Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Israelite (Israeli) religion lives on till today


The ancient Israelite religion consisted of Canaanite gods such as El, the ruler of the pantheon, ...


... Asherah, his consort, and ...


... Baal. 

Yahweh is described as one of the sons of El in Deuteronomy 32:8–9 ...


... but this verse was eventually removed.

The True Identity of YAHWEH

The cult of YHWH as god of metallurgy originated among semi-nomadic copper smelters between the Bronze and Iron Age, suggests biblical scholar: And he was not worshipped only by Jews.

Around 3,200 years ago, the great empires around the Mediterranean and the Middle East suddenly imploded. The Egyptians retreated from Canaan and the copper mines of Timna in the Negev, skulking back to the banks of the Nile. 

And in the arid wastes of southern Canaan, a new power arose. The Timna mines were taken over by semi-nomadic tribes, which set up a mining operation that dwarfed the previous Egyptian industry. This new desert kingdom would leave its mark on the main building at Timna: the Egyptian temple of Hathor, protector of miners. 

Dandara’s Temple of Hathor 

The new masters smashed the effigy of the Egyptian deity – leaving the fragments to be found by archaeologists more than 3,000 years later – and set up over the ruins of the temple a tent sanctuary, judging by the remains of heavy red and yellow fabric found in the 1970s. 

There they worshipped a new god, one that had no apparent name or face. That miners' god was none other than the deity known by the four Hebrew letters YHWH, who would become the God of the Jews.

Another story that lead to the evolution of Yahweh :
The origin of “Gods name” YHWH is found in the worlds most ancient writings – the Sumerian Epics of Gilgamesh. In one of five epics, the hero-king Gilgamesh travels to God’s Mountain to slay the Beast. The name of the Beast in original Sumerian is “Huwawa”.

Hebrew pronunciation: YA – HUWAH
Ancient pronunciation: YE-HUWAWA

Disturbing is it? Yes, to those who have the slightest interest in religion, this is very disturbing indeed, as it shows that the Hebrew God YHWH is not the most high creator of universe, but quite the opposite, the Beast.

In another version, on the same Kish Tablets, Gilgamesh is killing “The Bull of Heaven”. It is most likely that Huwawa and this Bull is the same mythological figure, namely the astrological star sign of Taurus.

The age of Taurus was between 4320 BC and 2160 BC, precisely the same period as the Sumerian culture. By killing the Bull, Gilgamesh put an end to the age of Taurus, and welcomed the age of Aries the Ram (the age of Judah)

By these words you might recognize another biblical story about the tribe of Dan, accused of worshiping a golden calf. From this point of view, Moses was angered by the simple fact that the Age of Taurus was actually over, and that the people of Dan now had to worship Aries the Ram instead. It is not really about idolatry, and the people of Dan should be accused of this no longer.

According to the Bible, Yahweh is the only god who created heaven and earth and nobody else is like him. However, contrary to the claims of traditional Judeochristian theology, modern biblical scholarship reveals another story. In reality, jehovitic monotheism was quite a late invention in the history of the Hebrew people and has its origin in the 7th century BCE according to the academic consensus.

In fact, the biblical deity begins his life in the Hebrew Bible under the name El and sometimes its plural form Elohim, and later adopts the epithet Yahweh when he presents himself to Moses for the first time on Mount Horeb. In other words, Yahweh is not a personal name but rather a divine title which can be translated as 'he who makes exist' or 'he who creates'.

El was regarded as the highest deity of the ancient semitic pantheon and revered as the Father of all the Elohim together with his consort Asherah. His divine sons, known as the Bene ha Elohim or 'sons of the gods', included semitic gods such as Baal, Kothar-wa-Khasis, Ashtarte and Mot. 

These sons of the divine couple of El and Asherah would later be turned into fallen angels, the Sons of God, in Genesis 6:2 and also in the apocryphal Enochian literature in accordance with the new monotheistic theology (Day, 2002iv; Smith, 2003v). 

In the pre-Israelite Canaanite religion El was known by the divine title El dū yahwī ṣaba’ôt whose meaning is 'El who creates the hosts (armies)' (Miller, 2000vi).

In the semitic religion El was represented by a solar disk often with wings whose center contained a pointed star. In the Book of Amos we read that the god whom the Hebrews worshiped was represented by a kind of star (Amos 5:26). Likewise, the Sumerian god Anu was represented by the same pointed star inside a solar disk.

In the semitic religion, El, just like his Greek equivalent Kronos, was associated with the planet Saturn. The bloodcurdling truth is that Judaism has always been a cult of Saturn from its beginning. The sacred day of El-Yahweh is Saturday, the day of Saturn, called Diēs Saturnī in Latin and Kronía in classical Greek. Many people know that Sabbath (Saturday) comes from Shabbath whose meaning is 'day of rest', but very few people know that this Hebrew root shares its etymology with the ancient term Shabbathai, the name of the god and the planet Saturn in Hebrew.

From all these what we understand is that on the making of Yahweh, the attributes of Anu and Kronus was also included into El and confused to Yahweh. From this the worshipers of Yahweh wanted to create a complete God out of the war lord, mining god El.
So they renamed El as Yahweh and made him the so called ONE GOD.

Yahweh's policy of obscurantism doesn't stop there. The Mosaic law forbids any kind of spiritual knowledge from magic and divination to communication with familiar spirits or interdimensional entities (Leviticus 19:26; 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:10-12). 

Why did Yahweh fear so much that he forbade people to communicate with interdimensional beings? The answer is that Yahweh was scared that humans have contact with their ancestral gods and know the truth about his true identity.

Animal sacrifices especially of cattle and even of babies were common in ancient Israelites societies - eg. Jephthah sacrificing his daughter to YHWH, Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac to same god (see article by Bible scholar Tzemah Yoreh - read, ...

Abraham sacrificing Isaac to YHWH

The true version by Jewish Biblical scholar Tzemah Yoreh had Isaac truly sembileh

Jephthah sacrificing daughter to YHWH

... and the subtle reference to such in Exodus 12:29:

And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.

YHWH slaughtering all Egyptian first born, even if they were innocent

The Israelites had a votive ceremony called 'olah' consisting of offering burning sacrifices to YHWH eg. apart from offering babies to be burnt in 'olah', King Josiah made votive offerings of burning slaughtered human beings to YHWH a la:

"Josiah slaughtered all the priests of those high places on the altars and burned human bones on them." 

- 2 Kings 23:20

King Josiah making 'olah' sacrifices to YHWH

It was a pagan religion which is relived today in the genocidal bombardment of Gaza. Israeli authorities offering lots of 'olah' to their god.

The faces of some Palestinian children killed by Israel in Gaza


  1. Care to post the photos of the Israeli Children and Babies killed by Palestinian terrorists?

    1. Ditto with more of those Palestinians children & women!
