    We can hope the old fool will have to meet his maker to account for his evil deeds before the case gets to court.

  2. He's the best we have now to lead the nation, he's no Saint, we have to accept his mistakes... What a crap of bs... This is the view of the ardent supporters of the evangelical Christian party that want power by supporting the UG. Podah!

    1. Ediot, I didn't know you are a son-of-kutty arse licker.

    2. Mfer, u have forgotten that that mamak is at his last leg to finished off what he had started - the ketuanan narratives!

      He SHOULD be given all efforts to finish that " pejuangan belum selesai" mission!
