PAS’s over-reaction to “Jingle Bells” proves it cannot govern Malaysia
By Corruption Watch

THE holiday season is magical! Except that the twinkling lights and the scent of warm baked desserts are spoilt by the sudden Christmas carols “Jingle Bells” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” which are a harbinger of doom, according to some members of PAS Youth.
Yes, you read that right: in 2024; these two cheerful songs about sleigh rides, snow and good tidings have been declared a threat to Islamic values by PAS Youth. Because who could possibly endure the horrors of Christmas carols, right?
In a full meltdown, PAS Youth’s vice-chief Muhammad Hanif Jamaluddin recently freaked out on Facebook to express his outrage over a Christmas carol performance at the Housing and Local Government Ministry’s office in Putrajaya.
Seorang lagi pemimpin DAP tidak menghormati agama Islam!!
Menteri DAP Kementerian Pembangunan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) secara terbuka mengadakan sambutan Hari Krismas di premis kerajaan dan melibatkan staf dikalangan umat Islam!!
Sebagai seorang menteri seharusnya beliau tahu dan faham bahawa umat Islam diHARAMkan untuk terlibat secara langsung dalam perayaan agama lain yang bertentangan dengan akidah Islam. ¹
...See moreA few Muslim staff members were filmed on camera enjoying the carollers happily serenading them with the two secular holiday tunes, neither of which mention Jesus Christ, the Christian faith or anything religious.
According to Hanif this was an unforgivable violation of religious boundaries. After all, participating in a Christmas performance – even just as a passive observer – could only be described as a full-on crisis for one’s akidah (faith).
‘Wiping out cultural diversity’
Let’s break this down. Hanif is claiming that the very act of Muslims attending a Christmas carol performance is “haram” and is a challenge to their Islamic faith.
Forget that the carols were about snow and reindeer; to Jamaluddin, these melodies were surely secretly encoded with a conspiracy to convert Muslims to Christianity.
Even though the ministry never forced its Muslim staff to join the carolling event, a song about a sleigh ride through the snow is apparently just one note away from apostasy, according to some PAS officials.
As backdrop, Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming had wanted to celebrate the “Madani” and multi-religious nature of Malaysia by hosting the jolly even. He went on to praise the efforts of his staff for making the best-decorated lobby in all the ministries.
The irony here is hysterical. PAS, a party that declares itself to be the guardian of Islamic values, is now presenting itself as the decider of what songs Muslims can or cannot hear.
One can only wonder: Does the sound of a Christmas carol really pose such a threat to PAS? Should we start screening songs for potential haram content, just in case “Jingle Bells” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” secretly promote a Christian agenda? Maybe next PAS will declare “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” a vast conspiracy, as well.
Not qualified to rule Malaysia
As Melaka DAP Youth chief Cassel Krishnan pointed out, “Go to any public space in Malaysia in December, for example, a shopping mall, and we will naturally hear songs and see Christmas-themed decorations. Under PAS’s stance, should all this be banned?”
Sudah sangat jelas, kalau PAS diberikan kuasa, mereka akan cuba mengharamkan aktiviti-aktiviti beragama bukan Islam diamalkan di tempat awam.
KPKT tidak memaksa pegawai atau tetamu beragama Islam untuk "menyertai" secara aktif dalam acara Carolling. Tetapi pendirian PAS adalah "dihiburkan" pun tak boleh. Maksudnya orang beragama Islam tidak boleh mendengar apa-apa lagu atau melihat apa-apa acara bukan Islam?
Kalau kita ke mana-mana pasaraya di Malaysia pada bulan Disember, ki...
See moreWhat’s truly revealing here, however, is that PAS has showed that it will never to be able to govern Malaysia.
Bigoted UMNO extremists like its Youth chief Datuk Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh are no better, but the terrified response from many PAS supporters to “Jingle Bells” uncovers a deep insecurity in their understanding of Malaysia.
If a simple Christmas carol can be considered an urgent matter of national concern, then perhaps PAS needs to re-think its priorities.
Malaysia is a country built on its diverse cultures and religions. There are far more pressing issues at hand, like the economy, healthcare and education. But why focus on the complex problems of governance when you can get outraged over festive holiday songs?
When Malaysians mocked PAS for their overreaction, PAS members whinged that they were only following fatwa guidelines.
But the reality is, if PAS continues to treat harmless cultural expressions like Christmas carols as existential threats which only highlight PAS’ on-going inability to govern in a modern society.
In the end, it’s not Christmas carols that are the problem – it’s extremism and close-mindedness that keeps Malaysia from fully progressing forward.
So, the next time PAS hears a happy holiday jingle, they might want to take a deep breath, stop crying for a moment, enjoy the festive cheer and remember that the world won’t end with a few notes of “jingle all the way”.
There are far more important things for PAS to worry about. Like, of course, running a country. – Dec 30, 2024
Corruption Watch is a reader of Focus Malaysia.
Jingle Bells is a very dangerous tune.