Sunday, October 09, 2022

‘U.S. aims to turn Taiwan into giant arms depot’

‘U.S. aims to turn Taiwan into giant arms depot’


SEE THAT HEADLINE? “U.S. Aims to Turn Taiwan Into Giant Weapons Depot”.

This is not from the news spoof website called The Onion. This is an ACTUAL HEADLINE in the New York Times today.

The article doesn’t present this as a bizarre and incredibly dangerous thing to do. It presents it as an ordinary news item. The UK royal family has a new dog, Kanye West said something about something, and, by the way, the U.S. is aiming to Turn Taiwan Into a Giant Weapons Depot.

America will “transform Taiwan into a porcupine, an entity bristling with armaments”, the paper reports. The New York Times argument is that more guns means more safety – a principle that almost every other country in the world knows is not true.

But read between the lines and it’s just the western media doing it’s thing, which is drumming up customers for weapons firmss. “US officials are discussing how to streamline the sale-and-delivery process,” the paper says.

The West is pushing the line that peace is everybody in the world living in a westernized system. But that’s not peace – peace is when people all over the planet can have their own cultures while living in harmony.

No need for guns.


  1. There is nothing wrong, and everything right with aiding the people of Taiwan defend their self-determination.
    If Nury Vittachi can't accept that, that is his problem.

    1. Nothing wrong? What about this?

      The Texas Republicans are pushing for a referendum to decide whether the state should secede from the U.S.

      Can China extend all sort of aids to aid the people of Texas to fight for their self-determination?

      Of course not because it's against the UN Charter Article 2 so it is the same by US action US is breaking the rules of which itself has committed to observe.

    2. Stupid Idiots Guide to the difference between Texas and Taiwan.
      Texas -voluntarily joined the United States Of America 1845.
      USA has exercised Federal Rule over Texas for 177 years.

      Taiwan -absolutely rejects any forced attempt by the China Communist Party to exercise rule over Taiwan.

      Amount of time the Communist Party of China has exercised rule over Taiwan
      0 Years, 0 hours , 0 minutes , 0 seconds

    3. Self-determination for Taiwan ? Then why the hue and cry about the Donbass region which was crying out for self-determination prior to the the recent vote to become part of Russia ?

      This is the Orwellian doublethink so typical of the shameless hypocrites.

    4. Wakakakaka…

      Another demonstration of this mfer's nationhood blurriness!

      Texas joined US in a form of federated state. It's an independent jurisdiction holding it's own sovereignty. Thus, like to Scotland of that pommiefied UK, it has all the right to call for the secession to leave the federated states of US - irrespective of how long that Union has been bonded.

      Taiwan, since the recorded Chinese history - older than the oft-quoted period of Qing&Ming periods has been part of the China territory!

      Where r yr unsubstantiated diarrhea that "Amount of time the Communist Party of China has exercised rule over Taiwan
      0 Years, 0 hours , 0 minutes , 0 seconds"?

      The CPC has overwhelming support of the Chinese populace in China to be the current ruling administration holding the sovereign right on all Chinese territories?

      Ooop… btw do u know how yr fart of "Amount of time the Communist Party of China has exercised rule over Taiwan
      0 Years, 0 hours , 0 minutes , 0 seconds" comes about?

      The 台毒 katak r reinventing the theory of a Japanese warmongering politician in blasting make-believe his-story of China has NEVER exercise any administrative control over Taiwan.

    5. Shameless hypocrite is so apt.

      While both Texas and Taiwan want to be independent is one thing, how they joined their mother country is another and whether their mother country agree to their independent is yet another. To argue that Communist Party of China has never rule over Taiwan is just a desperate moronic brainless diversion. Both the China Mainland and Taiwan constitutions have been written, on one side Taiwan is part of Mainland China and on the other side Mainland China is part of Taiwan.

      Since 1683 Taiwan was officially a prefecture of Fujian province, Mainland China, this is 339 years ago, much longer than your 177 years.

  2. The porcupine can still be crush by a heavy rock without so much of a sweat. So far the Tsai govn has been hostile and stupid and doesnt look like its gonna stop. There's also noises made by some of the Taiwanese about how their National day is celebrated which is muted with colours such as white that do not represent the Chinese culture. They claimed it should instead be red. White is related to funeral rites, red is for prosperity and happiness, they did not miss that white seemed to be the favourite colours of the Japanese, probably giving some credence to the whispers of Japanese influence within the power structures in Taiwan(explains the hostilities) and I am not sure if that is some conspiracy theory seeing the interfering political moves of the Japanese govn and how the Chinese govn are reacting to the Japanese nosing around Taiwanese matters.
