Monday, December 30, 2024

Kalau Putrajaya Kehilangan 30-40% Hasil Minyak, Ketuanan Melayu Akan Melayang, Naik Gaji & Pencen Penjawat Awam Semua Tergoyang


Monday, December 30, 2024

Kalau Putrajaya Kehilangan 30-40% Hasil Minyak, Ketuanan Melayu Akan Melayang, Naik Gaji & Pencen Penjawat Awam Semua Tergoyang


All this is happening because the pemimpin fellows are refusing to do what is good for the people. Instead they are continuing with the monopolies, the oligopolies, the cronyism, the favoritism, the huge contracts (RM16.5 billion, RM15 billion) which will suck up public funds (duit rakyat) or suck the consumers dry (monopoly service providers etc). 

The entire system is geared to make the elites richer. The people can eat cake.

Here is a Tik Tok video from Sarawak. The young man says many things. The important thing is this is what is being said at the ground level. The young people are getting fed up. You have to click on the link :

There is plenty of comment about Sarawak, Petros and their demand for Sarawak to keep their share of Sarawak oil and gas revenues.

  • could lose portion of oil revenue to Petros if Petros takes over the role of sole gas aggregator in Sarawak: 
  • Revenue loss : Some say 30–40% of petroleum revenue could go to Petros. 28% of Putrajaya's revenue is from oil and gas.

Capital spending in oil and gas could be affected. Gas drilling accounts for 22% of domestic capital expenditure. 

Upstream operations could be reduced.

The Sarawak government wants to make Petros the sole gas aggregator in the state to restore its autonomy over natural resources. This would give Sarawak higher compensation for the oil and gas extracted from its territory. 

My Comments :

These donkeys do not seem to care. They do not understand that in 2018 the people threw out the unworkable and failed Dasar Ekonomi Baru into the trash bin. After 63 years the people said enough is enough.

Dr Mahathir 2.0 appeared in 2018. Dr M 2.0 made absolutely no change to the broken system which he created. Dr M 2.0 wanted to continue with the broken system which just got UMNO (his party) kicked out of power. So Dr M 2.0 lasted 22 months then he got kicked out.  (Later in 2022 Dr M 2.0 would lose his deposit in Langkawi).  

Tan Sri Muhyiddin took over from Dr M 2.0. Tan Sri Muhyiddin also got canned after more than a year. The same thing happened - he did not change any of the failed policies of the previous 65 years.

He was replaced by Ismail Sabri - who lasted also for over a year. Sabri did not make a single change in any of the policies which had failed the country for the previous 66 years. Again Sabri also got canned.

And it continues. 

  • In 2023 across SIX state elections the PH contested about 245 State seats. 
  • They won only about 77 seats (lebih kurang ok, I got no time to double check). 
  • Out of these 77 seats 34 seats were won in Selangor and 19 seats in Penang 
  • Both being their 'home grounds'. 
  • In Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan the PH got kicked in the butt.
  • UMNO contested 108 seats and got wiped out. 
  • They won only 19 State seats. 
  • The PKR won about 43 seats (again mostly in two states ie Selangor and Penang).

These clowns do not realise that you have ALL lost the support from the people because you have NOT CHANGED any of the 54 year old FAILED policies which got you kicked outin the first place.

Abang Johari in Sarawak is going to win big in the next Sarawak elections. Maybe a 100% landslide. He has abolished racial quotas for entry into universities in Sarawak. This includes government universities funded by Putrajaya. 

On the Semenanjung they are still wasting time with this really 'membikin kita bodoh' policy. Now it has come to the stage where students are being murdered on campuses and professors are sending naked selfies to students !!

Dr Mahathir is wasting time talking about signboards written in Chinese. Hello Tun how about signboards written in Nepali and Myanmarese? The reason is corruption. 24 years ago my wife and I went to the bandaraya fellows to apply for our kedai emas signboard permit. They refused to approve our application. 'Ini tak betul encik, itu tak boleh encik'. We were at our wits end. It was just a stupid signboard. What was so difficult about approving a permit for a signboard. Then we figured it out. You dont go to the bandaraya fellows by yourself. Memang tak layan. You hire the signboard contractor (aka the syarikat advertising). They will get it done for you. Instead of paying less than  RM100 directly to the bandaraya we had to pay the syarikat advertising a few hundred Ringgit. After the 'satu untuk kau, dua untuk aku' the bandaraya fellows approved it in no time. Considering the thousands of applications for signboard permits can you figure out how much corruption money is involved just from signboard permits alone?

That is how the Nepalese and Myanmar fellows put up their signboards (they all have approvals) in Nepali and Myanmar language. Semua sudah bayar. Hello YB Kuda Liar please double check - all the Chinese language, Nepali and Myanmar language signboards have approvals. Semua sudah bayar.

So at the ground level, at the level of the man in the street nothing has changed. Things are perhaps getting worse. 

Only the rich are getting richer. Today I saw a photograph showing a private jet arriving in Langkawi. That fellow got off the plane. The caption said the  jet belongs to the helicopter contract. Super kaya raya.

If there is an election next week these people are not going to win. Do they care? Not at all. For them it is just never ending 'pukul habis'. If they get caught, they can get the charges dropped, DNAA, sentences reduced or even released from jail. They dont have to worry.

In the meantime they have to be creative to cling on to their perch. So they have to make concessions, they have to make deals, etc.

Except that this type of wheeling and dealing will break down very fast. So Abang Johari will likely get his 30% or 40% oil and gas revenue. 

If that happens there will be many new billionaires in Sarawak. That is Step No. 1. How do you say 'Saya sudah kaya' in Foo Chow?

Step 2 is Ketuanan Melayu in the Semenanjung will get thrown out of the bus. If they lose 30% - 40% oil revenues, mampos depa. Even the biasiswa kerajaan might disappear. Chairman GLC may have to call Grab taxi. No more chauffeur driven Mercedes.

Step 3 is the loss in revenue must be replaced. They must find new money. Just borrow lah. Just issue more bonds. Just get EPF to use more employees contributions to buy the bonds. Or get KWAP to use pensioners money to buy the bonds. Hutang kerajaan akan naik lebih tinggi daripada Gunung Kinabalu.

All this can be avoided if the ruling party (whoever that may be) can win big at the elections. Then you can tell Abang Johari to keep quiet and sit down. How can you win big? Such an easy question.

1. Abolish all the gomen granted monopolies and oligopolies - rice import, motor vehicle APs, import taxes on vehicles, banking oligopoly, GLC monopolies etc.
2. Abolish all those thieving toll collections. They are stealing from the rakyat.
3. Abolish all the racial quotas everywhere (even the Malays disagree with them)
4. Get rid of the religious morons. Dont give public funds to the religious morons.
5. Stop the corruption.
6. Reform the education system - from tadika to university. How to reform? No ghetto-isation of education. A school is not a religious or racial ghetto. 

Plus many more.  Change the whole system.

If you dont then three things can happen :

1. you cannot win the elections. Or you cannot form the gomen.
2. Abang Johari will get his 30% - 40% oil revenue.
3. Tan Sri Chairman of the GLC cannot marry the second or third wife.

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