Saturday, April 11, 2020

Siti Zailah not fit to be deputy minister


MCA Youth: Siti Zailah not fit to be deputy minister

MCA Youth chief Nicole Wong has drubbed Women, Family, and Community Development Deputy Minister Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff over the latter's advice on domestic relationships.

"I am sorry to say this, but Siti Zailah isn't fit to become the deputy minister of the ministry.

"To be quiet towards a husband's abusive behaviour? This is utterly unacceptable!"
Wong tweeted this evening.

 Like her boss, Doraemon-ess (wakakaka), Siti Zailah keeps ballsing up her policies

(figuratively lah of course, wakakaka)

Yesterday, Siti Zailah (above) posted a video clip on her social media accounts where she acknowledged the movement control order might put stress on families leading to domestic violence.

In view of this, she provided three "tips" on how to defuse tensions including being appreciative, showing forgiveness and being religious.

She also said that victims of domestic abuse should contact her ministry's Talian Kasih hotline for help.

Although Siti Zailah did not overtly say women should be patient and accept and forgive their abusive partners, many critics, including social activist Marina Mahathir, have interpreted her message as such in the context of the entire video clip.

Sisters in Islam (SIS) said the underlying tone that women should remain patient, accept and forgive their partner's abusive attitude was wrong.

SIS said Siti Zailah and the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry should have been clearer in their messaging on protecting women and children from abusive husbands and fathers.


  1. Finally, little MCA starts mewing...

  2. the 1% vs 100% idiot? make her a envoy to afghanistan la, wuhan oso can.

    1. That's your main just can't stop, hehehe. If you had just stopped at "afghanistan", nobody would have thought you have this obsession with anything China. By the by, if this Siti Zailah were sent to Wuhan, she would be eaten up alive there, hehe...don't you know Chinese women in China holds up half the sky ? Got it ?

    2. 100% is abt religion so afghan suit fine, while 1% is abt a virus from wuhan which also 100% relevant. yr response thus hv 0% bearing similar to yr brain, which seem incapable to differentiate propaganda n news.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Propaganda & news¿¿????!!

      For u anything connected to bashing CCP China r news. Anything praising CCP China is propaganda.

      So simple!

      So easy to differentiate!

      Memang otak rosak.

    4. i am not one that said virus originated from usa. u n jj did.

      whats so difficult to differentiate unless brain 0%.

    5. Mfer, of course u wouldn't say that the SARS-CoV-2 originated from US lah.

      U r not that dumb even though u like to shoot from the mouth with little knowledge! But u do mention thousands of time about SARS-CoV-2 originated from Wuhan. Don't twist yr tongue (pen) now & keep silence.

      Based on the latest Cambridge Uni genome tracing study, there r MORE evidences pointing to the fact that SARS-CoV-2 didn't originated from Wuhan!

      Mfer, get yr 台毒水炮 & u to apologize lah for yr incessantly farts about yr fake Wuhan virus.

      In fact, soon there will be a scientific report to repudiate that SARS-CoV-2 isn't lab incubated.

      I will upload that report, sourced from the Dark Web, to further drown out mfers who have been trying all out to blacken China.

      Wait for it!

      And make sure u get yrselF,台毒水炮 & the rest of the dugung selubang to celebrate our brainless day of infinity. It's NOT difficult, just dig deeper into that shithole ONLY!

    6. Well, let's wait for more research regarding the origin of this virus before you talk about "brain 0"

      Cambridge University yesterday published a paper that Covid19 Type A is the root cause of the virus outbreak, and Type A appears in the United States and Australia. The virus that appears in Wuhan belongs to Type B, which is derived from Type A mutation. This paper was published in the Proceedings of The American Academy of Sciences.

      The report pointed out that the new coronavirus is divided into three variants : A, B and C. Type A viruses are more commonly found in infected people in the United States and Australia. There are only a few cases of Class A in Wuhan, and they come from Americans who had lived in Wuhan. Type A is most similar to viruses extracted from bats and pangolins. Researchers call the class A virus " the root of the outbreak".

      Type B strains are the main type in China (re Wuhan) and have not spread out of East Asia. Class C viruses are the main type in Europe. Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea all have this type. It was not found in mainland China.

      The researchers believe that strain Type C evolved from Type B, and Type B evolved from Type A ( the 'daughter of Type A' ).

      Original address :

  3. I watched the video, it was actually quite good.

    Perhaps poor Nicole was a little sore that she didn't get the Deputy Minister's job after Hannah's blazing performance (she would have to be made Senator first)..ha ha ha...

    But this apology just makes the Jellyfish Party that Minister Wee KHAT Siong leads even weaker within BN/PN.

    MCA's Nicole Wong apologises to Siti Zailah for 'hasty' criticism
    11 Apr 2020

    PETALING JAYA: MCA Youth chief Nicole Wong issued an apology to Deputy Women and Family Development Minister Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff for her earlier criticism of the latter’s video on social media.

    She had previously criticised Siti Zailah over the deputy minister’s suggestions on easing tensions within the family during the movement control order (MCO).

    Wong said in a statement on her Facebook on Saturday (April 11) that she had earlier read an article on a news portal, in which Siti Zailah’s video was slammed for allegedly sending out the wrong message on how women should handle domestic abuse.

    Upon viewing the original video, she found that Siti Zailah had actually offered holistic advice in managing household conflict.

    She added that she had been too hasty in her judgment and that her mistake was hers alone and does not reflect the stand of her party.

  4. Jellyfish Minister Wee KHAT Siong used to mock Guanee, saying he was unqualified to be a powerful FM, only a "provisional accountant".

    That being the case he should also explain Baby Jellyfish Nicole Wong's education "credentials"....

    Self-proclaimed “heaven arrangement” Wee Ka Siong should first investigate bogus degree within MCA – Is the MBA from University West Coast of Panama obtained by MCA Youth Chief Nicole Wong a bogus and unauthorised degree?

    Wee Ka Siong said at a Chinese New Year open house in Penang last night on the recent bogus degree issue that it is not that he is great, but it was “heaven arrangement” that he expose the recent bogus degree fiasco.

    Is Wee Ka Siong so desperate that he now needs to resort to mystical explanation to strengthen his own argument. I urge Wee Ka Siong to stop putting gold on his face and if he is really “heaven arrangement” for him to expose the bogus degree, he should first clean his own house within MCA.

    Can Wee Ka Siong explain to the people if the MBA obtained by MCA Youth Chief Nicole Wong from University West Coast of Panama is a bogus or unauthorized degree? Is this MBA recognized by Malaysia Qualification Agency(MQA)?

    The West Coast University Panama whose credentials are suspect and not recognised by the National Council of University Assessment and Accreditation (CONEAUPA) in Panama. It is also listed as one of the universities which are ‘unauthorised schools’ and which issues ‘invalid degrees’ by the state of Oregon in the US.

    “In March 2007 a Bangladesh online newspaper reported that the nation’s education ministry and University Grants Commission had found that West Coast University was operating illegally in Bangladesh and the education ministry was seeking to sue the institution for offering bachelor’s degree courses without government authorization.

    Wee Ka Siong boasted that there is no bogus degree that could escape his eyes. I urge Wee Ka Siong to make true to his words and scan through MCA Youth Chief Nicole Wong’s University West Coast of Panama MBA and tell the people if this is a bogus and unauthorized degree!


    Useless Nicole walks back everything....

    Of course, can't blame her or her MCA party.
    Both have no Lam-Pah.
