Sunday, December 29, 2024

US reckless spending


US homelessness spikes to record high, soaring rents and wages stagnation fuelling crisis

Nearly 150,000 children experienced homelessness on a single night this year — a 33 percent jump over 2023 — the report said.

Children under the age of 18 were the age group seeing the biggest surge in homelessness between 2023 and 2024.


kt remarks:

Level of debt and poverty achieved by wankee reckless spending on wars, arms, financial aid to warlike Lord & Master and financed provocations in world wide conflicts


  1. 60% of the US Federal budget comprises mandatory domestic social spending -Social Security old age pensions, Medicare and Medicaid for low income and pensioners.
    Aid to Ukraine and Israel is barely a blip in the Federal Budget.Cutting them to 0.0 would hardly make any significant difference in the deficit.

    The key problem with the deficit is their Billionaires like Elon (fake MAGA) and Jeff Bezos and Billion dollar corporations that use loopholes to pay little or no tax.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Mfer, have u confidently double checked with yr American associates of that AM trade chamber to fart?

      Or as usual u just release!
