Sunday, December 17, 2023

Anthony Loke: DAP CEC yet to decide action on state exco Ng Suee Lim’s acceptance of Datukship

Anthony Loke: DAP CEC yet to decide action on state exco Ng Suee Lim’s acceptance of Datukship

DAP secretary-general Antony Loke said a decision will be finalised in the next CEC meeting on Datuk Ng Suee Lim’s acceptance of the state award that carried the ‘Datuk’ title which was a breach of party policy. — Picture by Hari Anggara

Sunday, 17 Dec 2023 1:05 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 17 — DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke said today the party’s central executive committee (CEC) has yet to decide on state lawmaker Datuk Ng Suee Lim’s acceptance of state honours from Selangor Ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

Acknowledging the matter, Loke said a decision will be finalised in the next CEC meeting on Ng’s acceptance of the state award that carried the “Datuk” title which was a breach of party policy.

“Yes it was discussed and I have asked him (Ng) to bring the matter to Selangor DAP. We will discuss in the next CEC meeting (on the appropriate action to be taken),” he told reporters briefly at the FT KL DAP 2023 annual convention here.

Upon the conferment of the title, Ng said he had informed the party’s leadership before accepting it.

Ng, who is the Selangor exco for local government and tourism, also refused to delve further into the matter but not before stating that the matter would be left to the party’s leadership.

In 2018, DAP formalised a policy for party leaders to decline titles while still in active politics after four members received state honours carrying the title of “Datuk”.

Last October, the party reprimanded two Sabah DAP leaders, namely Chan Foong Hin and Phoong Jin Zhe, for violating the party’s policy for accepting the state award in conjunction with Sabah Governor Tun Juhar Mahiruddin’s birthday.

Chan, who is the Kota Kinabalu MP, is a Sabah DAP committee member, while Phoong is the Luyang assemblyman as well as the party’s state secretary.


  1. Haiya. One person can get the Tan Sri title but another cannot accept Datuk title? Hypocrites.

    1. Thus the f*cking understatement from a palsu Ketuanan Freak!
