Sunday, December 03, 2023

PN MP Doubles Down on Cancellation Calls, Targets Upcoming Beauty Pageant

PN MP Doubles Down on Cancellation Calls, Targets Upcoming Beauty Pageant

Debate on Cultural Sensitivities vs. Economic Prospects: Parliamentary Discourse Over Beauty Pageant's Suitability - Photo credit: NST

A Member of Parliament affiliated with the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition, Muhammad Ismi Mat Taib (PN-Parit), recently made headlines again, this time raising objections against the upcoming Miss World Noble Queen 2023 pageant scheduled for the following month. This development emerged during a session discussing the 2024 Supply Bill (2024 Budget) at the committee level for the Tourism, Arts, and Culture Ministry (Motac) within the Dewan Rakyat.

Citing the ongoing strife in Palestine and the current monsoon season affecting the region, Muhammad Ismi expressed reservations about the suitability of holding the beauty pageant amidst these circumstances. He emphasized the significance of honouring Islamic values, particularly in a predominantly Muslim society where Islam holds the status of the official religion. Stressing the need to abstain from events perceived as contrary to Islamic morals, Muhammad Ismi voiced concern about the potential immorality (maksiat) associated with such events.

However, his stance met with opposition from Datuk Willie Mongin (Puncak Borneo-GPS), who urged Muhammad Ismi to retract his statement. Mongin emphasized the importance of celebrating diversity and contended that such events would not disrupt the harmony among different religious communities. He cautioned against associating these events with impending doom or linking them to religious contexts.

Teresa Kok (PH-Seputeh) took a different perspective, highlighting the economic potential of international events like beauty pageant. She underscored the ability of such events to drive revenue through increased tourism and business opportunities. Kok advocated for a non-interference approach, considering the event as a private initiative that should not be needlessly disrupted.

Muhammad Ismi defended his position, reiterating the potential conflict between Islamic values and the nature of beauty pageants, pointing out concerns about participants exposing their "aurat" and wearing revealing attire. He advocated exploring alternative avenues within the tourism sector that would align more closely with Islamic values.

The parliamentary discussion unveiled a diversity of opinions on the matter, showcasing a clash between cultural sensitivities, economic prospects, and differing viewpoints on the compatibility of international events with societal and religious norms.


  1. Muslims are already barred from participating in beauty pagents in Malaysia.
    Islam being the official religion does not mean any and all activities that non-Muslim take part in , which may be forbidden to Muslims become proscribed for the entire country.
    Down that road is a Theocracy where everything must be according to Syaria.
    Why have to emulate Iran and Pakistan, two examples among the most fucked-up countries in the world ?

  2. Can someone tell this assholes that Malaysia is not an Islamic Republic!
