Monday, December 18, 2023

Politically-inclined RPK’s daughter Raja Sara wants to know what game is DAP playing

Politically-inclined RPK’s daughter Raja Sara wants to know what game is DAP playing

PUTERI UMNO exco member Raja Sara Petra is wondering what is the motive of DAP for calling for local council elections starting with Kuala Lumpur so soon after the party’s retired supremo Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang having upset the Malays by stating that the Federal Constitution allows a non-Malay to become the Malaysian Prime Minister (PM).

Since every Malaysian is aware that the Federal Constitution does not state that the PM must be Malay or Muslim – or a male for that matter – the daughter of fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin asked what is the need then to state the obvious?

“It’s like stating that water is wet. Everyone knows that. In fact, (twice former premier) Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has said the same thing years ago,” she posted in a opinion that appeared on the Malaysia Today Facebook page (Editor’s note: Her father is editor of Malaysia Today).

“Did Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang come out with that statement in Manchester to test the waters? Is he trying to see what the reaction will be? Or does he already know what the reaction would be and was just provoking a response, throwing the cat among the pigeons as the English would say.”

As for local Council elections that was mooted by Kuala Lumpur DAP chairman Tan Kok Wai yesterday (Dec 17), Raja Sara who is also the Batu division Puteri UMNO chief expressed concern that it would
 widen the rift between the Malays and the non-Malays.

Raja Sara Petra

“Obviously, the non-Malays would sweep all the seats in the towns and cities because the non-Malays dominate the urban areas,” contended Terengganu-born Raja Sara who claimed to be exposed to politics at an early age while “watching her father get arrested and go in and out of jail”.

“And the Malays would be left with the feeling that they have no place in the urban areas which was what triggered the May 13, 1969 riots in the first place.”

Added Raja Sara: “Since 1969, the government has put in a lot of effort to move Malays into the urban areas. That was why places such as Shah Alam, Subang Jaya, Taman Tun Dr Ismail and many more were created so that Malays are not confined to the kampung while the non-Malays dominate the towns.

“If the non-Malays dominate the local councils, this will dismantle 50 years of work by the government to remove Malay and non-Malay ghettos which was the cause of May 13.” – Dec 18, 2023


  1. The rotten fruit Sara does not fall far from the rotten tree RPK.

  2. The troublemakers anak pendatangs should be banished from Tanah Melayu especially those who have been conferred titles by the raja2 Melayu.

    1. Troublemaker?

      How about a melayu palsu like u been banished from Golden Chersonese!

      Ooop… u know not of this name!
